PLTS Spring Meetings

Spring Meetings:  Alliance Public Library – April 25, 2018

Sponsored by Public Library and Trustee Section (PLTS); School, Children’s and Young People’s Section (SCYP); Paraprofessional Section; and the Regional Library Systems

Nebraska’s Changing Demographics and Their Impact on Your Community and Your Library
David Drozd, Center for Public Affairs Research, University of Nebraska Omaha

Have you noticed any changes in your community? If your local area is following the statewide trends, the
population is likely aging and becoming more diverse. Rural areas are continuing to experience net outmigration, especially at college ages, but some return in their late 20s and 30s. These and other demographic factors will be discussed so that your community characteristics and current and future library clientele is well known. We’ll cover how to obtain a profile of commonly used statistics from the Census Bureau’s website, how Nebraska communities are unique, and what demographic changes are likely in the years ahead. Everyone will find something interesting in this session that will benefit your planning and community outreach.

Librarians Serving Youth: Supporting Brain Development
Sheryl Feinstein, Dean of the College of Education, University of Nebraska Kearney

Ever changing, growing, and eager to learn – the perfect description for youth and librarians. Libraries
offer a wide range of literature and programs for children during the pre-school, elementary and adolescent
ages. In the process of creating new and innovative paths to learning there is no group more eager for information and support than librarians. This interactive presentation will focus on the transforming brain of our babies, children, and teens in relation to libraries. The fascinating changes that are combusting, generating, and igniting in our youths’ brains shed light on how to best understand, support, and mentor them.

Registration is $40 per person (includes lunch)
9:00 – 9:30 Registration & Refreshments
9:30 – 10:00 Updates from PLTS, NLA.NLC, & the Regional Library Systems
10:00 – 12:00 Davis Drozod
12:00 – 1:00 Catered Lunch
1:00 – 3:00 Dr. Sheryl Feinstein

Register and pay online at                                                                                 Please email with any questions


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