Sargent History in Pictures
I have added a page on this website that is devoted to historical pictures of Sargent. If you have some historical pictures that you would like to see added to this site, let me know.
Our library serves as an information center for all individuals in the Sargent Area. We seek to inspire life-long learning, and provide research tools to serve and strengthen our community and ignite imaginations.
I have added a page on this website that is devoted to historical pictures of Sargent. If you have some historical pictures that you would like to see added to this site, let me know.
There will be a library board meeting on February 1, 2012 at 12:00 noon.
The meeting will be at the library. An agenda is available at the library.
Now that Christmas is over, many people have one of the new e-book readers. The first question that many people have is “Where can I download books?” Nebraska OverDrive is a website where library patrons can borrow e-books and audio books for free. This is a wonderful service. However, for the Sargent Library to become a member of Nebraska OverDrive, it would cost us $1000 the first year and $500 each year after that. For a small library, this is expensive. Before we consider subscribing to such a service, we need to know how many patrons would be interested.
Please contact the library and “vote” if you would be interested in the Nebraska OverDrive service. Also let us know if you would be willing to pay $15 per year to help cover the costs. Phone 308-527-4241 or email
Are you thinking about purchasing or requesting an e-reader for Christmas? We currently have a Kindle and a BeBook for you to play around with and experiment with at the library. These are loaned to our library for the months of December and January. They cannot be checked out or taken from the building, but hopefully you can get a good idea of how they work. Come on in and try them out.
The Sargent Library recently received 4 new computers and furnishings through the Library Broadband Builds Nebraska Communities project. The purpose of this grant was to help give a boost to struggling, rural communities. The computers are installed and ready for use by the public. The computers can be used free of charge to access court records, find health information, take advantage of educational opportunities, hunt for jobs, explore small business options, etc. The computers and furnishings are valued at over $8000.
Next Wednesday (Dec. 7th) we will have an open house at the library from 1:00 – 7:00. I would like to strongly encourage all people in the area to come see our computing center. I am looking for ideas on how this computing center could be used to help improve the community. It would be nice to be able to offer some classes at the library. The library could be used by any small group of up to 6 people where each person needs to be at a computer.
Come with some ideas and think outside the box.
Some of our computers are now equipped with web cameras. Come in and try them. You can connect to Skype, or take a video/picture of yourself.
Today the Library board met for their quarterly meeting. At the meeting, we reviewed and updated the Computer and Internet Use Policy. One of the major changes to this policy is that minors no longer need signed permission from their parents to use the library computers. We still, however, want to respect the parent’s authority. Therefore if any parent or guardian does not want to let their children use the library’s computers please notify us. If you would like to know more about our Internet Use Policy, you can read it here.