The Amaranth Enchantment by Julie Berry

            Lucinda Chapdelaine is an orphan. Her parents had been extremely wealthy with their own large estate, but everything was taken away when Lucinda was just a little girl, after her parents died. Ever since then, Lucinda has lived like a slave in the house of Aunt, who despises Lucinda’s very existence. After a mysterious woman, the prince and a thief all visit her in one day, Lucinda is forced from the house and onto the streets.

The woman who had visited her turns out to be the Amaranth Witch, feared and avoided by all, and she knows everything about Lucinda. And Lucinda has lost something of hers, taken from her by the thief who had visited in the night. The witch, Beryl, gives Lucinda a dangerous quest to retrieve her stolen property – if Lucinda succeeds, Beryl will give her the Chapdelaine estate and all of her riches, so she can live the rest of her life in luxury and peace. If she fails… Well, you get the idea. The quest throws Lucinda into a marvelous world full of secrets and romance, complete with royal balls and underground dungeons.

Does Lucinda complete her quest? Read the book to find out!


This book is a fast but fun and fulfilling read. Each twist will leave you breathless as you dive into the world this author has created – one chock-full of adventure and action!

This book was read and the review was written by Elizabeth Hittle, the intern at Scribner Public Library.


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