Experience our NEW Online Catalog Software!


WOO-HOO!! We are SUPER-EXCITED about our NEW online catalog software!
✅This new (USER-FRIENDLY) software allows you to easily search our collection and to conveniently access your library account!

TWO-WAY TEXTING! Ask us a question and renew items!

✅A BRAND-NEW feature that we’ve just added, is the ability for YOU to RECEIVE TEXT MESSAGE NOTIFICATIONS! You’ll be able to see: what’s due, overdue warnings, and reserve (hold) notifications!

✅We can automatically email you your checkout receipt!

✅Access the Nebraska OverDrive collection right from our catalog!

HAVE ANY FAVORITE AUTHORS?? – Click the “receive new books” link and a list of popular authors will appear. Select your favorite(s) from the list and a reserve will automatically be placed for you when any new titles arrive at the library!

Access our catalog here: https://centralcity.biblionix.com/catalog/

Painting Project Finished at CCPL!

We just had to show everyone how BEAUTIFUL our building looks, after the PAINTING of the ceiling, walls, and trim in the main area of our LIBRARY!🎨☺️

It really brightened up and freshened up everything throughout!🌟This was a perfect project to complete… to help CELEBRATE our building’s 30TH YEAR!🌟

Of course, we couldn’t have accomplished such a huge project without a bunch of help!

✔️THANK-YOU to all of our patrons, for their patience and understanding during the two weeks we were closed to the public!

✔️A HUGE THANK-YOU to all of the guys (from the City of Central City departments) that helped move A LOT of: furniture, bookshelves, giraffes,🦒computer equipment, etc.!

✔️Thank-you to the City of Central City (CentralCity Nebraska), for making this project possible!

✔️Thank-you to Katie Hastings for giving us some tips on our color selections!

✔️Beautiful job by the crew @ Paulsen Painting Co. 🎨

We encourage everyone to stop in and see how amazing it looks!


Update from CCPL!

It’s been an EXCITING WEEK at CCPL! Not only did we begin our INTERIOR PAINTING PROJECT, we also had BRAND NEW LIBRARY SOFTWARE installed!🎨💻

The prep work for the painting project (ceiling and main areas of library) took up most of this week. Yesterday, the vaulted ceilings began getting sprayed with paint. NEXT WEEK, the walls and door/window trims will be worked on.We’ll keep you posted as to when we’ll be reopening to the public.

Thank-you to everyone for your patience!🌟

As you can see from the photos, there is a TON of prep work involved! Almost everything in the main area is encased in plastic. Library staff are available throughout the work week, to answer questions, empty book drop, fill curbside pick up requests, etc.Monday-Friday 9am-5pm at 308.946.2512

Due dates are being extended for all items currently checked out. Items may be returned to the library via our book drop.Free WiFi will continue to be available to users, around the exterior of our building (no password required).

During this time, we encourage our patrons to take advantage of online resources such as:

✔️Nebraska OverDrive https://nebraska.overdrive.com/

✔️Libby App (Download Libby on the AppStore or Get It On Google Play). Call library staff during normal business hours at 308-946-2512 for your current library card number and PIN # (to access OverDrive/Libby)

.✔️Our online collections: area newspaper archives, yearbooks, and local history collection. These all may be accessed through our website at: http://libraries.ne.gov/centralcity/

We’re super-excited about this project! We’d love to have you stop by after it’s finished!

There’s Still Time to Run to CCPL!

You still have TIME to RUN to the library to check-out our:
BLIND DATE books and SWEET READS books!🏃‍♀️🏃🏃‍♂️

For ALL AGES! Entry slips must be returned by MONDAY, MARCH 1😲
With each “Rate Your Date” slip you return, ADULTS may ENTER TO WIN: dinner for two and a bottle of wine from Prairie Creek Vineyards & Winery or $50 in Bison Bucks!
TEENS (ages 13-18) MAY ENTER TO WIN Bison Bucks ($20 or $10) and $5 Taco John’s gift cards!
CHILDREN up to 12 years old may participate in SWEET READS by checking out wrapped books and rating them. All rating slips received will be entered into a SWEET PRIZE DRAWING
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