Code of Ethics

Arapahoe Public Library Board

Ethics Policy

The Arapahoe Public Library is dependent on the trust of its community to successfully achieve its mission. Therefore, it is crucial that all Board members conduct business on behalf of the Arapahoe Public Library with the highest level of integrity avoiding any impropriety or the appearance of impropriety. 

Guiding Principles:

  • Board members should uphold the integrity of the Arapahoe Public Library and should perform their duties impartially and diligently.
  • Board members should not engage in discrimination of any kind including that based on race, class, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or belief system.
  • Board members should protect and uphold library patrons’ right to privacy in their use of the library’s resources.
  • Board members should avoid situations in which their personal interests, activities or financial affairs are, or are likely to be perceived as being in conflict with the best interests of the Arapahoe Public Library.
  • Board members should avoid having interests that may reasonably bring into question their ability to carry out the obligations of their position in a fairimpartial and objective manner.
  • Board members should not knowingly act in any way that would reasonably be expected to create an impression among the public that they are engaged in conduct that violates their trust as Board members or employees.
  • Board members should not use or attempt to use their position with the Arapahoe Public Library to obtain unwarranted privileges or advantages for themselves or others.
  • Board members should not be swayed by partisan interests, public pressure, or fear of criticism.
  • Board members should not denigrate the organization or fellow Board members in any public arena.
  • Board members will recognize the need for trust as the basis for team building and shared leadership in all interactions regarding the Arapahoe Public Library. It is each member’s responsibility to make decisions on issues before the Board and reach conclusions only after deliberation and full public debate with fellow board members.
  • Board members should attend required regular and committee meetings, read distributed materials and information, and participate in discussions/votes.
  • Board members should accept the responsibility to work with the Library Director and respect the professional expertise of the Arapahoe Library staff and acknowledge that the internal operation of the library system is the responsibility of the Library Director, refer all questions and complaints about library operations to the Library Director and act on such complaints in a public forum only after the Library Director has reviewed them and only if a policy revision is necessary or legal ramifications are involved.   
  • Board members should recognize the need to excuse oneself immediately whenever the appearance of a conflict of interest exists or an actual conflict exists.
  • Board members will participate in official board discussions and decisions, and recognize that authority rests with the whole board assembled in public meetings and make no personal promises nor take any private action, which may compromise the board. Nor when representing the board, promote the special interests of individuals, self, organizations, or political views which may be in conflict with the role of the library to serve the entire public.
  • Board members will uphold all policies adopted by the board. Acknowledge that it is appropriate for trustees to state their opposition during board discussion of an issue, and register their dissent at any meeting. Acknowledge that a dissenting board member may publicly state that he or she dissented on an issue and why he or she voted against it but that he or she should not undermine or interfere with implementation of the final decisions of the board. Agree that if a board member is so strongly opposed to the actions of the Board that he or she cannot support the decision, he or she should consider resignation from the Board.
  • Board members will abide by the Open Meetings Act and will not meet outside of designated board meetings for discussion on topics related to the library, its staff and/or its projects.
  • Board members will support the vision and mission of the Arapahoe Library and embrace the First Amendment, relevant principles of the ALA, and the right of our patrons to pursue knowledge for their enrichment and continued education.


To preserve and uphold the Arapahoe Public Library’s reputation as an organization of unimpeachable integrity, each Board member and employee will sign a “Conflict of Interest” statement and an “Ethics Statement” at the commencement of his/her service.  This will be reviewed yearly during their tenure with the Arapahoe Public Library.


If any Board member appears to be in conflict of the “Guiding Principles” above, he or she will be asked to meet with the Executive Committee to discuss the issue.  The Executive Committee* will make a recommendation to the full board based on their findings. 

*The Executive Committee will consist of the president of the library board and the city council liaison. If the actions in question are those of the board president, the Executive Committee will consist of the city council liaison and another officer of the library board. The library director shall act as an adviser unless it is deemed a conflict of interest.

Procedures for removal of a board member.

Opposing viewpoints are to be expected, but they should never cross the line into becoming obstructive to the organization’s mission. When board members breach into destructive or demoralizing behavior, the rest of the board needs to make a decision about removing one board member for the good of the whole.

Board members may be asked to leave the board for many different reasons. Board members are expected to have exemplary behavior, but that isn’t to say that they are expected to be perfect.

Offenses for removal can include: A conflict of interest in reference to the Guiding Principles, unethical behavior, committing fraudulent activities, disclosing confidential information to the public, harassing staff or board members, being disruptive during meetings, being in violation of the Open Meetings Act, causing sexual harassment, and making sexual advances to other board or staff members, are all situations that can result in the removal of a board member.

Removal by Lack of Attendance

If a board member misses three meetings in a row, they will be given written notice that they are not meeting the standards and expectations of the library board and are no longer a member.

Leave of Absence

In doing due diligence as a listener, the Executive Committee* who has the discussion with the member might find that there is a valid reason for the change in attitude or behavior. Perhaps there were some personal issues regarding the member’s job, family, or health. In this situation, a temporary leave of absence may be a better solution for everyone. If both parties agree that a leave of absence is in order due to a temporary change in a member’s job, family or health situation, it should be temporary and for a fixed period of time. If the member requests a leave that lasts longer than two months, he or she should consider resignation.

The board member who is allowed a leave of absence will not be able to vote on matters during their absence. They will make every effort to stay up-to-date by reading board minutes, financial reports and library reports.

Removal by Resignation

If any board member appears to be in conflict of the “Guiding Principles” above, he or she will be asked to meet with the executive committee to discuss the issue.

If the executive committee finds just cause for the removal of a board member: The board president should schedule a time to talk about the member’s conflicts with the board. Use the conversation to describe the board’s observations without assaulting the member’s character. Ask for feedback about whether those observations are accurate and complete and whether you’ve overlooked anything. Listen to the member’s point of view and offer to help. If an amicable resolution can’t be found, the member will be asked to resign from the board of their own accord.

Removal by Impeachment

Considering impeachment should be reserved for the most serious offenses and situations, or when after following the guidelines from the Executive Committee*, the board member refuses to resign.

This is the approach of last resort. Impeachment occurs when the board votes to dismiss the member from the board.

Prior to the vote, a member of the Executive Committee* should clearly state the reasons that constitute removal by impeachment. Incidents that happened and the steps that were taken to address the situations should be documented, recorded, and stored.

If the Executive Committee* finds just cause for the removal of a board member: The board president should schedule a time to talk about the member’s conflicts with the board. Use the conversation to describe the board’s observations without assaulting the member’s character. Ask for feedback about whether those observations are accurate and complete and whether you’ve overlooked anything.

A two-thirds majority is needed to dismiss a board member.

*The Executive Committee will consist of the president of the library board and the city council liaison. If the actions in question are those of the board president, the Executive Committee will consist of the city council liaison and another officer of the library board. The library director shall act as an adviser unless it is deemed a conflict of interest.

By my signature, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the policies and procedures laid forth in the Arapahoe Public Library Board Code of Ethics.

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Library Director

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City Council Liaison

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