New Book Club Kit, Thanks to Nebraska Public Media!

● β„•π”Όπ•Ž 𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 β„‚π•ƒπ•Œπ”Ή 𝕂𝕀𝕋 , thanks to Nebraska Public Media! ● π†π«πžπšπ­ 𝐏π₯𝐚𝐒𝐧𝐬 𝐁𝐒𝐬𝐨𝐧, written by buffalo rancher Dan O’Brien (also featured in The American Buffalo), traces the history and ecology of this American symbol from the origins of the great herds that once dominated the prairie to its…

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The Pumpkins Have Arrived!

The pumpkins graciously donated by Soderholm Farms for our Literary Pumpkin Decorating Contest have arrived! We suggest one pumpkin per family, please. Pumpkins will be available until gone. However, we encourage purchasing on your own and still entering the contest! Public voting will begin on Oct. 16th and a winner…

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