Meet Dr. Enric Sala and Pristine SeasDr. Sala grew up fascinated by the ocean and dreamed of joining Jacques Cousteau’s crew, but having been born too late for that, he settled on studying and teaching marine biology. After years in academia, he decided he could have a greater impact by exploring, studying, and working to protect the ocean through policy and preservation. Through the Pristine Seas project, Dr. Sala and his team have visited some of the most remote areas of the ocean and have helped inspire the creation of marine reserves around the globe.
Join Dr. Sala in exploring Franz Josef Land, the Revillagigedo Archipelago, the Galápagos Islands, and the coastal waters of Gabon.
Check out the interactive source here:,-159.415869,68.0908304a,18379579.59d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=CjsSORIgZTA4ZjRiNGNiY2IyMTFlNmFmOTA3NTUxZTIzNDZiNjQiFWVmX25nc19wcmlzdGluZXNlYXNfMA