Library Foundation

Neligh Public Library Foundation

The Neligh Public Library Foundation is a non-profit, tax exempt 501 (c) (3) organization, incorporated to provide citizens with an opportunity to plan for capital improvements to the library and to support technology resources for the people of Neligh and Antelope County.

In the past, the Neligh Library Foundation has sponsored the 100th Anniversary of the library, has been responsible for grant matching funds, and has purchased all computer hardware needed in the library. The Library Foundation was also responsible for the online catalog.


Donations of $100.00 or more, given in honor or memory of a person, will entitle the honoree’s name to be engraved on the Foundation’s plaque in the vestibule of the library. To honor a special couple on anniversary occasions, a birthday recognition, or in memory of someone, please consider a donation to the Neligh Public Library Foundation.

Donations received are tax-deductible and will be used exclusively in the Neligh Public Library. The Foundation has a separate board of directors who have the health and welfare and the continuing excellence of the Neligh Public Library in mind when dispersing funds.

For more information contact:

Neligh Library Foundation
710 Main Street
Neligh, NE 68756
Phone: (402) 887-5140
Fax: (402) 887-4530
Web site:

Neligh Library Foundation:

DeManda McGowen – President

Janet Martin – Vice President

Karmen Sauser – Secretary

Marlene Timm – Treasurer

Jenny Furstenau

Amy Baker – Library Director

Megan Wingate – Library Board Secretary

Laurel Miller – Library Board President 

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