Korean Cooking Night Event

The Korean girls from Nebraska Christian, directed by International Relations Doctoral Candidate Esther Nam, and sponsored by Barb and Larry Hoff, offered a Korean Cooking Night on September 15.  They demonstrated how to make Kimbob (a Korean Sushi-type roll). As you can see in the photos, they are very colorful (filled with a variety of tasty meats, fish, and/or vegetables). Participants used bamboo sushi-mats to roll the rice and other ingredients they chose, up into the rolls (which were wrapped tightly in gim (seaweed paper). A little bit of sesame oil rubbed over the roll helped to ease with cutting. The teachers were able to give participants some chopstick tips as well.
It was a very enjoyable evening! **We have extra copies of the recipe/instructions at the library, if anyone would like one.
Thank-you so much to everyone that attended the class! Thank-you to Heartland Evangelical Free Church for the use of your facility! Also, special thanks to Barb and Larry Hoff, Miseon “Esther” Nam, Soyoung “Gladys” Kim, Jeong Mi “Alicia” Kim, Yae Been “Melinda” Kim and Nebraska Christian Schools! 🙂

Korean Cooking Night Photos

Don’t Miss an Author Talk/Book Signing With Tracy Lynn Blessen on Monday, Sept. 22!

Meet Nebraska author (and Fullerton resident) Tracy Lynn Blessen, Monday, Sept. 22 @ 7:00 pm. Be sure to mark it on your calendar now!
Blessen is the author of the recently published book “A Farmer’s Wife.” She will read excerpts from the book, sharing stores about her life as a hardworking farm wife. Books are available for purchase/signing after the program.
Jane E. Ryan (author of the novels “The Boarder” and “Broken Spirits, Lost Souls” and writer/executive producer of the film, “The Boarder”) writes “For anyone interested in the lives of hardworking farm wives, Tracy Lynn Blessen’s new book, A FARMER’S WIFE is a must read!  Filled with colorful details of the routine and unexpected events common to Nebraska farm life, Ms. Blessen paints a clear picture using broad strokes combined with her own blend of gentle humor.”
Books are available for purchase/signing after the program.
A Farmer's Wife (2)


Register Now for a Korean Cooking Class to be Held Monday, Sept. 15!

Register now for a Korean Cooking Class!
The Korean Cooking Night class will be held, Monday, Sept. 15 @ 7:00pm-8:30pm. Fee: $5 (payable evening of class). Location: Heartland Evangelical Free Church (Central City).
The Korean girls from Nebraska Christian, directed by International Relations Doctoral Candidate Esther Nam, sponsored by Barb and Larry Hoff, will be offering the Korean Cooking Night. They will demonstrate how to make Kimbob (a Korean Sushi-type roll) that can be filled with a variety of meats, fish, and/or vegetables. This roll is festive looking, good tasting, and easy to prepare. Perfect for a holiday table.
International cooking classes provide a wonderful opportunity to learn about other cultures!!
Class size is limited, so pre-register now! Contact the library at 946-2512 or register online at:


Civil War Activities Hosted by Library at the Merrick County Fair

Our library hosted this event at the Merrick County Fair (during Kids’ Day Activities) on Wednesday, July 30. It consisted of a Civil War Camp Reenactment with the Hood Family—people were able to see what life was like for a soldier and family, listen as they explained weaponry, foods, flags, tents, etc. Attendees were even able to taste “hardtack” and learn other cool stuff!! ~ The Lone Tree Quilters Guild helped participants make a quilt square. Quilts were used as secret escape codes by slaves to guide them to freedom on the Underground Railroad. Those that attended were able to make individual quilt blocks from paper that were part of those codes. They were also able to learn the secret message that certain quilt blocks held. ~ Scott Musil played Civil War era songs on old phonographs (from the early 1900’s) ~ Various historical characters from the Civil War wandered around the midway. They told us about themselves and their lives. Nancy Johnson was at the schoolhouse to tell people what it was like for students back then. The 4-H Junior leaders organized and played a variety of Civil War era games with the kids.
Thank-you so very much to the following individuals and organizations for partnering with the library for this event: Josh, Sarah & Kaleb Hood, The Lone Tree Quilters Guild, Scott Musil, 4-H Jr. Leaders, Tammy Stuhr & Merrick County Extension Staff, Merrick County Fair Board, Nancy Johnson, Merrick County Historical Museum, Connor Lovejoy, Nicholas Lovejoy and Katy Lovejoy!
*This project made possible by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Library of America, and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. The grants are being offered as part of the “Civil War 150” project (a project timed with the 150th anniversary to encourage public exploration of the impact of the American Civil War).


Library Hosting “The Civil War Experience” at Merrick County Fair July 30!

EXPERIENCE LIFE DURING THE CIVIL WAR at the Central City Public Library’s Tribute for the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War  at the Merrick County Fair  – July 30 –  Noon-2 PM

                                     Exhibits and activities include: Civil War Reinactment with the Hood Family—see what life was like for a soldier and family,  listen as they explain weaponry, foods, flags, tents, etc.  Taste “hardtack” and learn other  cool  stuff!! The Lone Tree Quilters Guild will help  you make a quilt square. Quilts were used as secret escape codes by slaves to guide them to freedom on the Underground Railroad.  You will make individual quilt blocks from paper that were part of those codes.  You will also learn the secret message that certain quilt blocks  held. Listen to Civil War era songs on old phonographs (from the early 1900’s), with Scott Musil. View the coloring contest entries and see who the 5 winners are in each of the 3 categories:  4-5 Year Olds, 6-8 Year Olds, and 9-12 Year Olds.  Please pick up a coloring page ahead of   time and color it to the best of your ability.  Return it to the library before the 29th and get  a certificate for a prize that you can redeem at the Civil War event on July 30  @ the fair. Visit with various historical characters from the Civil War as they wander around the midway.      Listen as they tell you about themselves and their lives. Take your picture in one of the Civil War photograph posters.  Be sure to bring your camera! See what school was like for children in the 1860’s by visiting the old schoolhouse. Play with the Rebel and Union toy soldiers and stage your own mock battles in our   “battlefield.” Play games from the 1860’s with the 4-H Junior Leaders, like “Blind Man’s Bluff” and others. Register for lots of  cool prizes like Union and Confederate hats,  other great stuff!

This project was made possible by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Library of America, and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History.  The grants are being offered as part of the “Civil War 150” project (a project timed with the 150th anniversary to encourage public exploration of the impact of the American Civil War).

NYT Best Selling Author Victorine Lieske

Victorine Lieske Visit

New York Times Best Selling Author Victorine Lieske discussed her novels and the eBook publishing/selling process. She gave the audience some great tips and publishing industry insights. Her newest book is “Accidentally Married.” The book is a sweet romance about Madison Nichols, an aspiring actress that needs to find a job. Due to a misunderstanding, she is put in the awkward position of pretending to be a girlfriend of CEO Jared Jameson (not the job she was applying for)…. Want to find out more? The book is on sale now Amazon and Barnes & Noble . The three books (pictured) are also available for checkout at our library.


Victorine Lieske will Talk @ Library this Evening (June 23) at 7:00 pm!

This evening (June 23) @ 7:00 pm, New York Times Best Selling author Victorine Lieske will be here, to talk about “Steps to Find Success Selling eBooks.” Be sure not to miss this!!
Victorine self-published her first book, “Not What She Seems” in April 2010. In March 2011, the novel hit the New York Times Best Seller’s List, where it remained for six weeks. To date, she has sold nearly 150,000 copies, most in eBook form.   Her book “How to Find Success Selling eBooks”, gives valuable advice to authors wanting to sell eBooks in the genre fiction market.
“Accidentally Married” is her latest book.  Find out more about her at:  www.victorinelieske.com


Literary Elements… Adult Summer Reading Program 2014!

literary elementsBrand New this year is an Adult Summer Reading Program!  We thought that the adults would also enjoy winning some prizes and attending some programs this summer!  Registration Days:  May 22-June 3  Brochures are available @ the front desk.  We’ve got lots of fun things planned this summer.  Don’t miss out!   Like the library on Facebook for the latest updates:  facebook.com/centralcitypubliclibraryAdult Summer Reading Program Brochure1

Adult Summer Reading Program Brochure (page 2)Monday, June 16 @ 7:00 pm is a Book Discussion of the award winning book “The Giver” by Lois Lowry.  We will have multiple copies of the book available for checkout, beginning May 12.

Monday, June 23 @ 7:00 pm:  NYT Best Selling Author Victorine Lieske talks about “Steps to Find Success Selling eBooks” 

Monday, June 30 @ 7:00 pm  Game Night!  Wii, P23, board games & snacks!  There will be separate games available for teens during the evening!





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