Library Policies

Library Cards

Library cards are issued free to all households within the city limits of Springfield. Non-residents may obtain a library card by paying a yearly fee of $35.00 per household. Free with your Springfield Library card is the NebrasKard, which may be used at participating libraries across the state. Stop by or contact the library for more information.

Checkout Times, Renewals & Fines

Books, audios, magazines, puzzles, and board games may be checked out for for three (3)weeks. A $.10 per day fee is charged for overdue materials with a $5.00 limit.

Videos may be checked out for three (3) weeks with a limit of three videos per household. A $1.00 per day fee is charged for each overdue video.

All “Library of Things” and venue passes are assessed special check out times and fines. Contact library staff for additional information.

Books may be renewed for an additional three weeks, unless a hold has been placed on a checked out title. Renewals can be made by phone, in person, or online through the library’s website. Access to patron’s account are available by logging into the library’s online catalog.

Damage or lost materials will be assessed the list price.

To return items when the library is closed, an outdoor book return is located beside the front door of the library.

Internet Policy

Nine (9) computers connected to high speed internet are available for the public along with wireless internet service. Patron may bring their own laptops or wireless devices to the library.

An Internet Access Agreement is required to be on file for all patrons using the internet. Patrons are required to sign in and abide by the computer usage rules. At high usage times, computer access is limited to one hour.

Library Code of Conduct

 The Springfield Memorial Library Board of Trustees wishes to ensure all patrons a safe environment while visiting the library. These rules have been adopted to provide quality library service for the comfort and protection of all those working and using the library. Unacceptable behavior is not permitted. Unacceptable behavior includes the following:

  1. Loud talking or other noise.
  2. Physical threats or abuse.
  3. Running in the library.
  4. Abusive or foul language.
  5. Food and drinks are prohibited, with exception of library coffee days for adults. Cups with lids will be allowed. Food and drinks are permitted in the meeting room and front entry.
  6. Abuse or misuse of library furnishing, equipment or materials.
  7. Congregating or blocking the entryway.
  8. Commission of an illegal act against any patron or library staff member, i.e. theft, trespass, assault, arson, etc.
  9. Possession of alcohol, illegal substances or weapons on library property.
  10. Use of tobacco of any form while inside the library building.
  11. Use of smart devices, tablets, or any other audio devices that can be heard by other individuals.
  12. When using your cell phone, be considerate of those around you, and keep your conversations short and your voice lowered. If you need to have an extended conversation, please use the library’s entryway area.
  13. Not wearing shoes or a shirt.
  14. Buying, selling, or soliciting for personal or commercial gain.
  15. Any behavior not conducive to the operation of the library.

Patron will be warned once and requested to leave if unacceptable behavior continues. Suspension of library privileges may occur depending on the severity of the misbehavior.

Questions about this policy or any action the Library has taken may be addressed to the Library Director or Library Board of Trustees.

The above rules are based on powers granted to the Library Board of Trustees under Nebraska State Statues 51-212.


A new photo and videography policy was adopted by the Library Board of Trustees on April 22, 2024. Please view the added policy below. An opt-out form is available for those who do not want to be photographed or video recorded. Please view the policy below.

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