AINSWORTH LIBRARY BOARD MEETING will be held on July 7, 2021 at 5 p.m. This meeting is open to the public.
1. Call meeting to order
2. Give notice of the posting of Nebraska Open Meetings Act
3. Roll Call
4. Approve minutes of last meeting
5. Approve claims for payment/Budget spending Review
6. Monthly Library Report/List of titles purchased
7. Covid-19 Restrictions
8. Review of Summer Reading Program:
a. Preschool Group
b. K-4th Grade Fun-Hours & Reader Zone
9. Young Adult Programs in July:
a. Escape Room July 8-9 from 1-5 p.m.
b. STEM: Build a House of Cards July 13th from 7-8 p.m.
10. Update on Jeff Quinn’s Magic Show on June 14th
11. Library Foundation’s Notecard Fundraiser
12. ARPA Grants and FCC Emergency Connectivity Fund Program
13. Library repair work
14. Proposed budget for 2021-2022
a. Sent proposal to Brown County
15. Review applications for Library aide position
16. Update Safety and Health Policy
17. Workshops/Meetings
a. Thursday Director’s Zoom Meeting (June 3rd, 10th, 17th, & 24th)
b. NCompass: Bedbugs in the Library Webinar-June 23rd
c. Emergency Connectivity Fund Program Webinar-June 24th
d. FCC Live -June 25th
18. Correspondence:
a. Nebraska Library Commission notice on changes to next Public Library Survey on
how to collect programming statistics
b. OverDrive using ARPA funds to purchase Children Videos, ebooks,& audio titles
c. Update on Library Innovation Studio (Makerspace) from NE Library Commission
d. Items of interest from library newsletters/journals
19. Set next meeting date/time
20. Adjournment