Agenda for May Library Board Meeting

Ainsworth Library Board Meeting will be held on May 1, 2019 @ 5 p.m. at the Ainsworth Public Library. This meeting is open to the public!

1. Call meeting to order

2. Give notice on the posting of the Open Meeting Law

3. Roll call

4. Approve minutes

5. Approve claims for payment/Budget spending review

6. Monthly Library Report/List of titles purchased

7. Update on Summer Reading Program
a. Certificate of Attendance at Summer Reading Program Workshop-March 29th
b. Fliers to students at school
c. Registration May 1-13th
d. Dates of programming

8. Review of National Library Week activities

9. Ainsworth Art Guild’s Spring Art Show

10. Start work on proposed 2019-20 Library Budget

11. Workshops/Meetings
a. Central Plains Library System Annual Meeting-Valentine-July 12
b. Ainsworth Library Foundation Board Meeting-May 23nd
1. Build an Alien Fundraiser
2. Landscaping around the library

12. Correspondence
a. Articles of interest from library newsletters and library journals

13. Set next meeting date/time

14. Adjournment

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