Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer

Have you ever felt that the characters in your favorite books were real? Did you ever wonder what happened to them when you weren’t reading? Well, in this brand-new story, we find out. Meet Prince Oliver, the main character in the fairy tale “Between the Lines”. But his life hasn’t had a happy-ever-after, despite the book’s ending.

Turns out that when the book is closed, the characters take on their true personalities and carry on with their lives, only to rush into place and act out their ‘scenes’ every single time the book is read. And the book’s owner, Delilah, reads this story a lot, even though she’s 15 and too old for fairy tales.

Hated by everyone in school and the child of divorced parents, Delilah relates to Oliver, who lost his father in the story. One day, after years of trying, Oliver is heard by a reader: and who else would it be besides Delilah? The adventure that follows is a funny and frustrating one, but a great read the whole way through.

Between the Lines is a wonderful love story with a twist – two star-crossed lovers separated by two different worlds, determined to be together, no matter what. The imagination and creativity behind the fairy tale and the main plot are exquisite and original, and you never know what’s going to happen next. For my first Jodi Picoult book (though she wrote this with her daughter), I was not disappointed!

This book was read and the review was written by Elizabeth Hittle.

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