Conduct & Safety

 Conduct and Safety Policies

The Library attempts to be inclusive and welcoming to the broadest possible spectrum of the community.  Patrons are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is supportive of this philosophy.

Acceptable Conduct

Patrons are not permitted to disturb other library users, conduct themselves in a disorderly or offensive manner or engage in behavior that is judged to be dangerous or threatening to staff, the public, library premises or property.  Violation of any local, state or federal law is not allowed.

Patrons who are behaving inappropriately in the library will be given one warning by library staff and asked to behave in an appropriate manner.  Patrons who refuse to behave more appropriately after one warning will be asked to leave the library.  Serious violations, which include behaviors that are absolutely unacceptable, do not require a warning, but can result in the loss of library privileges for as long as the Director deems necessary.

In the cases in which a patron poses a clear danger to her/himself or others, deliberately violates the law or refuses to leave the library after being asked to leave by library staff, the police will be called to handle the situation.

In extreme cases in where a patron is consistently disruptive every time he/she visits the library, the Director will bring the matter to the attention of the Library Board who shall decide on any further action.

Patrons who cause damage to library premises or property may be charged with repair or replacement costs.

Patrons who attempt to steal material from the Library may be charged with repair or replacement costs.

Reinstatement of library membership or access to library facilities and
services will be at the discretion of the Library Director.


The following actions are prohibited on library property:

Annoying, harassing or threatening another person.

Physical, sexual or verbal abuse of other library users or library staff.

Carrying weapons of any type unless authorized by law.

Stealing, defacing or destroying of library property.

Behaving in a disorderly, loud or disruptive manner.

Playing audio equipment loudly enough to disturb others.

Leaving young children or vulnerable adults unsupervised or unattended.


Parking bicycles or other vehicles in a manner that blocks or hinders entry to the Library.

Aimless/Restless Roaming.

Parental Responsibility

The Library will not assume parental authority by restricting materials or
services available to children. With the exception of internet use by children
under 6 years of age. It is the prerogative of parents or guardians to develop,
interpret and apply their code of acceptable conduct in their own families.

Responsibility for the control and safety of children in the library rests with
the parent, guardian or caregiver and not the library staff. Neither the library
nor library staff assumes the role of a parent, nor do they assume the role of a
daycare or childcare provider.

Children under the age of five may not be left alone or unattended in the
library at any time.

A parent, guardian or caregiver aged 14 or older must accompany a child under the age of five.

Parents should encourage their children to respect library property and the rights of others who use the library in regards to play,  noise, and safety. Although the library is a fun place for children, playground behavior is not appropriate in the library.

The parent, guardian or caregiver is responsible for the behavior and supervision of any child under age of five in their care while at the library and, therefore must be in the immediate vicinity of and in visual contact with the child during the length of the library visit.

Customer Complaints/Concerns Policy

While the Hildreth Public Library endeavors to provide the highest levels of
satisfaction and library services to its patrons, we recognize that occasionally,
patrons may wish to raise a complaint/concern pertaining to an issue which interferes
with their use and enjoyment of the library.

A library patron may choose to raise his/her concern verbally or in written form with
the Director. The Library Director will review promptly all complaints/concerns and where
appropriate, attempt to resolve the issue directly.

If the patron is not satisfied with the response provided, and/or if the Director identifies
the situation as one in which Board input is warranted, either or both parties may bring the
complaint/concern to the attention of the Library Board.

Patrons desiring to do so may also request an opportunity to address the Board at one of its bi-monthly meetings. The Board will promptly review all complaints/concerns presented to it and provide a verbal or written response to the complaint, and take any further remedial action warranted by the particular circumstances.

The decision of the Library Board with respect to a complaint/concern shall be final.

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