Ainsworth Library’s Holiday Closing

Please note that the library will be closed on November 26th and November 27th for the Thanksgiving holiday. We will be open as usual on Saturday, November 28th.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Coming soon: 2021 Winter Reading Program

2021 Winter Reading Program

December 1, 2020 – February 28, 2021

The Nebraska Regional Library Systems and the Nebraska Library Commission want citizens of Nebraska to stay warm this winter and enjoy the terrific library books available in public libraries across the state. To participate, go to or download the Reader Zone app on your smart device. Register for the Snow Many Great Books! program with this 5-digit code 93723. Complete at least eight of the twenty challenges by February 28th to be eligible for a Grand Prize Drawing for one of three $50 Visa Gift Cards. Please choose books you’ve never read from your home library. Books can be fiction or nonfiction, and J, YA, or Adult. Contest is open to all Nebraskans ages 10 and older. Drawing will be held March 15, 2021.

  1. Read a book with “snow” in the title.
  2. Read a book set in a place where it typically snows.
  3. Read a book in bed, under a blanket.
  4. Read a book with a recipe in it.
  5. Read any large print book.
  6. Read a nonfiction book about a winter sport.
  7. Read a book with a picture of a penguin or a polar bear on the cover.
  8. Read with a scarf and gloves on.
  9. Read a book about traditions.
  10. Read a favorite book from your own childhood.
  11. Read a book that became a movie.
  12. Read to someone younger than you.
  13. Read a book on a cold and snowy day.
  14. Read a book with “blue” in the title.
  15. Listen to any audiobook.
  16. Read in your pajamas.
  17. Read a book where winter plays a part in the story.
  18. Read a book with a one-word title.
  19. Read a classic you’ve been meaning to read.
  20. Read a book recommended by your librarian.

This activity is supported in part with funding from the State of Nebraska and from the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provision of the Library Services and Technology Act as administrated by the Nebraska Library Commission.

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Library Updates Covid-19 Procedures

The Ainsworth Library announces changes to its procedures due to the increase of Covid-19 in our local area.   Our goal is to provide library service and keep the public safe. 

Face coverings must be worn inside the library.  We are requiring this to keep our library patrons and staff safe.  With our small staff,the building will be closed if library workers get sick.  All library staff will continue wearing masks when working with the public or in a public area.  Everyone visiting the library is required to use hand sanitizer before entering the main area of the building.  Social distancing of six feet or more is encouraged and recommended.  Individuals are allowed a maximum of thirty minutes in the library per visit. If you would like curbside service, please let the library know by calling (402-387-2032) or by emailing (

Patrons using the computers will also have a time limit of thirty minutes and can use the equipment once a day.  Please note, staff may not be able to help with computer use due to social distancing. Those who need additional time for applications, coursework, tax documents or similar items are asked to talk to the staff.  You may access our Wi-Fi connection outside of the library in your vehicle or just sitting on the benches.

The book drop is open 24 hours, seven days a week.  All returned items must be returned through the book drop and are subject to a cleaning and a 72-hour quarantine.  We ask that if your family has been sick and need to return items, please put your items in a plastic bag and tie it shut.  A note on the bag would also be nice so that staff can take extra precaution measures.  Library organizations that have done scientific testing on library materials have shown that covid-19 virus can live up to six days on some items.

While we are open shorter hours than usual each day, we are open Monday through Saturday.  The hours include Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Wednesday and Saturday from 1-5 p.m.  Thank you for your continued patronage!

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Library Foundation Board Meeting

The AINSWORTH LIBRARY FOUNDATION BOARD MEETING will be held on November 18, 2020 at the Ainsworth Public Library at 5 p.m.


1.         Call meeting to order

2.         Roll call

3.         Approve minutes

4.         Treasurer’s Report

5.         Approve bills for payment

6.         Letter from IRS

7.         Gift Transaction List from August-November 2020

8.         Landscaping Project

            a.         Fall planting of grass

            b.         Drip line (Soaker System) estimate

9.         Freda Hinrichs Memorial

10.       Dolly Parton Imagination Library

11.       Fundraisers

12.       Set next meeting date/time

13.       Adjournment

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Holiday Closing

The Ainsworth Public Library will be closed on November 11th, Veteran’s Day. Please say thank you to a vet when you see one!

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November Library Board Minutes

The Ainsworth Library Board held its regular monthly meeting on November 4, 2020 at the Ainsworth Public Library.  This meeting was advertised on the radio, in the newspaper, posted at the Library, and on the library website.  Notice was given on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act.  President Phyllis Leach called the meeting to order at 5 p.m.  Roll call showed Todd Flynn, Phyllis Leach, Alane Lentz, and Stacey Gilliland present.  Member Luke Hitchcock joined the meeting at 5:10 p.m.  Library Director, Gail Irwin, was also present for the meeting.

Alane Lentz made the motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting.  Todd Flynn seconded this with all voting in favor of.  Alane Lentz moved to approve the claims for payment.  Stacey Gilliland seconded this with all members in favor of.  The List of Titles Purchased was also shared. 

The Monthly Library Report for October was shared with the board.  The Summary of Fiscal Year 2019-2020 was also shared. This summary has also been shared with the City Clerk.

It was noted that the Bibliostat 2019-2020 Public Library Survey scheduled to launch on Nov. 2 to Feb. 12, 2021.  We are required to submit this report to maintain our library accreditation.  A training session is sent for next week to review the questions and changes made due to Covid.

The Board reviewed the Performance Report for the Library Director which the Board President completed for the City. 

Discussion was held on the Covid-19 restrictions at the library.  No adjustments were made at this time.  Library Director will contact the Board if she feels any changes need to be made.

Board reviewed the holiday closings for November and December 2020. 

A review was given on the Thursday Central Plains Library System Zoom Meeting attended on October 8th, 15th, 23rd, and 29th.  Upcoming meetings/workshops include the Public Library Survey Training On-Line on Nov. 10th; Library Foundation Board Meeting on Nov. 19th; and the State Library Advisory Committee Meeting by way of Zoom on Nov. 20th

Correspondence items shared with the Board included the REALM Visual Aid on how long the virus survives on commonly used library materials;  the announcement of the new One Book One Nebraska 2021 title of Prairie Forge by James Kimble, and articles of interest from library newsletters and journals. 

The Board usually does not hold a meeting in December unless something important comes up.  The next meeting is set for January 6th at 5 p.m.  Since there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. 

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November 4, 2020 at 5 p.m. at the Ainsworth Public Library.

This meeting is open to the public!


1.         Call meeting to order

2.         Notice of the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act

3.         Roll call

4.         Approve minutes

5.         Approve claims for payment/Review of budget spending

6.         Monthly Library Report/List of Title Purchased

7.         End of Year Report for Fiscal Year 2019-2020

8.         Bibliostat 2019-2020 Public Library Survey (11-2-20 to 2-12-21)

9.         Performance Report for Library Director

10.       Covid-29 Restrictions

11.       Holiday closings for November and December 2020

12.       Meetings/Workshops:

            a.         Thursday Central Plains Library System Zoom Meeting (10-8; 10-15; 10-23; 10-29)

            b.         Public Library Survey Training On-Line 11-10-20

            c.         Library Foundation Board Meeting  11-19-20

            d.         State Library Advisory Committee Meeting (Zoom) 11-20-20

13.       Correspondence:

            a.         REALM Visual Aid on how long the virus survives on commonly used library, Archive, and museum materials

            b.         One Book One Nebraska 2021 Title announced

            c.         Articles of interest from library newsletters and journals

14.       Set next meeting date/time

15.       Adjournment

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Prairie Forge: The Extraordinary Story of the Nebraska Scrap Metal Drive of World War II Chosen as 2021 One Book One Nebraska

People across Nebraska are encouraged to read the work of a Nebraskan —and then talk about it with their friends and neighbors. Prairie Forge: The Extraordinary Story of the Nebraska Scrap Metal Drive of World War II (Bison Books, 2014) by James J. Kimble is the 2021 One Book One Nebraska selection.

Prairie Forge: The Extraordinary Story of the Nebraska Scrap Metal Drive of World War II takes readers across the entire state of Nebraska during the scrap metal drive early in America’s involvement in World War II. When Henry Doorly initially developed a plan to urge citizens to donate scrap metal to help with arms production, he had no idea that his plan would expand from Omaha to the entire state and then be used as a model for a national scrap drive. Readers from the selection committee felt that this book would draw readers into good discussions about the entire state’s participation in the challenge to provide scrap metal. Readers were impressed that the book covered every county’s participation in the Nebraska Plan, and how this fit into the larger effort on a national level.

2021 will mark the seventeenth year of the One Book One Nebraska reading program, sponsored by the Nebraska Center for the Book. It encourages Nebraskans across the state to read and discuss one book, chosen from books written by Nebraska authors or that have a Nebraska theme or setting. The Nebraska Center for the Book invites recommendations for One Book One Nebraska book selection year-round at

One Book One Nebraska is sponsored by the Nebraska Center for the Book, Humanities Nebraska, and the Nebraska Library Commission. The Nebraska Center for the Book brings together the state’s readers, writers, booksellers, librarians, publishers, printers, educators, and scholars to build the community of the book, supporting programs to celebrate and stimulate public interest in books, reading, and the written word. The Nebraska Center for the Book is housed at and supported by the Nebraska Library Commission.

As the state library agency, the Nebraska Library Commission is an advocate for the library and information needs of all Nebraskans. The mission of the Library Commission is statewide promotion, development, and coordination of library and information services, “bringing together people and information.”

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Minutes of the October Library Board Meeting

The Ainsworth Library Board held its regular monthly meeting on October 7, 2020 at the Ainsworth Public Library.   This meeting was advertised in the local newspaper, over the radio, and posted on the library’s website as well as at the library.  The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m.  Notice was given on the posting of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act.  Roll call showed four members present.  They included Todd Flynn, Stacey Gilliland, Phyllis Leach, and Alane Lentz.   The City Council appointed Luke Hitchcock to complete the term of Traci Ganser.  Luke was not present for the meeting.   Library Director, Gail Irwin, was also present for the meeting.

Phyllis Leach made the motion to approve the minutes.  Todd Flynn seconded this with all members voting in favor of.  Phyllis Leach moved to approve the claims for the end of the year and the claims for the month.  Stacey Gilliland seconded this with all members voting in favor of.  The budget spending sheet for September was shared as well as the budget sheet for the new fiscal year.  The monthly report was shared with the Board as well as the List of Titles Purchased.  It was noted that the End of the Year Report would be shared next month.

Discussion was held on the Part-Time Library Aide position.  Director had interviewed two people for the position on the 8th of September.  Josie Voss was hired for the position and started training on the 23rd.

Job Performances was discussed.  In order to get our yearly wage, employees need to have this review completed and forwarded to the City Clerk.  Josie will not have her review done until her six month probation period is up in March.  The review on Wanda Raymond was approved and signed by the board.  The Board President will complete the review on the director.

The Covid-19 restrictions were reviewed.  What area libraries are doing in light of the recent increases of covid cases was shared.  Board has decided to continue as we have been and leave the rules the same. 

Book Club was discussed.  Director has been working on getting a title list.  With the holidays coming up, it was decided to wait until January and hope that Covid-19 cases are down.

An update was given on the Dolly Patron’s Imagination Library Sign-Up.  We signed up 19 children at the park on the first sign-up date in August.  In September we signed up 10 more at the library. 

Library Card Sign-Up month was in September.   We had a total of 8 new card holders this month.  Banned Books Week was honored from Sept. 28th to Oct. 3rd with the theme of “Words Have Power”.   Both of these special events were promoted in the library, on FaceBook, and on the library website.

It has not been decided yet if there will be the annual “Trunk & Treat” event downtown this year.  The Board directed the library to not participate this year.

An update has given on the meetings attended by staff.  It was noted that staff has attended the Thursday Director’s Zoom Meetings on Sept. 3, 10, 17, & 24.  Wanda Raymond and Gail Irwin received a Continuing Education Grant from Nebraska Library Commission to attend the 2020 Online ARSL Conference from Sept. 28th to Oct. 2nd.  A list of sessions attended was shared. 

Under correspondence we had a thank you card from the Sandhills Care Center for some items we donated to them.  Our library applied for the free membership to the Nebraska Library Association for their 125th anniversary.  A letter from the Nebraska Library Commission was received to inform libraries that they had renewed the Public Performance Site License.  It will run from October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021.  Articles of interest from various library newsletters and journals were shared.

Election of officers was held.  Alane Lentz moved to appoint Phyllis Leach as President.  Stacey Gilliland seconded this with all members voting in favor of.  Phyllis Leach made the motion to have Alane Lentz appointed as Vice President.  Stacey Gilliland seconded this with all members voting in favor of. 

The next meeting was set for November 4th at 5 p.m.  Since there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.     

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Agenda for Library Board Meeting

AINSWORTH LIBRARY BOARD MEETING will be held on October 7, 2020 @ 5 p.m.


1.         Calling meeting to order

2.         Notice of the posting of Nebraska Open Meeting Act

3.         Roll call

            Welcome new member: Luke Hitchcock

4.         Approve minutes

5.         Approve claims for payment

6.         Monthly Library Report/List of Titles Purchased

7.         Part-Time Library Aide

8.         Covid-19 Restrictions

9.         Book Club

10.       Dolly Patron’s Imagination Library Sign-Up

11.       Update on Library Card Sign-Up Month

12.       Banned Book Weeks  Sept. 28th-Oct 3rd

13.       Trunk & Treats ?

14.       Workshop/Meetings:

            a.         Thursday Director’s Zoom Meeting: Sept. 3, 10, 17, & 24

            b.         Association of Rural and Small Libraries Conference 2020: Sept. 28th to Oct. 2nd

15.       Correspondence:

            a.         Thank you Card

            b.         Membership to Nebraska Library Association

            c.         Nebraska Library Commission renewal Public Performances Site License for Public Libraries

            d.         Articles of interest from library newsletters and journals

16.       Set next meeting date

17.       Adjournment

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