The Northeast Community College will be offering an Introduction of Digital Photography at the Ainsworth Public Library on September 18 & 25th. The class will run from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. both nights. Tom Prouty will be the instructor.
Course Description: Do you have a digital camera and you don’t know how to operate it? Are you ready to enter the world of digital photography? Instructor Tom Prouty will take you through the basics of digital photography and teach you some camera fundamentals. Whether you are a first time digital camera owner or if you are looking for tips on digital photography skills and transferring photos to you your computer, this is the class for you! Helpful tips on sports action photography will also be included. Bring your camera and your camera manual to the class.
Course #: ARTS 0100/CRN#60244 Cost: $58.20
Pre-Registration is required!
To register for this class please contact: (402) 336-3590 or (800) 421-6322 Fax: (402) 336-1103 or
The Library also has registration forms for this class.
Classes are filled on a first-come, first serve basis. We reserve the right to cancel a class if enrollment is not sufficient to support the offerings.