Ainsworth Library Board Meeting will be held July 8, 2020 at 5 p.m. at the Ainsworth Public Library. This meeting open to the public.
1. Call meeting to order
2. Notice of the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act
3. Roll call
4. Approve minutes
5. Approve claims for payment/Review of the budget
6. Monthly Library Report/List of titles purchased
7. Summer Reading Program
8. Approval to remove some of the Covid-19 restrictions at library
9. Garden Walk
10. Clara Mae’s Activity Bag Program
11. 2020-2021 Budget requests sent to Brown County and City
12. Board Member Terms
a. Resignation of board member as not able to attend meetings due to job-Need new Member appointed by Mayor and City Council
b. Board member terms expiration date
13. Workshops/Meetings:
a. System Director’s Zoom Meetings: June 4th, 11th, & 25th
b. Library 2.0 ARSL webinar-June 17th
c. Grant Program for Fiber Buildout to Nebraska Libraries Webinar-June 18th
14. Correspondence:
a. Information from Humanities Nebraska on poster exhibition titled Votes for Women
b. REALM Project update on virus on library materials
c. KBR RPPD Operation Round Up Fund
d. ARSL 2020 Conference in Wichita, KS (Sept.30-Oct. 3) cancelled and will do sessions online. Wanda had a grant to attend this.
e. Items of interest from library newsletters and journals
15. Set next meeting date/time
16. Adjournment