
Staff Picks

If you haven’t checked out our recently added selections,

here are two of our staff favorites that are available for checkout:

Librarian Patti recommends: Old Bones by Nora Kelly (Book #1 in a series): “Old Bones has it all: chills, thrills and a blend of history, along with archaeological expertise you can only get from a Preston & Child novel. I loved spending time with Nora Kelly and Corrie Swanson, and look forward to seeing them in future adventures. Longtime readers will be rewarded not only by this pairing but by some other surprises leading up to the conclusion of this exciting read.”―Bookreporter

Director Melissa recommends: Greenlights byMatthew McConaughey(This is available on audio) “A Renaissance man on the big screen, McConaughey shows he is the same on the page. Mystical and spiritual but mostly just wonderful, Greenlightsis an inspired memoir that celebrates the idea that it’s the journey rather than the destination that will fulfill us.”—Michael Connelly, author of Fair Warning

Upcoming Events:

May 25thUNL STEM programming begins

June 1stSummer Reading begins

June 3rdCommunity Event – Animal Adventures Balloon Show

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