1000 Books Before Kindergarten Awarded


Congratulations to Kynlee Steffen, daughter of Brad and Jackie Steffen, Hartington.

She just completed the “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” program at the Hartington Public Library. She received a medal and certificate, a prize and a free book from the library for her reading accomplishment.

Kynlee is 4 years old and a regular visitor to the library. Some of Kynlee’s favorite books are books about “Frozen” the movie. She loves to participate in our afterschool StoryHour, where making crafts to take home are fun! She will be attending kindergarten in the Fall of 2017.

This program was launched to instill the love of reading, get children ready for school, and to encourage more parent/child library visits. Books are logged and prizes are awarded along the way.

One of the best ways to encourage pre-reading skills is to spend time sharing books each and every day! Reading provides a solid foundation, a key to school and learning success. When you, as a parent, read to your child, you help him or her develop the skills they will need to learn to read by themselves.

If you are interested in learning more about this reading adventure for your child, please stop by or call the Hartington Public Library at 402-254-6245.



1000 Books Before Kindergarten Awarded


IMG_20150930_210105The library would like to congratulate Dylan Heikes, son of Jason and Pam Heikes who recently completed the “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” program. Dylan is a regular library visitor and likes coming to our afterschool Story Hour program. He loves all of our Mutant Ninja Turtle books and also the Betty Bunny series. He received a medal, certificate and new book for his reading accomplishment. Dylan will be attending Kindergarten in the fall of 2016.

This program was developed to instill the love of reading, get children ready for school, and to encourage more parent/child library visits. Books are logged and prizes are awarded along the way. One of the best ways to encourage pre-reading skills is to spend time sharing books each and every day! Reading provides a solid foundation, a key to school and learning success. When you, as
a parent, read to your child, you help him or her develop the skills
they will need to learn to read by themselves.


If you are interested in learning more about this reading journey for your child, please stop by or call the Hartington Public Library at 402-254-6245.