Special Reading Event October 11th!

October is National Reading Group Month, and the Central City Public Library is going to feature a special reading event for people who love mysteries.  The library is borrowing 16 copies of the book “The Number One Ladies Detective Agency” by Alexander McCall Smith.  These copies will be available for people to check out and read  after September 12.   There will be a book discussion/mystery event on Thursday, October 11, at 7 PM in the meeting room. This series is about a lady detective in Botswana, Africa, today, although it could be happening right around the corner as well.  She and her secretary/assistant are the main characters and they are a fun study in character.  The discussion will center around the way the author depicts the characters and setting, and how this kind of mystery differs from the “hard-core” detective stories.  Join us for some refreshments as we take a look at a different kind of mystery series.  Stop in and reserve a  book today.  We’ll give you a call as soon as they arrive.


The library is currently accepting applications for the position of Student Aide!  High school students, 15 years of age and older, are eligible to apply.  The job averages 8 hours per week (includes Saturdays).  Applications may be picked up at the library through August 31st.  Please contact the library with any questions.

What you would be doing:  Shelving books, assisting in the youth department as needed, straightening shelves, checking items in and out, etc.

An example of the work schedule would be:

Saturdays 10 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.  Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (hours could vary based on school schedule)


New Books Downloaded Onto Our eReaders!

Come in and check out one of our eReaders!  New books downloaded to the Nook: ” The Light Between Oceans” by M.L. Stedman, “Slammed” & “Point of Retreat” by Colleen Hoover, “A Sweethaven Summer” by Courtney Walsh, “Where We Belong” by Emily Giffin, and **”Off Balance: A Memoir” by Dominique Moceanu. ~~ New books downloaded to the Sony:  “The Sandcastle Girls” by Chris Bohjalian, “The Next Best Thing” by Jennifer Weiner, “Beautiful Ruins” by Jess Walter and “Gold” by Chris Cleave.

**”Off Balance:  A Memoir” by Dominque Moceanu:

AT FOURTEEN YEARS OLD, Dominique Moceanu was the youngest member of the 1996 U.S. Women’s Olympic Gymnastics team, the first and only American women’s team to take gold at the Olympics. Her pixyish appearance and ferocious competitive drive quickly earned her the status of media darling. But behind the fame, the flawless floor routines, and the million-dollar smile, her life was a series of challenges and hardships.Off Balance vividly delineates each of the dominating characters who contributed to Moceanu’s rise to the top, from her stubborn father and long-suffering mother to her mercurial coach, Bela Karolyi. Here, Moceanu finally shares the haunting stories of competition, her years of hiding injuries and pain out of fear of retribution from her coaches, and how she hit rock bottom after a public battle with her parents.

But medals, murder plots, drugs, and daring escapes aside (all of which figure into Moceanu’s incredible journey), the most unique aspect of her life is the family secret that Moceanu discovers, opening a new and unexpected chapter in her adult life. A mysterious letter from a stranger reveals that she has a second sister—born with a physical disability and given away at birth—who has nonetheless followed in Moceanu’s footsteps in an astonishing way.

A multilayered memoir that transcends the world of sports, Off Balance will touch anyone who has ever dared to dream of a better life.

The Library’s CORN-a-Licious Recipe Book

The library is asking for your corn recipes! What for, you may ask? In conjunction with the Nebraska State and the National Hand Cornhusking Contest being held at the Merrick County Fairgrounds on Oct. 20-21, the library is asking for your help in publishing a recipe book all about corn. Recipes for the library’s “CORN-a-licious” recipe book will be accepted until Oct. 1. Recipes with anything corn will be accepted. Forms are available at the library, or recipes may be emailed to: cc.library.ne@gmail.com  Watch for more info to follow about the Tasting Contest at the library on Oct. 17th! Cookbooks will be for sale starting at the Tasting Contest, at the Cornhusking Contest, and at the library.  Proceeds will go to the library for a display case (to display the creative talents of area residents). 🙂

Library Patron Ellen Campbell’s Review of the Book “The Great Bridge” by David McCullough


By Ellen Campbell

I’ve just finished reading a book that I found so intensely interesting and well-written that I felt led to recommend it to others.

It is one of author David McCullough’s excellent books, The Great Bridge. Thinking it was McCullough’s newest after reading a newspaper review, I requested it at our library. Instead, I found it was copyrighted in 1972, but has been republished in 2012 with some additional notes. I believe I’ve read every one of his other books, but missed this one the first time around. His books are all documentaries, thoroughly researched, but they read like novels.

The Great Bridge is the story of engineer John Roebling who had the vision for this bridge (the longest suspension bridge in the world at the time) spanning the East River between Brooklyn and New York City. He drew the original plans and conceived of ways to do the job, but met with a freak fatal accident when the work was barely begun. His son, engineer Washington Roebling, took over the building of the bridge, which took fourteen years to construct, 1869 to 1883. If it had not been for the son’s skill and courage as well as his wife’s dedication, the bridge would never have been built. It met with opposition from some politicians and newspaper editors from the outset, and there were many delays.

One of the very worst problems was in the early stages of building the caissons that had to be sunk clear down to bedrock many feet below the surface. The mysterious disorder called “the bends” sickened a number of employees who had to descend to the bottom to work. No one was familiar with it at the time, though deep-sea divers encountered the same phenomenon later.

Chief Engineer Washington Roebling himself succumbed to it and remained in ill health the rest of his life. For the last few years of construction he didn’t even appear at the worksite. Instead, he sat in an upper window of his nearby house watching the proceedings through a telescope. Amazingly, from that remote supervision, when the sub-engineers brought problems to him he was able to figure out exactly how to solve them.

There are many interesting side issues mentioned in the book, including interaction with the infamous Tweed Gang. I was intrigued with it all, even the engineering diagrams. The book holds one’s interest through all the criticisms of the bridge, the outright skullduggery, accidents, wire fraud, and the fascinating description of spinning the suspension cables.  My own emotions included fear and apprehension, then pure joy and exhilaration when the bridge was finished.

There was a huge celebration when the great bridge was dedicated on May 24, 1883 with special guests President Chester Arthur and Governor Grover Cleveland. Now, each time I catch a glimpse of the Brooklyn Bridge on a New York TV show or in a photograph, I recognize it and have a feeling of pride and ownership.

NE Humanities Program Speaker to be at the Library on Tuesday, July 3rd at 10:00 a.m.!

Diane Bartels will present a program “Sharpie:  Nebraska’s Queen of the Air” on Tuesday, July 3rd at 10:00 a.m. at the Central City Public Library.  This presentation is made possible by the Nebraska Humanities Council, the Nebraska Cultural Endowment and the Central City Public Library as part of the NHC Speakers Bureau.

Come and hear all about Evelyn Sharp, a pioneering, teenaged aviatrix who became a war hero.  Sharp taught men to fly and was one of the first women to ferry US Army Air Force fighters during WWII, freeing men for combat.

“Sharpie:  Nebraska’s Queen of the Air” is one of approximately 300 programs offered through the Nebraska Humanities Council Speakers Bureau.  The more than 165 available speakers include acclaimed scholars, writers, musicians, storytellers, and folklorists on topics ranging from pioneer heritage to ethics and law to international and multicultural issues, making it the largest humanities speaker’s bureau in the nation.  Speakers are available to any non-profit organization in Nebraska.  Each program lasts 30 minutes to an hour, plus a question-and-answer period.  For more information detailing available speakers and guidelines for booking them, please access the following website:  www.nebraskahumanities.org

Lone Tree Days Events Begin at the Library June 30th!

Lone Tree Days events begin at the library on Saturday, June 30th!  The annual book sale begins that morning at 8:00 a.m. and goes through July 7th.  Award winning NE author, Dr. Jean Lukesh will be doing a book talk/signing later that day at 11:00 a.m.  The book she will be focusing on, is entitled “Wolves in Blue:  The North Brothers and Their Pawnee Scouts”.    The Kidz activities at the North Park begin at 1:00 p.m. and  go through 3:00 p.m.  (activities include a book walk, BINGO, and rockets fun).  A helicopter will be landing at the ballfield by the North Park sometime Sat. afternoon, for people to look at.  It should be fun for all! 🙂

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