Friends Of The Library

There are exciting things happening at the library. Recently five very enthusiastic women (Emily Jandreau, Emily Tobias, Kallie Morse, Gwen Bye, and Tess Sinner) have been working on forming a Friends of the Library group in Sargent.

The purpose of a Friends group is to support the services and programs of the Sargent Township Library by raising funds, public awareness and community support. Previously any money donated to the library was not tax deductible because the library is not a 501c3 organization. The Sargent Friends group is a non-profit 501c3 organization that is a legally distinct entity with their own board of directors. They are organized under the umbrella of the Sargent Economic Development. All money raised by the Friends group will be given to the library to purchase new computers, for building repairs, and to help fund educational activities for children and adults at the library such as the summer reading program.

Now that they are organized, the group is looking for additional members to help with fundraising ideas and library promotion. Be sure to “like” them on Facebook, and consider including the Friends of the Sargent Library in your end of year giving.


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