Story Hour Wk 3 – Finale

The library held its Story Hour Finale last week outside on the parking lot.  This event featured a fun obstacle course for all of the children to navigate through as many times as they wanted, and then go inside the library for a yummy lunch provided by the Friends of the Library!

Summer Crafts for Kids Wk 3

Ninety-one children and adults attended the library’s third week of Crafts for Kids where they made camping lanterns, lazy ladybugs, and picked from an assortment of coloring pages about camping.

Story Hour Wk 2 – Camping Adventures

On Tuesday, Library Director Judy Hagan, along with guest readers Olivia Rentschler, Madeline Rentschler, and Heather Slaymaker entertained the group with this week’s theme for Story Hour covering lots of fun adventures while camping. Fifty-three children and adults were in attendance where lots of great books were read and campfire songs were sung.

Summer Book Club Wk 1 – Titanic

The Summer Book Club kicked off at the Atkinson Public Library with thirty-seven students participating. The younger students are reading the book “I Survived the Titanic, 1912” by Lauren Tarshis. The older students are reading the book “Iceberg” by Jennifer A. Nielsen. Library Director Judy Hagan, and helpers Beth Laible, Heather Slaymaker and Madeline Rentschler, summer intern, led the book talk discussions.

2024 summer book club - Titanic
I survived

Story Hour Wk 1 – Adventures Out There

Forty-three children and adults were in attendance as Judy Hagan, along with guest readers Beth Laible, Olivia Rentschler, Madeline Rentschler, and Heather Slaymaker entertained them Tuesday for Story Hour with books, songs, rhymes, and wigglers. This week the theme covered lots of fun adventure type things to do outside such as riding a bike, making a fort, flying, and canoeing.

Summer Crafts for Kids – Wk 1

“Adventure is Out There” with summer activities in full swing at the Atkinson Public Library!

Crafts for Kids started off the week with seventy-eight children and adults crafting a paper “Up” themed house with colorful balloons floating on an adventure.

American Legion Poppy Poster Entries and Winners are on display at the library until Memorial Day – stop in to view these wonderful projects!