Last week when entering books, I came across one that I couldn’t wait to read, The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James. This book is set in 1920s England, I have read many historical mysteries and so was excited to find one set in an era I thought I was familiar with.  I was not as familiar as I had thought, I learned a lot about the rebuilding of lives after the war and all of the changes of morals, social customs and economics. This writer really draws you in and the story flows so fast that I was halfway done within a few hours. The main characters are Maddy (The Ghost), Sarah Piper, who answers a temporary assistant position for Allistair Gellis (The Ghost Hunter), and Matthew Ryder (Assistant Ghost Hunter).  The “haunting” scenes were very descriptive and you really felt sorry for the ghost and the people she was haunting. I have truly enjoyed this writer’s voice in this story. I read the preview for her next book and I can’t wait until it comes out!!

—Review by Angie Brainard

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