Hello everyone, it’s Liz the Librarian at your local Scribner Public Library here. Angie decided that it was time to revamp the old blog and start using it more, and I have been put in charge of it. From here on out, I’ll be known as the ScribLibScribe when I post! Yay!
The sad part is that I don’t quite know what I’m doing; I haven’t edited a webpage since the first days of MySpace (ugh, I know). Don’t worry – I’m going to keep at it until I’ve got it all figured out!
Meanwhile, I’ll continue to post our news and try to figure out the calendar and events pages.
At the moment, the latest news is that we’ve got lots of new books for you all to read! Come on in and check ’em out! We will also be receiving all of the Golden Sowers shortly.
We’re currently discussing events for Halloween :3 stay tuned..
Also, the Tannenbaum Festival will be on November 19th, so keep your calendars open!
I think that’s it for now; everybody have a great weekend! 🙂