Have you ever checked out an e-book from your public library?

The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, a non-profit research organization in Washington, DC, is conducting an online survey of public library patrons who borrow e-books.  If you have checked out or downloaded e-books from a public library, please consider taking Pew Internet’s survey, available at the link below.  All responses will be confidential, although your answers may be quoted anonymously in a future report.  The survey should take bout 15 mintues.  This survey is not password protected.  The surveys will be live April 16 through May 18. The report from this survey will available this summer.

To take the survey, visit:  http://libraries.pewinternet.org/participate/survey/e-book-borrowers

The Pew Internet Project will also be doing broader surveys of public library patrons general, as well as people (including non-library-users) who own e-readers or tablet computers.  If you want to participate in those, you can sign up to be notified of future surveys.

To learn more about the Pew Internet Project’s research on e-reading and public libraries, which is entirely free and available to the public, visit libraries.pewinternet.org.


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