Preschool Story Programs
The Holdrege Area Public Library hosts three preschool story programs in the Children’s library each week. There are two morning programs and one evening program. Monday Moppets (formerly known as Tuesday Tales): Monday Moppets has a new day and time this fall. The program will now be at 5:30 p.m.…
Preschool Story Programs Resume September 9th
Preschool Story Programs will resume September 9th. The schedule follows: Monday, September 9th at 5:30 p.m., “Monday Moppets” (formerly “Tuesday Tales”) Tuesday, September 10th at 10:30 a.m., “Jingles & Rhymes” Wednesday, September 11th at 10:30 a.m., “Alphabet Soup” More details on these programs will be posted on Monday.
All Summer Readers Encouraged to Turn in Folders
Holdrege Area Public Library staff are encouraging all summer readers from Pre-K through 8th graders to turn in their reading sheets. Even if you have a few blank spaces on the sheet, please bring the sheet to the Children’s Library staff for assistance with the prizes you have earned. Deadline…
Deadline Announced for Summer Reading Folders
Children and teens who have been participating in the Holdrege Area Public Library’s summer reading program “A Universe of Stories” are asked to turn in their reading folders and completed Challenge cards to the library by Thursday, August 1st. Several community businesses have donated food prize coupons to celebrate our…
Edgerton Explorit Center Presents: “Spaceflight Explorers Show”

Mark your calendars! Relax in our comfortable community room and learn more about astronauts while you are there! See how living and working in space is different compared to life on Earth! Live experiments include a “mallonaut” in a vacuum, an astronaut strength test, a rocket launch with hydrogen gas,…
2019 Miss Nebraska will visit the library on July 12
Just a Reminder
“Mission Moon” program for Kindergarten – 4th graders 2:00 p.m. Monday, July 1st
Magician Adam White to Perform on Monday, June 17th

Master Magician, Adam White, will entertain at the Holdrege Area Public Library to help promote this year’s Summer Reading Program, “A Universe of Stories”, with his unique blend of family fun, comedy magic and audience participation! All of the children will be able to help “make the magic happen.” Free…