Choose a category on the left to find helpful tutorials and resources.
How to Stay Safe Online
Online Identity Theft
Password & Account Safety
What is a Data Breach?
Phishing & Other Scams
Where Does My Data Go Online?
Using a Password Manager
How to Stay Safe Online
- Top 10 Secure Computing Tips (UC Berkeley): A quick guide to stay safe and secure online.
- Cybersecurity Basics for Beginners (Norton): Learn about common cybersecurity threats and how to stay safe at home and in the workplace.
- FTC Smartphone Security Checker (Federal Trade Commission): This tool will allow you to choose your mobile operating system and access ten steps to follow to secure mobile devices.
- (Handout) 10 Steps to Mobile Security (FTC): This is a more generalized list for smartphone safety. This could be printed out and taped to a wall near the computer as a reminder.
- PixelPrivacy Resources (PixelPrivacy): This collection of resources covers everything from password managers to VPNs and browser safety. Check out the helpful guides and resources.
Online Identity Theft
- Recovering from Identity Theft (Federal Trade Commission): “One-stop resource to help you report and recover from identity theft”. This tool will help get back on track.
- Identify Theft (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse): This collection of articles will help you reduce your risk of identity theft, properly dispose of records containing personal information, and more.
- Protect Against Identity Theft (ConnectSafely): Tips and tricks to stay safe online.
Password & Account Safety
- Use this Infographic to Pick a Good, Strong Password (Lifehacker): There are also additional resources at the end of the infographic.
- Create and Use Strong Passwords (Microsoft): Use this list as a quick checklist of what to look for in a good password.
- (Handout) Tips for Strong, Secure Passwords & Other Authentication Tools (ConnectSafely): Find more great password and cybersecurity tips and tricks.
What is a Data Breach?
- What to do During a Data Breach (Privacy Rights Clearinghouse): Learn what a Data Breach is and how we can take action to protect ourselves.
- Data Breach Response: A Guide for Businesses (FTC): Businesses need help preparing for the digital age as well. This guide will help them protect against data breaches.
Phishing & Other Scams
- How to Recognize & Avoid Phishing Scams (Federal Trade Commission)
- 12 Most Common Cyber Threats (Crowdstrike)
- Phishing Examples (Phishing.org): See examples of Phishing attempts so you know what to look for to stay safe.
- How to Identify & Protect Yourself from an Unsafe Website (Boston University)
Where Does My Data Go Online?
- (Infographic) What Does the Internet Know About Me? This three page infographic tells you what you need to know about where your data goes online.
- What is a Data Broker? (McAffee): Learn how data brokers collect and use your data, and some tips to keep your data safe and as private as possible.
- (Video) How Facebook Tracks Your Data: The New York Times put together this video about how Facebook tracks and uses data to gather insights about people. Facebook isn’t the only one who tracks people; they are used as an example because they are a larger tech company.
- The Wired Guide to Your Personal Data (and Who is Using it): Wired allows four free articles per user, per month. This is a great resource, but there are others out there as well.
Using a Password Manager
- (Video) How To Use a Password Manager: This video from The Verge describes how to set up and use a password manager. It uses LastPass as an example, and provides information about security threats.
- The Best Free Password Managers for 2024 (PC Magazine)