Open House

Image result for clip art cookies & coffeeOpen House cookies and coffee for people to stop in and wish Cindee the best in her retirement.


Wednesday, September 25th – from 9:30 – 12:00.

January 2019

Image result for clip art snowing library quotesHappy January everyone, hope your staying warm & cozy!!  Please stop in and get your hibernating book!

December 2018

Image result for christmas clip artMy apologies to everyone, I didn’t realize that we didn’t post our new books for November.   So the web site has been updated with November’s new books as well as December’s.  Please come in and check us out!!

The library is here for everyone and we would love to see you all stop in for some tea, coffee, conversation, tell us how we can be of better service to you.  What we can do to offer more of what you need or want.  We are always striving to improve!  The days of quiet libraries is going out and libraries are offering more programs and learning centers.  Just stop in or call with your ideas, wants or needs and we will see what we can do.

With this cold weather it is the perfect opportunity to stop in and check out our new books or utilize the Overdrive or Libby app’s to lose yourself in a great story with online reading!  My own grandchildren love this!  If you need help feel free to ask me anytime, anywhere.

PBS just finished a series on the Great American Read, where all across the United States, people voted on their favorite books.  We have the list of the top 100 most beloved books if anyone is interested.  We have a few patrons that are trying to read them all. 🙂

I want to close with a quote from Andre Carnegie:  “A library outranks any other one thing a community can do to benefit its people.  It is a never failing spring in the desert.

Until next post, everyone have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Cynthia Wagner

September 2018

Image result for clip art booksWell, school is back in session and the library seems so quiet without all the children.  That is until after 3:30 when they get out and stop in for a short bit.  🙂  Summer is coming to a close and Fall is on the way.  Already I see the leaves changing and falling off the tress.  I do love the cooler days to come, but am not looking forward to the cold winter ahead.   I am definitely a Spring and Fall girl. 🙂  Please stop in and check out all the new books your library has to offer.  For such a small library I think we have a grand selection, plus if you can’t find it here, we offer inter library loans and online books through Overdrive.  It is so easy to sign up for a card and a free service to you.  Why not take advantage of what your Village offers you! 🙂  I will look forward to meeting or welcoming you all soon!   The coffee and tea are always available for free too and so is the conversation. 🙂

Image result for clip art fallHappy Fall!!