Library Foundation Board Meeting Agenda

Ainsworth Library Foundation Board Meeting will be held on

February 13, 2020 at 5 p.m.


1.         Call meeting to order

2.         Roll call

3.         Approve minutes

4.         Treasurer’s Report

5.         Approve bills for payment

6.         Gift Transaction List from November 2019 to February 2020

7.         Landscaping Project:

            a.         Plant grass seed

            b.         Cement by north and south exit doors

            c.         Soaker System

8.         Review on Book to Movie Basket Auction fundraiser on Nov. 30th/and the free Movie tickets for 12 and under

9.         Purchase Cricut Maker for Makerspace

10.       Freda Hinrichs Memorial

11.       Summer Puppet Show-June 19th

12.       Fundraisers:

            a.         Garden Walk

            b.         Collective Goods

13.       Set next meeting date/time

14.       Adjournment

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