The AINSWORTH LIBRARY BOARD MEETING will be held at the Ainsworth Public Library on April 5, 2023 at 5 p.m.


1.            Call meeting to order

2.            Give notice on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act

3.            Roll call

4.            Approve minutes

5.            Approve claims for payment

6.            Monthly Library Report/List of titles purchased

7.            Summer Reading Program

8.            NEA Big Read

9.            Library Board Certification Program

10.          State Aid for 2023

11.          COE Student for school year 2023-2024

12.          National Library Week

13.          Ainsworth Area Art Guild Spring Show (April 14-27th)

14.          Grants:

                a.            Midwest Region American Heart Association Grant

                b.            Game On! ALA Grant

15.          Proposed budget for 2023-2024

16.          Meetings and Workshops:

                a.            Thursday Director’s Zoom Meeting-  March 9th and 16th

                b.            State Advisory council on Libraries:  March 3rd in Lincoln

                c.             Reader Zone Zoom Meeting-April 5th

17.          Correspondence:

                a.            Atriuum Library System Update (Canvas or Gallery)

                b.            Free Financial Literacy Story Books and Materials –U.S. Gov. Publishing Office

                c.             Nebraska Librarian Certification Program:  Gail Irwin to 2-1-26

                d.            Nebraska Legislation update on bills affecting Libraries

                e.            Items of interest from Library Journals and newsletters

18.          Set next meeting date/time

19.          Adjournment

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NEA Big Read at the Ainsworth Public Library

The Ainsworth Library is joining the Northeast Community College NEA Big Read during March and April.  The Big Read selection will focus on the title of “Sitting Pretty: The View from My Ordinary Resilient Disabled Body” by Rebekah Taussig.  The Ainsworth Library has copies of this title available now for check-out.  Read the book and come join us on April 17th at 3:30 p.m.  to share thoughts on the title.

Rebekah Taussig is a disability advocate that brings an intimate and eye-opening essay collection that processes a lifetime of memories to paint a beautiful, nuanced portrait of a body that looks and moves differently than most.  This book was selected because of the honest and intimate rendering of her experiences, which inspires caring and connection.   Our focus is on disability, disability services, accessibility and inclusion and to promote open dialogue leading to a deeper understanding of how best to respect and serve one another.  The book will make you rethink everything you’ve previously believed bout disabled people and their lives.    

This program is part of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with Arts Midwest to help show the power of a shared reading experience, aims to inspire meaningful conversations, artists responses, and new discoveries and connections in communities.  Northeast Community College is one of 62 organizations nationwide that has been selected to receive a 2022-23 NEA Big Read Grant.  If you have an questions, please contact the library in person or call 402-387-2032.

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We Have a Winner!

Luanne Reed was the winner from The Blind Date With A Book drawing.

May be an image of 1 person and standing
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Library Staff to Attend Training

Please note that the library will be closed on Friday, Feb. 24th, in order for library staff to attend an all-day Big Talk from Small Libraries Conference. The library will be open on Saturday as usual.

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Ainsworth Library Board Meeting Agenda

AINSWORTH LIBRARY BOARD MEETING on March 1, 2023 at 5 p.m.


1.         Call meeting to order

2.         Notice of the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act

3.         Roll call

4.         Approve minutes

5.         Approve claims for payment

6.         Monthly Library Report/List of Titles Purchased

7.         Summer Reading Program

            a.         David Marsh Program

8.         Blind Date with a Book update

9.         Read Across America: Dr. Seuss Time on Feb. 28th

10.       Meeting/Workshops:

            a.         Thursday Director’s Zoom Meeting

            b.         Big Talk From Small Libraries Conference-Feb. 24th

            c.         Ainsworth Library Foundation Board Meeting-Feb. 28th

               d.         Nebraska State Advisory Council on Libraries-March 3rd-Lincoln

11.       Correspondence:

            a.         Items of interest from various library journals and newsletter

12.       Set next meeting date/time

13.       Adjournment

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Upcoming Happenings at the Library

Please take note of the upcoming events at the Library:

  1. Library will be closed on Friday, February 24th, so that library staff may attend an all-day library conference.
  2. Book Club will be meeting on Monday, February 27th, at 2 p.m. to share thoughts on the title of “The Doctor’s Daughter” by Shari J. Ryan.
  3. Read Across America-Dr. Seuss Time will be held on Tuesday, February 28th, from 4-5 p.m.
  4. Library Foundation Board Meeting will be held on Feb. 28th at 5:15 p.m.
  5. Library Board Meeting will be held on March 1st at 5 p.m. This meeting is open to the public. The agenda is posted at the Library.
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Minutes from the February Library Board Meeting

The Ainsworth Library Board held its regular monthly meeting on February 8, 2023 at the Ainsworth Public Library.  This meeting was advertised in the local newspaper, over the radio, at the Library, on the library’s website and Facebook page.  The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m.  Notice was given on the Nebraska Open Meeting Act.  Roll call showed all members present.  They included Todd Flynn, Stacey Gilliland, Luke Hitchcock, Phyllis Leach, and Alane Lentz.  Library Director, Gail Irwin, was also present.  Alane Lentz made the motion to approve the minutes.  Stacey Gilliland seconded this with all members voting in favor of.  Stacey Gilliland moved to approve the claims for payment.  Alane Lentz seconded this with all members voting in favor of.  The Monthly Library Report for January was presented as well as a list of titles purchased.  The Public Library Survey was submitted on Jan. 31st.  The report was shared with the board as well as the Supplement Survey at the Nebraska Library Commission.

The library telescope policy was reviewed with changes made at the last meeting.  Todd Flynn made the motion to adopt this policy.  Stacey Gilliland seconded this with all members voting in favor of.

The Summer Reading Program was discussed.  It was noted that Rock County Public Library and our library was working on getting a Humanities Nebraska program (Dave Marsh- Music around the World) here for the kids.  Our System Office will pay the fee to have him come.

Atriuum Book Systems will be doing a big update on the OPAC that we use in the next five months.  They did add to the card catalog a spot that shows the Total Patron Savings.  Information has been sent so we can see how the Gallery option will work in the 14.2 version upgrade.

It was noted that the Library is currently doing the Blind Date with a Book.   It was started on Jan. 24th and will run to Feb. 28th.   Readers name will be placed in a drawing for a special prize at the end of this program.

Dr. Seuss Hour will be held on Feb. 28th from 4-5 p.m.  We chose this date due to March 1st being on Wednesday which is a church youth time and the library will be short of staff on the 2nd.

The AARP Community Challenge Grant was discussed.  It was felt that maybe we could work it in with  the American Heart Association Midwest Region Grant and improve the community health by getting a chair/blood pressure monitor for the public to use at the Library. 

Under meetings/workshops, it was noted that staff members attended the Thursday Directors Zoom meeting on Jan. 26th and the Summer Reading Program Workshop in Grand Island on Feb. 1st.  Information was shared on the Youth Mental Health First Aid session which would be held on Feb. 10th at the Community Center.   It was noted that the Library Foundation would be meeting next week.  Information was shared on the Big Talk from Small Libraries Conference on Feb. 24th.  This is held online and runs all day long.  The Board gave approval for the library to be closed that day so staff could attend this training.  It was noted that the Director would be attending the Nebraska State Advisory Council on Libraries on March 3rd.  It was noted that Library Advocacy Day would be held that same day.  There are six bills that have been introduced that have implications for school, public, and academic libraries. These bills were shown to the Board so they could keep up with the hearings on them.

Under correspondence, a $33 check from the recycling of the ink jet cartridges was received for the Library Foundation.  Information was shared from Central Nebraska Economic Development District on the affordable connectivity program and the American Library Association report on how new federal funding can power progress to leverage libraries to achieve digital equity for all.  Articles of interest from library newsletters and journals were shared with the Board.

The next meeting date/time was set for March 1st at 5 p.m.  Since there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:48 p.m.

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February Library Board Meeting Agenda

AINSWORTH LIBRARY BOARD MEETING will be held on February 8, 2023 at 5 p.m. This meeting is open to the public.


1.         Call meeting to order

2.         Notice of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act

3.         Roll call

4.         Approve minutes

5.         Approve claims for payment

6.         Monthly Library Report/List of Titles Purchased

7.         Public Library Survey

8.         Library Telescope Policy

9.         Summer Reading Program

10.       Atriuum Book Systems updating OPAC (now shows Patron Savings)

11.       Blind Date with a Book-Jan. 24th to Feb. 28th

12.       Dr. Seuss Hour-March 2nd

13.       AARP Community Challenge Grants

14.       Meetings/Workshops:

            a.         Thursday Directors Zoom Meeting  Jan. 26th

            b.         Summer Reading Program Workshop  Feb. 1st  Grand Island

            c.         Big Talk From Small Libraries Conference  Feb. 24th   (close that day ??)

            d.         Nebraska State Advisory Council on Libraries  March 3rd  Lincoln

15.       Correspondence:

            a.         Fundraiser with Empties4Cash (recycle ink jet cartridges)

            b.         Information on Affordable Connectivity Program

            c.         Leverage Libraries to Achieve Digital Equity For All information

            d.         Items of interest from library journals, newsletters, etc.

16.       Set next date/time for meeting

17.       Adjournment

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Blind Date With A Book

It’s that time of year again! Come check out a Blind Date with a Book title. With each check out of these titles, your name will go in the drawing for a special prize!

May be an image of book and text that says 'It's Blind Date With A Book Time! Will one hook you from the first line?'
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February Book Club

Up next month for the Book Club, will be the title of “The Doctor’s Daughter” by Shari J. Ryan. This story takes place in Auschwitz in 1941. In Nazi-occupied Poland, Sophia cannot look her father in the eye. Sofia’s mother is Jewish–how dare he work as a doctor for the SS? She cannot forgive him, even if the bargain was made to spare their lives. In the middle of the night, Isaac emerges from a packed train with hundreds of others. Beneath Auschwitz’s barbed wire, soldiers surround them, and gunshots pierce the dark sky. The SS decide prisoners’ fates on the spot–and Isaac is chosen to work, rather than to die. Every day Isaac and his fellow inmates are sent to a nearby farm. From sunup to sundown, they toil the land with barely a scrap to eat. Every breath feels like it could be Isaac’s last, so when he sees a beautiful auburn-haired girl peering out of the farmhouse window it feels like a dream. Sofia refuses to accept what she is seeing. Disobeying her father and evading the guards, she risks her life to sneak a letter to the green-eyed boy outside. She explains that she has hidden them food, and that she’ll do everything in her power to save them. This secret exchange sparks an escape that should have been impossible–and a love story that is unforgettable. But is love enough in the face of evil? And when Sofia and Isaac are concealed underground, holding their breath as the Nazis hunt them, will they survive?

The group will meet on Feb. 27th at 2 p.m. to share thoughts on the title. The Library has several copies of this book available for readers. Please let us know if you would like to read this book.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'SHARI J. RYAN The Doctor's Daughter Her father served the enemy. She risked her life to fight them.'

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