The Ainsworth Library Board held its regular monthly meeting on July 8, 2020 at the Ainsworth Public Library. This meeting was advertised over the radio, in the local newspaper, posted at the Library and on the library’s website. The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. Notice was given on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act. Roll called showed three members present. They included Todd Flynn, Phyllis Leach, and Alane Lentz. Members absent included Pedro Bordes and Traci Ganser. Library Director, Gail Irwin, was also present for the meeting.
Alane L. made the motion to approve minutes of the last meeting. Todd F. seconded this with all members voting in favor of. Alane L. moved to approve the claims for payment. Phyllis L. seconded this with all members voting in favor of. The Monthly Library Report for June was presented as well as the list of titles purchased. The OverDrive Holding Statistics for June was shared as well as the number of checkouts of Advantage copies owned by other libraries to our patrons.
An update was given on the Summer Reading Program by way on the online Reader Zone. We had a total of 21 readers sign up for the Pre-K to 4th Grade Groups. There were a total of 9 that did not report any reading time/books. We had 12 readers reach one or more of the goals to 100%. Different packets and bags were handed out at 25%, 50%, and 75%. The three readers meeting 100% or more were awarded special prizes. We had 12 readers (6 girls and 6 boys) do a total of 66 books and 2,966 minutes from June 1 to June 30th. We currently have four readers in the Middle School Group and two readers in the High School/Adult Group. Their program will end on July 15th. Information was just received on a Nebraska Reading Challenge from August 1st to August 31st through Reader Zone that will be open to all ages. The challenge will be to read 1,000 minutes within the month.
Discussion was held on removing some of the Covid-19 restrictions at the library or not. We decided to have children sixteen and younger visit the library with a parent starting July 15th. Children age seven and younger must stay under direct adult supervision at all times and not run all over the library. Each visit will be limited to 30 minutes per day. We will start to charge fines for overdue items again starting on the 15th. We will continue to offer our Book Sale items at no charge as we want to narrow down our supply and need them to go to new homes. People may still call and ask for curb side service. We ask that patrons return all books to the outside book drop. The restrictions will be revaluated at the next meeting.
The Garden Walk will be held on July 23rd from 6-8:30 p.m. We have six homes to visit. Ticket holders will stop at the library to get the map of locations and a sack supper. It will be a grab and go thing.
The Board was shown the Clara Mae’s Activity Bags. So far we have the clear plastic bag to hold the items, two books for each bag and a finger/hand puppet. Now we need to get some coloring pages/crafts to add with each bag and catalog them.
It was noted that the budget request for fiscal year 2020/2021 has been sent to the County and City. No word has been received at this time.
Library Board members were discussed. It was noted that three members had their term expire and the Mayor reappointed them. They included Todd Flynn, Traci Ganser, and Alane Lentz. Pedro Bordes had contacted the Board and asked to be released from his term due to his new job and moving from the area. The Board came up with several names to suggest to the Mayor for appointment. We hope to have a new member next month.
It was noted that staff has attended three Director’s Zoom meeting on June 4th, 11th, and 25th. The Library 2.0 Association of Small and Rural Libraries webinar was held on the 17th. Gail did the Nitty Gritty Policy Makeover and Wanda did the Winning Grants for Small and Rural Libraries. Both watched the Virtual Storytime presentation and the Keynote speaker whom is the Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services in Washington D.C. Director attended the Grant Program for Fiber Buildout to Nebraska Libraries Webinar on June 18th. The recording of this webinar was sent out to the Board so they could view it. A discussion was held on if our library should apply for this or not. It was noted that the City approved Threerivers to do this and so the board decided to let Threerivers install the Fiber and then apply for E-Rate to help fund the cost.
Under correspondence we had information from Humanities of Nebraska on a poster exhibition titled Votes for Women. Director applied for this. Information from the REALM project was shared on test results on how long the virus germs would stay on library materials. The application form for the KBR RPPD Operation Round Up Fund was shared with the Board. The Library has been informed that the Association of Small and Rural Libraries Conference in Wichita, KS has been cancelled for Sept. 30-Oct.3 and will be offered online instead. Wanda had received a grant to attend this conference. Various articles were shared on libraries and the Covid-19 from library newsletters and journals.
The next meeting date will be either August 5th or 12th, which ever date that most of the members could attend. Director will contact board members on this in a couple of weeks.
Since there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.