The following was found in a high school annual from 1914. More annuals can be viewed at the Sargent Library.

Last fall at the opening of the football season we found that most of our material was inexperienced.
Our team of the year before had returned without a defeat to their credit, and it was only due to the fact that we were forbidden to play out of town football that we did not participate in the annual game for the championship of the district.
In reorganizing, our coach, Mr. Leech, found his hardest task was to fill the vacancies left by those who went out the year before. No men were perhaps missed more than our scrappy captain and quarter, Robert Brown, whose generalship had won Sargent so many victories, and Jav Spacht, our big fullback, his right hand man and one of the best High School fullbacks in the state.
Everett Satterfield, star half-back of the year before was chosen captain. After a stiff tryout the men were sifted down until there was barely enough to fill the positions. These men, however, were tried and true and we had the prospect of a very fast team. We, however, lacked weight, and this was our great handicap through the season. Our team average was only 140, which accounted for our losses.
John Wittemyer, quarter-back played the first game as a regular, and to him we owe the winning touchdown in the last Sargent-Ord game.
Everett Satterfield, captain, half-back and quarter for part of the season, brought his team through the season with credit. He had the lightest team in the district, and yet was able to put up a hard close fight through the season. He played his position with a vim that put confidence and life into all his men.
Lyle Winberg, right half, played his first year as a regular. “Pete” is one of our fastest backfield men.
Bryan Sutton, full-back, is one of our fastest men. Many of Sargent’s touchdowns were due to his success in full forward passes.
Clark Hart, right end, played a consistent game and broke up many end runs and forward passes.
Douglas Finley played left end during Sargent’s first game, but he was unable to finish the season. He was a strong man and was missed in the later games.
Leonard Wirsig, right tackle, is one of the strongest tackles that ever played on the Sargent team. To him was due much of the strength of his side of the line.
John Lovejoy, left tackle, what Wirsig was on the right, Lovejoy was on the left. He seldom met his match in a game.
Edward Mead, right guard, played a steady, hard fought game.
Vern Abernethy, left guard, played a good game. He also played left end and was able to stop many runs.
Paul Chase, center, was a new man, but a good one that could be depended upon to pass the ball right and hold his man.
Albert Shafer at left end showed himself to be a star player. This was his first year, and he will be one of Sargent’s most reliable men.
Goodrich, Leiniger, and Reese played their positions well and showed great possibilities for the coming year.
Sargent’s Schedule 1914
Ord vs. Sargent . . . . . . . . . . .21-12
Ansley vs. Sargent . . . . . . . . 13 -0
Broken Bow vs. Sargent . . . .14 -0
Ansley vs. Sargent . . . . . . . . .20 -7
Ord vs. Sargent . . . . . . . . . . . .6 -7