Wow! That’s How we Describe our Open House!

WOW is the word that we use to describe how our OPEN HOUSE last Friday went!
We were amazed not only by the turnout but also by the excitement and tremendous appreciation shown, by all those who attended!
THANK YOU to all of you that attended!
Also, a HUGE THANKS to all of our volunteers and our library board of trustee members that helped out (we couldn’t have done it without all of you)!
Last but not least, a BIG SHOUTOUT to our entire CCPL staff for going above and beyond to make sure that this was an event to remember!

15 Reels of Microfilm Added to our Digital Archives Website!

We’re pleased to announce that 15 REELS of MICROFILM have just been ADDED to our DIGITAL ARCHIVES website! 😊👓💫📰📰📰The reels that have been added are:✔️Central City Republican-Nonpareil ~ Rolls #31-45 (4/14/1966-2/11/1988 ✨✨Part of the digitization costs for these reels was covered by a donation that was made to the library for this purpose. The donation was given in memory of Lois Schank (former editor of the Republican Nonpareil).✨✨

Click here to access:🔍The newspapers in the database are fully searchable by keyword and date (making it easy to quickly explore historical content). Use the archives to gain a local perspective on historical news, to research your family history, or to simply read about a person or event of interest. Additional pages will be added as the project progresses.📰

#DigitalArchivesAdvantage Archives#PreservingThePast#Digitization

Lee and Wright Represent CCPL at 2021 Nebraska Makerspace Conference

This week, Jamie Wright and Sara Nutt Lee attended the two-day 2021 Nebraska Makerspace Conference in Lincoln, NE. The conference was held at the beautiful Nebraska Innovation Campus Conference Center. People were in attendance from schools, libraries, colleges, and businesses from all over Nebraska. Sara and Jamie each had multiple (all different) sessions that they presented at. The topics the two talked about included: how to host and publicize makerspace events, creating a makerspace in small spaces, ask the experts session, making the transition from a temporary to a permanent makerspace, and marketing your makerspace, It was exciting for CCPL to be able to talk about our library’s makerspace and about our community! #EnterImagineCreate#makerspaceCentralCity Nebraska

Congrats to Our Spooktacular Prize Drawing Winners!

CONGRATULATIONS to our SPOOKTACULAR prize drawing winners:
Mandy Krance and Alyssa Wilshusen! They each won a FRIGHTENINGLY delightful prize!
Thank you to everyone that stopped in and registered!
#SpooktacularPrizeDrawing #HappyHalloween

Check Out Author and Illustrator Dav Pilkey’s Take on Banned Books!

Dav Pilkey award-winning and best-selling author and illustrator of children’s books, explains how you can express concern about a book without undermining the freedom to read of those around you by making a simple change.
Banned Books Week (September 26- October 7) celebrates your freedom to read.
By focusing on efforts across the country to remove or restrict access to books, Banned Books Week draws national attention to the harms of censorship.
Stop in each day throughout the week and REGISTER TO WIN a banned/challenged book!

#intellectualfreedom #bannedbooks

For more information on Banned Books Week, please visit and

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