The Ainsworth Library Board held its regular monthly meeting on Feb. 5, 2020 at the Ainsworth Public Library. This meeting was advertised in the local newspaper, on the radio, and posted at the Library. President Traci Ganser called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. Notice was given on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act. Roll call showed four members present. They included Todd Flynn, Traci Ganser, Phyllis Leach, and Alane Lentz. Member Pedro Bordes was absent. Library Director, Gail Irwin, was also present for the meeting.
Phyllis Leach made the motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Alane Lentz seconded this with all members voting in favor of. Traci Ganser moved to approve the claims for payment. Alane Lentz seconded this motion with all members voting in favor of. The Monthly Library Report for January was presented as well as a list of titles purchased. The monthly circulation for January in OverDrive was shared noting the number of Advantage copies checked out by our library. A notice from the Nebraska Library Commission was shared on the fact that our state aid funding would be reduced.
A review was given on the NET-PBS Kids: Movies and More with the free screen of the new Arthur show titled “The Rhythm and Roots of Arthur” on Jan 21st. Due to the winter weather that day, we only had 9 people attend. They all had a Arthur birthday hat to wear and everyone received a family tree to take home and complete with the help of their family. All that attended had a great time and liked the show. It was noted that the Feedback Survey was completed and submitted. It was noted that one of the posts on FaceBook announcing this event showed 1,105 people reached and 54 engagements.
Blind Date with a Book is currently being held at the Library and will run all of February. We have 20 books covered with wrapping paper so people cannot see the title. We put clues on the front of the book. Our theme this year is “Read Me If You Liked….” We listed another title similar to the book, as well as another author and subject/genre. If the reader completes the “Rate Your Date” slip, their name will go into the drawing for the Love Basket which was donated by Wanda Raymond and Gail Irwin.
It was noted that Read Across America Day would be celebrated with a Dr. Seuss Hour on March 2nd.
The survey on how our library used the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition posters titled World War 1: Lessons and Legacies was submitted on 2-28-20. The Book Club readers spent time reviewing the posters after the book discussion they had on with their title on WW1. The posters will be saved and available for teachers/students to use in the classroom.
It was noted that an application had been submitted for a Continuing Education and Training Grant from the Nebraska Library Commission for Wanda Raymond to attend the Association of Rural and Small Libraries 2020 Conference in the fall in Kansas. If awarded it would be for $500.
An update was given on the Summer Reading Program Workshop that staff attended in Broken Bow on Jan. 29th. Some of the crafts and prizes won were shared. It was noted at this time that the Reading Program will run all of June. We will have Toddle Time and Preschool groups on Tuesday and the K-4th groups on Thursday. The Puppet Show is scheduled to be on June 19th.
Workshops and meeting coming up include the Full S.T.E.A. M. Ahead workshop in North Platte on Feb. 12th and the Library Foundation Board meeting on Feb. 13th. The Big Talk from Small Libraries Conference will be on Feb.28th. The schedule of events was shared with the Board and they were encouraged to attend all or parts of the day with library staff. The Board had previously approved the Library being closed that day so staff could attend. It was noted that the library director would be attending the State Advisory Council on Libraries meeting in Lincoln on March 5th.
Under correspondence, we shared articles of interest from various library journals and newsletters.
The next meeting date and time was set for March 4th at 5 p.m. Since there was no further business to be held, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.