Summer Brown Bag Programs

Written By: Sara

All of these programs are free to the public.

Coming to Zion By J.A. Griffen, Nebraska Author

12:00 PM, Thursday, June 30th

This Alliance author’s book, Coming to Zion is the story of the spiritual and personal journey of Jesse Griffen, and exemplifies the experience of so many American pioneers.  J. A. Griffen has a passion for the story of his native Nebraska, particularly during the Territorial era.

Following our adult summer reading theme of “Exercise Your Mind: Read!”, the author is going to talk about  the effect that reading and the accessibility of books and education made on the ability of his ancestor and other young people in a small English village to overcome the obstacles that they had in life. One of the things that characterized the village where his book is set, is that these people actually had access to a good library. The vicar in that village had collected books and established this library for the good of his people. Through “exercising their minds,” a remarkable number of their young people made a great effect on their world.

J.A. Griffen (pen name) was born in Omaha, and grew up around Tekamah, in northeast Nebraska. He started writing stories when he was in second grade, and began writing this book at eleven years of age. As a boy he was his school’s representative at the Nebraska Young Author’s Conference.  His degrees are from Emmaus Bible College and Asbury Seminary.

In the course of research for this book he combed archives all the way from the British Library to Salt Lake City. In 2009 he chose to experience his own pioneer journey walking across Iowa pulling a handcart, a trek spanning 260 miles over 27 days.

The Alliance Times Herald recently wrote a detailed article about this author’s experiences.  Click here to read that article.

Legacy by Helen Harano Christ

12:00PM, Friday, July 22th

 Helen, a North Platte graduate, will speak on her book about her family’s forced relocation to an internment camp in Utah during WWII. She wrote this book hoping to give  readers a feeling for what it was like to live as a Japanese in America during the years previous to Pearl Harbor and during the evacuation.


There’s an App for That by Trudy Merrit 

12:00 PM, Thursday, July 14th

Trying to navigate the world of wearable fitness devices and fitness apps?  We do the research for you!  This session will help you understand the role of technology in making healthy choices.  Whether you are trying to solve the mysteries of your wearable fitness device or trying to find a fitness app that really helps you toward your goals, this session will provide a primer for integrating technology and fitness.  Topics will include electronic fitness journals, wearable fitness devices and the top rated fitness apps for your mobile device.


It’s the Little Things by Trudy Merrit

12:00 PM, Thursday, July 28th

Physical activity, even a little bit, helps create a healthier you.  You don’t have to be a marathon runner to reap the benefits of physical movement.  This session will teach you simple exercises that you can do at home, without special equipment or training. These exercises will be very low impact, with minimal stress on joints.   Our bodies respond in a positive way to even the simplest exercise, so wear comfortable clothes and join in the fitness and fun!

Cemetery Tree Stones by Boni Edwards

12:00 PM, Thursday, August 25th

 Cemetery tombstones, especially old stones, come in all shapes and sizes.  Boni Edwards has photographed multiple Woodman of the World and other “Tree Stones,” and will share her photos and knowledge of these beautifully shaped stones and their symbolism, with emphasis on the stones found in Lincoln County and the surrounding area.







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