“The South Sioux City Public Library is an innovative and responsive community center that supports cultural programming, lifelong learning, literacy, and open access to the world of information and ideas, with a staff committed to excellence and personal service.”
Advocacy PolicySouth Sioux City Public Library(Approved the City Council of the City of South Sioux City8/28/2017)PurposeThis policy defines when, why, how, and who would engage in advocacy activities on behalfof the South Sioux City Library.PolicyAdvocacy is an ongoing activity which lays the foundation for specific awareness and understanding of the importance of the Library. This policy applies to the Library Advisory Board, the Library Director, or designee, and any other staff members who are authorized by the Library Director to advocate on behalf of the South Sioux City Public Library.This assures communication in one voice, in an informed manner, the unique benefits of the Library in the community.This will ensure communication be positiveand consistent.GUIDELINESAdvocacy RoleThe Library Advisory Board:Participatesin advocacy planning.Ensuresthat advocacy remains a planned and sustainable ongoing process at the Library.Fulfillsits advocacy responsibilities by identifying and responding to issues, concerns, and government policies that may directly or indirectly affect the Library.EncouragesBoard members,staff, volunteers, concerned individuals, and other community organizations to bring advocacy issues to the Board’s attention.May communicate , cooperate, and coordinate with other libraries, organizations, agencies, and institutions in order to support the advocacy initiatives of the LibraryIssue ResponseAfter discussion of the advocacy issue(s), the Library Board:Shall advisethe Library Director to convey its concerns,in person or in writing,to the appropriateperson,organization,or government agency, and possibly to the media.May convey its decision to the general public and to the Library membership and customers.Shall advise government officials on the impact of proposed policies.May, at its discretion and by duly approved motion, undertake lobbying activities in support or opposition to these policies.
Library SpokespersonEither the Library Director (or designee) will:Be the official spokesperson for the Library on advocacy issues, depending upon availability and the nature of the issue.Speak to the transformative impacts on the Library.Coordination with Decision MakersThe Library Board:Advocates carefully to build relationships and understandings with the people who make the decisions.Shall be an effective advocate for the provision of good Library service by ensuring that the community is aware of the importance of the Library and thatthe governmentdecision-makers at all levels fully understand the pivotal role played by the Library in the community.Will work toward having a ‘voice at the table’ to be part of the process when problems are identified, solutions proposed, programs and funding for the community are discussed, and decisions made.Sees lobbying as a means of working to persuade the government to resolve a decision, policy, or law in favor of the Library.(Approved by the Advisory Board, 7-5-2017)
Challenged Materials Policy
(Approved by the City Council of the City of South Sioux City Feb 12, 2018)
The South Sioux City Public Library believes in freedom of information for all, and does not practice censorship. The library follows the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement, The Freedom to View Statement,and the Library Bill of Rights.Many books are controversial and any given item may offend someone. Patrons may raise concerns about library material that does not support their tastes and views. Staff is available to discuss concerns and identify alternate material that may be available. Patron concerns will be dealt with promptly and courteously.A staff member will listen to the patron’s concerns. This discussion may be referred to a Department Head, the Library Director or the assigned in-charge person at either the staff member’s or the patron’s request.The patron will be handed a copy of South Sioux City Public Library Collection Development Policy, the Challenged Materials Policy, the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement, The Freedom to View Statement,and the Library Bill of Rights.If this discussion proves unsatisfactory to the patron, the patron may make a formal, written request using the “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form” located at the front circulation desk.This form will be provided by a Department Head, the Library Director or the assigned in-charge person.For the request to be considered, the form must be completed in full including signature and submitted to the Library Director. Only specific works or titles will be considered for reconsideration. Requests for reconsideration of general topics or subject areas will not be considered.The patronsubmitting the formmust be a resident of the Siouxland area and currentlyhold a valid South Sioux City Public Librarycard.The material under consideration will remain in the library’s collection pending the outcome of the patron’s request. In the event that the material under consideration is lost during the evaluation process, replacement materials will be purchased until a final determination has been made.Upon receipt of a completed form, the Library Director will establish if the formis proper, applies to the material in question,and is complete. Based on all applicable library policies and procedures, the Library Director will evaluate the material and then make a decision regarding the disposition of the material.The Director’s decision will be communicated in writing at the earliest possible date to the patron who initiated the request for reconsideration. The response will indicate the action to be taken and reasons for or against the request.Requests for reclassification of library material will be considered by the Director in consultation with library staff. The Director will decide what action, if any, is to be taken and will notify the patron of this decision at the earliest possible date.
An item will only be evaluated for reconsideration and/or reclassification once in a twelve-month period.The Director will inform the Library Board of all requests for reconsideration of library materials and their disposition.If not satisfied with the Director’s decision, the patron may file an appeal with the Library Advisory Board within three weeks (21 days) of issuance of the written decision. The appeal should be presented in writing to the President of the Board.In the event of an appeal, the Library Board will be given a copy of the patron’s completed form and the Director’s response to the patron. The President of the Board will request a subcommittee of at least three board members to review the challenged material. Any board member may serve on the review committee upon request. The Library Board will hear an appeal during their next scheduled meeting. The Board reserves the right to limit the length of presentation and number of speakers at the hearing.The Board will determine whether the request for reconsideration has been handled in accordance with,and the decision conforms to,all applicable policies and procedures of the South Sioux City Public Library. On the basis of this determination, the Board may vote to uphold or override the decision of the Director.The decision of the Library Board is final.The Director will notify the patron of the Board’s decision within three days by letter.If the decision is to remove the materials or reclassify to a new location, the Circulation Department head will be notified and the records will be removed/changed and all copies of the material will be discarded/changed. Upon the item being removed/changed,the Director will contact the American Library Association Office for Intellectual Freedom of the removed item.(Approved by the South Sioux City Advisory Board 11/01/2017)
Child Safety Policy South Sioux City Public Library (Approved by the City Council of the City of South Sioux City Feb 12, 2018) The South Sioux City Public Library welcomes all children to use its facilities and services. Responsibility for children using the Library, however, rests with the parent/guardian or assigned chaperone, not with Library personnel. The South Sioux City Public Library, its volunteers, and its staff will not be responsible as temporary supervisors of children who are left unattended.
Young children should not be left unattended at the South Sioux City Public Library. This is an issue of safety and of proper supervision for all children, but especially those of nine (9) years old or younger who are required to be supervised continually while at the Library. Children ages nine (9) years old or younger should not be left unattended in the Library; they must be accompanied by an adult or responsible caregiver. Responsible parties must remain in the Library with children and supervise them at all times. If children with an adult behave in a disruptive manner, it is the right of the Library staff to ask the adult and children to leave if the adult cannot/does not tend to the children so that they behave appropriately. If a parent or responsible guardian cannot be found in the building, the proper authorities will be notified.
Children ages ten (10) years old and older may use the Library unattended subject to demonstration of appropriate behavior, conduct, and demeanor. Patrons, adult and children alike, who exhibit disruptive behavior, conduct, or demeanor (i.e. any actions within the Library which infringe on the rights of others using the Library or the extension of regular Library service) will be warned by staff one time to cease such behavior, conduct or demeanor. At the time of the second warning, Library staff may ask the patron to leave Library property. If the patron is a minor child, staff will attempt to contact the child’s parent/guardian.
In extreme cases of inappropriate or threatening behavior, Library staff reserves the right to contact local law enforcement authorities. At the close of Library service hours, all patrons, including children, will be asked to leave the Library building. Parents/guardians should make arrangements to pick their children up prior to closing as the Library cannot, and will not, assume responsibility for persons or property outside the building. In extreme instances of neglect (such as persistent discipline problems with unattended children or failing to pick up children prior to the close of Library service hours), local law enforcement or child protection authorities may be notified to take custody of the child. We respect the privacy of all Library patrons, however, and will intervene only when, in the opinion of the Library staff, the safety and well-being of a child is threatened.
This policy is designed to protect, not to discourage, children from visiting the Library. Children are welcome. (Approved by the Advisory Board, revised11/01/2017)
Collection Development Policy
South Sioux City Public Library
(Approved by the City Council of the City of South Sioux City 1-26-2015)
The Role of the Library in the Community:
The role of the South Sioux City Public Library is to actively provide for the educational, informational, recreational and cultural needs of the residents of South Sioux City by selecting, acquiring, organizing, preserving and making available our materials and services. We seek to foster an atmosphere of free inquiry and to provide information without bias or discrimination. We cooperate with other agencies and institutions in an effort to enhance and expand public awareness and access to information. We have the responsibility to uphold the principles of freedom of expression and the public’s “right to know.”
Materials Selection Policy:
The public library is the institution in our society which attempts to provide a diversity of viewpoints on a wide range of topics of interest, including political, social and religious ones-no matter how controversial or objectionable those ideas may be to some people. Because of this, the South Sioux City Public Library chooses materials representing different points of view, limited only by our selection criteria, budget and the space in our facilities.
We support the Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read Statement, and the Freedom to View Statement in providing free and open access to our materials for all age groups. Children are not restricted to particular area of the library. Our staff does not monitor the materials that children choose. The responsibility for the reading or viewing choices of children rests entirely with parents or legal guardians.
In considering which materials to place in the Library, we will not automatically include or exclude an item based on any of the following criteria:
• Race, religion, nationality or political views of an author
• Frankness or coarseness of language
• Controversial nature of an item
• Endorsement or disapproval of an item by an individual or organization in the
We judge each book or other type of material on the basis of its overall content or style, not by isolated or random portions.
How We Decide What to Buy:
We have a Materials Selection Committee whose members make recommendations for Library purchases. Each committee member is responsible for the selections of materials within assigned categories and uses Materials Selection Policy in choosing what to buy. Committee members consult various sources to determine the value of the material to the collection. The following criteria are considered when selecting materials:
• Reviews from professional journals, popular magazines and newspapers
• Expressed or anticipated patron demand
• Timeliness or permanence of the material
• Quality, accuracy or authenticity of materials
• Inclusion if materials in a special bibliography or index
• Scope and depth of our present collection or the availability of materials at other libraries
• Reputation or authority of the author or publisher
• Format and price of material as well as space available to house it
• Appropriateness to the interests and skills of the intended user
No single criterion is used to justify a purchase: materials selectors consider all the criteria in reaching a decision.
How You Can Have a Say:
Suggestions and donations from people in the community are encouraged and are given serious consideration. We want to hear from you and will let you know whether or not we can buy or accept the material. All material added to our collection by suggestion or gift must meet the same criteria as ordinarily used in choosing items.
From time to time, a person may be concerned about a particular book or other material in the Library. If a person wants us to reconsider material that is in our collection, a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form may be requested from the staff. This form should be filled out and either returned to the staff member or the Library Director.
A written response from the Library Director will be sent within one to two weeks.
Intellectual Freedom Statements:
“The heritage of freedom is ours. In the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution, the founders of our nation proclaimed certain fundamental freedoms to be essential to our form of government. Primary among these is the freedom of expression, specifically the right to publish diverse opinions and the right to unrestricted access to those opinions. As citizens committed to full and free use of all communications media and as professional persons responsible for making the content of those media accessible to all without prejudice, we wish to assert the public interest in the preservation of freedom of expression.
Through continuing judicial interpretations of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, full freedom of expression has been guaranteed. Every American who aspires to the success of our experiment in democracy-who has faith in the political and social integrity of free men-must stand firm on those Constitutional guarantees of essential rights. Such Americans can be expected to fulfill the responsibilities implicit in those rights.”
Therefore, we include in our policies the following documents: The Library Bill of Rights, The Freedom to Read Statement, and The Freedom to View Statement, all of which are endorsed by the American Library Association.
Children and the Library:
Your child is the proud owner of a library card, a passport to an exciting world of adventure. With it, your child can journey to every country in this world-and out-of-this-world too! Your child can visit yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
We’ve got a parent and family collection just for you; feel fee to browse our books on parenting, discipline, child development, nutrition, health and more.
As parent or guardian, you are responsible for what your child reads and for materials checked out on your child’s library card. Being a library cardholder is an excellent chance for your child to learn about responsibility: how to choose what to read, making sure library materials are returned on time and paying fines when materials are overdue. We hope you become involved with your child’s library experience; you’ll find it rewarding for you and for your child.
The South Sioux City Public Library makes a broad selection of library materials and information available for everyone, including children and teenagers.
We have special areas for children and teens with materials that appeal to various ages and interests. We also offer a summer reading program, story times and other special programs for young people. Programs such as these help young people learn to enjoy libraries and use them for their information and entertainment needs.
Our Material Selection Committee seeks materials that will provide a broad range of viewpoints and subject matter. Consequently, while our collection has thousands of items families want, like, and need; it also may have materials that some parents may find offensive to them or inappropriate for their children.
Libraries must meet the diverse needs of everyone in their community. They cannot overrule the rights and responsibilities of individuals by deciding who does or doesn’t have access to library materials. Decisions about what materials are suitable for particular children should be made by the people who know them best – the parents or guardians.
Children mature at different rates. They have different backgrounds and interests, and they have different reading levels and abilities. For instance, one parent may feel a particular library material is inappropriate for his child, while the same book may be a favorite of that child’s classmate’s family. These factors make it impossible for librarians to set any criteria for restricting use based on age alone. To do so would keep others who want and need materials from having access to them.
Like adults, children and teenagers have the right to seek and receive the information that they choose. It is the right and responsibility of parents/guardians to guide their own family’s library use while allowing other parents/guardians to do the same.
Parents should discuss rules regarding library use with their children. If you are concerned they will not respect your wishes, it is your responsibility to visit the library with them.
Librarians are not authorized to act as parents, but they are happy to provide suggestions and guidance to parents and youngsters at any time.
This policy adapted from the Springfield-Greene County Library, Springfield, Missouri.
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Emergency and Safety Policy
South Sioux City Public Library
(Approved by the City Council of the City of South Sioux City 1-26-2015)
Do not panic, but do not under-estimate the potential danger to customers or staff represented by a fire. At the first indication of smoke or flame, investigate the situation
to determine location and extent of the fire. If the fire can obviously be contained and extinguished quickly and safely by staff, proceed to do so. However, if there is any doubt about whether the fire can be controlled, immediately call 911 or the fire department and proceed to clear the building. The senior staff member shall decide on the safest evacuation route for patrons and staff. Move everyone 100 feet away from building. Position staff outside of building so no other patrons can enter building. All staff and volunteers should be familiar with the type, location, and application of the fire extinguishers in the building.
Health emergencies:
Staff members should exercise caution when administering any first aid, even of a minor nature, because of the safety of the injured individual and the potential liability of the City of South Sioux City, Nebraska, the South Sioux City Public Library, and the staff member. Without specialized training it is not advisable for staff to undertake more than keeping the sick or injured patron comfortable and protected from needless disturbance until medical help can be obtained. Since each case is unique, staff members should use their own judgment to do what is prudent and reasonable.
The Rescue Squad/Police, 911, should be called immediately in the event of any serious problem.
No medication, whether prescription or over-the-counter, including but not limited to aspirin, should ever be dispensed to the public.
Bomb Threats:
Telephone threat: Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Ask the caller to repeat the message and try to write down every word spoken by the person.
If the caller does not indicate the location of the bomb or the time of possible detonation,
Pay particular attention to peculiar background noises such as motors running, music and any other sounds which may indicate the location from which the call is originating.
Listen closely to the voice (male, female), voice quality (calm, excited), accents and speech impediments.
Immediately after the caller hangs up, call the police. Clear the building, moving everyone 100 feet away from the building. Upon arrival by law enforcement, they shall have command until they direct otherwise.
If a bomb threat is received in writing, whether physical or electronic, immediately call the police department and clear the building, moving everyone 100 feet away from the building. Upon arrival by law enforcement, they shall have command until they direct otherwise.
Inclement Weather:
In case of inclement weather, such as tornadoes or severe thunderstorms, staff will alert
the public and direct them to safe areas. The main library will be closed. Although adults cannot be forced to take shelter, they must leave the main library. They can wait in the restrooms, the foyer, or the café.
In case of unattended children, staff assumes “loco parentis” and directs them to the shelter. Senior staff member will check to make sure all patrons are out of main library area, lock doors and take emergency shelter bag with them to the shelter. (Emergency shelter bag will consist of a portable radio, first aid kit, flashlights, and batteries.).
During the winter months, the library may open late or close early when weather conditions present a danger to staff and/or patrons. The Library will follow the recommendation and actions of the City between 9:00 am. and 5:00 pm., Monday through Friday. Closing during other days and hours will be at the discretion of the Library Director. A press release will be sent so that closings will be announced by area media and “Library Closed” signs will be posted on the outside doors of the Library.
Strange smells/possible gas leak:
At first indication of suspicious odor, investigate the situation and determine location of odor. Senior staff member orders evacuation of library. Lock doors so other individuals cannot enter library. Do not turn out any lights.
Phone the gas company and the police outside of the building. Do not phone inside the library. Move everyone 100 feet away from building.
Patron Unruliness or Illegal Activities:
Library patrons are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which shows respect to staff and other patrons. Behavior which disrupts or disturbs others or destroys property will not be tolerated.
Staff members shall address a disruptive patron alone if they feel comfortable doing so. If they do not feel comfortable doing so, they may report the problem patron to the director or approach the patron with other staff members. If the situation escalates or if the patron refuses to cooperate with the staff, the police will be called immediately.
The police will be called when a patron commits any illegal act in the Library or on Library property.
Patrons who remain on the Library premises after being asked to leave, or patrons who enter the Library during the time period in which they have been banned from the Library, may be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing.
Staff members will use email notices to the other staff to make them aware of patrons who are temporarily or permanently banned from the Library. Within two working days of any incident regarding dismissals extending beyond the same day, staff members will record in writing their version of the situation.
Patrons may appeal their punishment. Appeals must be submitted in writing one week prior to regular Library Board meetings and will be reviewed by the Library Director and members of the Library Board at the next regular meeting following receipt of the appeal.
Staff members will consistently follow all Library Policies especially the Library patron behavior policy and behavior penalties, the unattended child policy, and the Internet use policy.
(Approved by the Advisory Board, revised 1/07/2015)
Displays and Exhibits Policy
South Sioux City Public Library
(approved by the City Council of the City of South Sioux City Aug 24,2009)
As an educational and cultural institution, the South Sioux City Public Library welcomes
exhibits and displays of interest, information and enlightenment to the community.
Displays of handiwork, historical material, nature study, or any other material deemed of
general interest may be exhibited. The director shall accept or reject material offered for
display based on its suitability and availability.
The Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation or protection and no liability
for possible damage or theft of any item displayed or exhibited. All items placed in the
Library are there at the owner’s risk.
Areas available to the public for displays and exhibits are the glass exhibit case, the
meeting room, the library reference section, and the coffee house. A release must be signed by the exhibitor before any artifact can be placed in the library. An example of the release follows:
South Sioux City Public Library Display and Exhibit Release
I, the undersigned, hereby lend the following works of art or other material to the South
Sioux City Public Library for exhibit purposes only. In consideration of the privilege of
exhibiting them in the Library, I hereby release said Library from responsibility for loss,
damage, or destruction while they are in the possession of the Library.
Exhibit or display to be held in the ________________________________________
During ______________________________________________________________
Description of materials loaned ___________________________________________
Signature _____________________________________ Date __________________
Address ________________________________________ Telephone ____________
Taken from Sample Library Policies for the Small Public Library
Compiled by the Small Library Committee of the Wisconsin Association of Public Librarians, 2nd Edition, Revised by David L.
Polodna, 1999.
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Children’s Freedom to Read Policy
South Sioux City Public Library
(Approved by the City Council of the City of South Sioux City 8/26/2019)
Your child is the proud owner of a library card, a passport to an exciting world of adventure. With it, your child can journey to every country in this world-and out-of-this-world too! Your child can visit yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Like adults, children and teenagers have the right to seek and receive the information that they choose. It is the right and responsibility of parents/guardians to guide their own family’s library use while allowing other parents/guardians to do the same.
At all times, any child is able to read library materials in the library. They are not required to have a library card to read at our library. The card is only required to be able to check out materials and take home to read.
As parent or guardian, you are responsible for what your child reads and for materials checked out on your child’s library card. Being a library cardholder is an excellent chance for your child to learn about responsibility: choosing what to read, making sure library materials are returned on time and paying fines when materials are overdue.
Parents should discuss rules regarding library use with their children. If you are concerned they will not respect your wishes, it is your responsibility to visit the library with them.
Librarians are not authorized to act as parents, but they are happy to provide suggestions and guidance to parents and youngsters at any time.
Our Material Selection Committee seeks materials that will provide a broad range of viewpoints and subject matter. Consequently, while our collection has thousands of items families want, like, and need; it also may have materials that some parents may find offensive to them or inappropriate for their children.
Children mature at different rates. They have different backgrounds and interests, and they have different reading levels and abilities. Libraries must meet the diverse needs of everyone in their community. They cannot overrule the rights and responsibilities of individuals by deciding who does or doesn’t have access to library materials. Decisions about what materials are suitable for particular children should be made by the people who know them best – the parents or guardians.
We hope you become involved with your child’s library experience; you’ll find it rewarding for you and for your child.
(Approved by the Advisory Board 7/11/2019)
Gifts and Donations
South Sioux City Public Library
(Approved by the City Council of the City of South Sioux City 8/26/2019)
The Library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that the donated items will be added to the collection only if appropriate and needed. If they are not needed because of duplication, condition of donated materials, or dated information; the Library Director can dispose of them as he/she sees fit. The same criteria of selection which are applied to purchased materials are applied to gifts. Memorial gifts of books or money are also accepted with suitable bookplates placed in the book. Specific memorial books can be ordered for the Library upon the request of a patron if the request meets the criteria established by the Library Board. It is desirable for gifts of or for specific titles to be offered after consultation with the Library Director. Book selection will be made by the Library Director if no specific book is requested. The South Sioux City Public Library encourages and appreciates gifts and donations.
The Library cannot appraise the value of donated materials, though it can provide an acknowledgment of receipt of the items if requested by the donor.
In accordance to Nebraska laws, the Library will not accept gifts which are intended to promote or provide personal financial gain to the donor.
The Library reserves the right to refuse any and all materials and collections that do not meet its mission statement.
(Approved by the Advisory Board, revised 3/06/2019)
Internet Use Policy
(Approved by the City Council of the City of South Sioux City1-26-2015)
The South Sioux City Public Library provides free access to the Internet within the Library.
The Library provides workstations and Wireless Internet access that allows patrons and visitors free access to the Internet as an informational, educational, and recreational resource. Use of the Internet via the Library’s network is bound by this policy.
Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Misuse or failure to follow this policy may result in the loss of computer privileges and /or legal prosecution.
General Use Guidelines
Responsible and ethical use of Internet resources includes the following:
- Using resources for informational, educational, and recreational purposes only; not for unauthorized, illegal or unethical purposes.
- Respecting the privacy of others by not misrepresenting oneself as another; by harassing or threatening other Internet users.
- By not attempting to modify or gain access to any computer system, or damaging or altering software components of any network or database.
- Not interfering with any patron’s use of computers in the Library.
- Not sending, receiving, or displaying text or graphics which may reasonably be construed as obscene or which disturbs or disrupts the use of patrons or staff. Viewing or sending child pornography is a federal offense and police will be called.
Children’s Use of the Internet
The South Sioux City Public Library cannot act in the place of parents or guardians in providing supervision of children as they use the Internet. Each family needs to decide what is appropriate for Internet use for their children. The Library is not responsible for what minors read or view on the Internet. That responsibility rests solely with the parents and guardians.
Computer Use
In order to ensure fair use of the computers, staff may limit the amount of time an individual can use the computers daily.
Beverages and food are not permitted near the computers.
(Approved by the Advisory Board, revised 1/07/2015)
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Personnel Policy
South Sioux City Public Library
(Approved by the City Council of the City of South Sioux City 8/26/2019)
The City Council of South Sioux City is responsible for establishing guidelines for city employees.
A committee will be responsible for the interviewing and the hiring of the Library Director. The committee will consist of the HR/Finance Officer Assistant, a City Administrator, a Library Advisory Board member and a Library staff member. Final approval of the Library Director will be made by the City Council of South Sioux City.
Hiring of other Library personnel will consist of the Library Director and the appropriate Department Head. and the HR/Finance Officer Assistant.
- Selection of staff members is based solely upon merit, with due consideration of personal, educational and physical qualifications and aptitudes for the positions regardless of race, color or sex.
- Posted job applications shall be made to the Library Director or the HR/Finance Officer Assistant.
- Job Descriptions
- Detailed descriptions for each position are available at the Library and from the South Sioux HR/Finance Officer Assistant.
- Job descriptions and requirements may be reviewed and changed by the Library Director and a majority vote of the Library Board at any regularly scheduled Library Board meeting.
All Library staff will follow the City of South Sioux City Personnel Manual (adopted August 13, 2007 Resolution 2007-83, with various amendments)
(Approved by the Advisory Board, revised 3/06/2019)
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Weeding Policy
South Sioux City Public Library
(Approved by the City Council of the City of South Sioux City 8/26/2019)
An up-to-date, attractive and useful collection is maintained through a continual withdrawal and replacement process.
Criteria for Weeding:
Currency: The content of library materials should be accurate and up to date. Materials that are superseded by newer, revised, or updated editions may be weeded.
Usage: Low or no usage may be a factor in weeding decisions. Library personnel may consult circulation statistics or other reports to determine material for weeding.
Physical Condition: Materials that are badly deteriorated or damaged and beyond reasonable repair efforts will be weeded.
Duplicates: Because of space limitations the library may weed duplicate copies of library materials. Library staff will take into consideration the need to have more than one copy of a title on hand, especially for materials that are heavily used.
Completeness: Materials that are part of a multi-volume set of which the library does not have all volumes may be weeded.
Uniqueness: The library will not weed materials that are considered unique.
Format Obsolescence: Materials in obsolete formats may be weeded if the content is available elsewhere or if the material is in poor condition.
The ongoing process of weeding is the responsibility of the library staff with final decision by the Library Director. Withdrawn materials will be handled in a similar manner and under the same authority as donated materials.
At least 3% of the collection shall be weeded annually.
(Approved by the Advisory Board, revised 3/06/2019)
Toy Lending Library Policy
South Sioux City Public Library
(Approved by the City Council of the City of South Sioux City )
To use the Toy Lending Library the family must live in the South Sioux City School District, show proof of residence with a photo ID and one (1) other piece of address identification. These toys are available at no cost to the families using the service.
There is a complete listing of toys available at the circulation desk of the South Sioux City Public Library. Families are able to check out one (1) toy at a time. Exceptions may be made on occasion. Toys are available to check out for a period of up to two (2) weeks. Exceptions may be made on occasion. Decisions are made by staff. All materials will be checked out on a first come, first served basis. Calling the library or emailing the library will not reserve the toys. All toys will need to be picked-up and returned during the hours of the South Sioux City Public Library (which can be found at southsiouxcity.org/library). A parent/guardian must be present when checking out a toy.
We recommend that the families inspect and clean/sanitize/disinfect all toys from the Toy Lending Library upon receipt and before using. It is required that all toys be cleaned prior to being returned to the South Sioux City Public Library. The Library staff will inspect the toys on return.
It is the families’ responsibility to use the toys and materials for the intended purpose and appropriate age of children. Items should be returned in the same condition as received, given normal wear and tear. If something breaks while checked out, all pieces should be returned to staff at the library. If a family returns items, 3 times in a row, that are missing pieces or broken, the family will be suspended from using the Toy Lending Library. If a toy is not returned, use of the Toy Lending Library will be suspended until the toy is replaced/returned.
(Approved by the Advisory Board on November 6, 2019)