New Library hours starting August 10th! At this time, we are remaining business purposes only (faxing, scanning, printing, etc.). Librarians will collect any requested books and check them out to you. Contact-free, curbside pick up and window shopping will continue to be available.
Author: cmanzer
Summer Reading Program Reminder
Just a reminder to all library Summer Reading Program participants: Reading reporting and Bingo sheets are due by July 31st. For all preschool and elementary age readers, please add your reading minutes on the Readers Zone app. Be sure to stop by the library for your library dollars. Teens and adults need to turn in Bingo sheets to the library, or email a photo or a scanned sheet. All readers and bingo sheets participants are eligible for Grand Prizes!!!
Library Reopens for Business Services
The Library is now open for business services. We ask that only one family member visit the library. A thirty (30) minute time limit is allowed for making copies, printing, sending a fax, and computer use. Curbside pick up service is still available. Thank you for abiding by our guidelines.
Register for a Rose Theater Virtual Workshop: Ages 6-12
Summer Reading Program: Imagine Your Story
Curbside Pickup Service Begins Friday May 15
Library News
A date to begin offering curbside pick up for library materials is in the works. We are working out all the details and hope to provide more definite information soon. Stay tuned!
Temporary Library Card
Library Update
Library Closure Update
The Library will remained closed until April 30th. All materials checked out at this time will not be due back until May 1st. Our book drop remains open if you choose to return library materials. We are not accepting any Interlibrary loan request or reserving any materials at this time. Please visit the Library’s facebook page for daily posts with fun activities and updates: Thank you for your patience. Take care and stay well!