
Approved February 2024 by Board Members: Benita Adams, Carrie Farner, Donnie McCorkle, Patrick Magorian and Kylea tenBensel.



The following policies were prepared by the Arapahoe Library Board to serve as a directive of the board as to the operational policy of the library.  The Board unanimously adopts the mission statement of the American Library Association, the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement of book selection and controversial materials. *See Appendix.  These objectives and policies will be examined annually at a regular board meeting and may be revised at any time by action of the Library Board.


The general objectives of this public library shall be:

  1. To assemble, preserve, and administer, in organized collections, books and related educational and recreational material in order to promote the communication of ideas and to enrich personal lives.
  2. To serve the community as a center for reliable and accessible information.
  3. To support educational, civic, and cultural activities of groups and organizations.
  4. To provide opportunity and encouragement for children, young people, and adults to educate themselves.



User Privileges

  1. Service will not be denied or abridged because of religious, racial, social, economic or political status.
  1. The use of the library or its services may be denied temporarily for due cause. Such cause may be failure to return books or to pay fines, destruction of library property, disturbance of library patrons, or any other objectionable conduct on library premises. See III. Safety and Patron Behavior Policy.

Opening Hours. The library shall be open as follows:

Monday-1: 00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Tuesday-10: 00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday-1:00 p.m-5:00 p.m.

Thursday-1:00 p.m. to 7.m.

Friday-1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Saturday-9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

The library director will determine special openings or closings of the library. (Inclement weather, etc.)


  1. The library will be closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Day, and Christmas Day. If a holiday falls on a Sunday, the library will be closed the following Monday.

Checkout and Renewals

All items are set for auto-renewal, unless an item is on hold for another patron. One day prior to its due date, the system will automatically renew an item for another two weeks. Patrons are only allowed one automatic renewal, after which they must return the item/s or make contact with the library to take further action.

  1. DVD Policy

1.1. Borrowers must have a valid library number, and patrons with the ‘Student’ designation aren’t allowed to check out DVD’s.

  • There is no charge to check out DVDs.

1.3. Only THREE (3) DVD’s per family or household will be checked out any time.

1.4. A $1 fine will be assessed for late charges per disc per day for a maximum of $3 max per DVD.

  • Up to a $3 fine will be assessed for damaged sleeves and DVD pouches.

1.6. Repair costs will be assessed if a disc is returned with scratches or damages from but not limited to dirt, sand, food or other substances or strong odor such as smoke.

1.7. Patrons may purchase a NEW replacement for a damaged DVD if they have the approval of the Library Director and if the replacement is an exact match to the original item that was lost or damaged.  The DVD must come in its original, unopened packaging. A $3 processing fee will be due with the replacement to cover the cost of the sleeve and DVD pouch.

1.8. No one under seventeen (17) years of age will be allowed to check out a DVD unless parental consent is given to the attending librarian who will designate this permission in the KOHA system. This applies to all movies no matter the rating.

1.9. Once parents give this parental consent and it has been noted in the KOHA system, parents assume all responsibility for the items checked out to the family members in their household.

1.10. The library will post signage, explaining the ratings.

1.11. DVDs may be returned to the front desk or in the DVD drop located by the west door. DVDs put in the drop by their due date are considered on time if returned before the Library opens the next business day,

1.12. DVDS may be renewed once unless there is a waiting list for the videos.

1.13. The patron is responsible for returning DVDs in good condition. In case of loss, theft , or damage, the patron will be charged the full replacement cost of the disc.

1.14. DVDs should be kept in a cool, dry place. Avoid storage in direct sunlight, near sources of heat or in areas of extreme cold (such as in a vehicle during winter).

1.15. All copyright laws must be followed. Duplication of discs isn’t allowed. These movies are for personal use only.

  • The loan schedule is as follows:

Day Borrowed                           Day Returned

Monday                                   Thursday

Tuesday                                   Friday

Wednesday                             Saturday

Thursday                                 Monday

Friday                                      Monday

Saturday                                  Tuesday

Checkout, Renewals and Fines Continued with Books

  1. Book Policy

2.1. Books shall be issued for a two-week period and can be renewed once unless on hold for another patron.

2.2. No daily fines will accrue.

2.3. All books must be returned in good condition. Replacement and processing fees will be assessed to the patron’s account for items returned with damages. Damage includes but is not limited to: water damage, burned or ripped covers or pages, broken or loose bindings, ripped or removed barcodes or spine labels, dirt, sand, food, or other substances adhered to materials, underlining , highlighting or scribbling, insects or strong odor such as smoke.

2.4. If a book is lost or not returned, the replacement fee will be assessed to the patron’s account.

3. Periodicals

3.1. Magazines shall be issued for a two-week period and can be renewed once unless on

hold for another patron as is recognized by the KOHA system.

3.2. No daily fines will accrue.

3.3. All magazines must be returned in good condition. Replacement and processing fees will be assessed to the patron’s account for items returned with damages. Damage includes but is not limited to: dirt, food, or other substances adhered to materials, or odor such as smoke.

3.4. If a magazine is lost, fees will be assessed or determined by the Director based on age of magazine with a minimum charge of $1 and not to exceed $8.

4. Cake Pans

4.1. Cake pans shall be issued for a two-week period and can be renewed once unless on hold for another patron as is recognized by the KOHA system.

4.2.  No daily fines will accrue.

4.3. All cake pans must be returned in good condition. Replacement and processing fees will be assessed to the patron’s account for items returned with damages. Damage includes but is not limited to: scratches, dents, dirt, food, or other substances adhered to materials, or odor such as smoke.

4.4 If a cake pan is lost, fees will be assessed or determined by the Director based on the item with a charge of up to $25.

Fines and Fees

  1. DVDs shall be charged $1.00 per day per item, and maxing out at $3 per DVD. These charges are assessed automatically by the ILS. A two-day grace period is given for every item. No charges are assessed for Sundays or Holidays.
  2. Once $15.00 or more is accrued in late charges or fees, the system will not allow checkouts of any kind. Patrons must pay their fines in full for checkouts to be allowed.
  3. If a patron is accruing fines, but has not reached the $15 maximum allotment, they are still allowed to check out items.
  4. A patron can pay down their fine to under the $15 maximum allotment to allow for checkouts, however this patron’s account will be flagged by placing a message in the system. If fees aren’t paid in full within 30 days, services may be temporarily denied.
  5. Items will be given a Lost status when overdue for 28 days. Patrons will be charged the full replacement cost assigned to that item and their account will be restricted until action is taken. If an item is returned in good condition, the Lost charge will be automatically waived.
  6. Any person failing to return books or other library materials, due to their loss or destruction will be assessed a fine as indicated above until notification of such to the library. This person will also be assessed the replacement cost of the material and any incurred expenses in replacing the material.
  7. Library privileges may be suspended at the discretion of the librarian, until such fines are paid or material replaced. Privileges include but are not limited to: DVD checkouts, use of Overdrive and/or checking out any print or non-print material.
  1. Patrons signed up for our email notification service will receive three email notifications from the library. The first is sent three days prior to items being due with a friendly reminder that items are coming due and will automatically renew if not returned, one after items are overdue and the third a week after items are due asking for items to be renewed or returned
  2. Patrons are also contacted as needed by the library staff and Director inquiring after materials. If there is still no response, a letter or email from the Director is also sent asking for the return of items or the payment of fees. If after three attempts of written documentation have been sent from the Director and there is still no response, patrons will lose all privileges to check out any items from the library.

Patron Categories

  1. When added into the KOHA system, patrons will be assigned one of the following categories: Arapahoe Resident, Arapahoe Student, Arapahoe Senior, Arapahoe Staff and APL Blocked.
  2. Under the category of Arapahoe Resident, each patron is assessed charges for lost items as stated previously for each item type. Residents are charged $1 during their initial processing and will not accrue membership fees after that time. Residents may check out any item in the library. Under this designation falls any adult patron who lives in or near Furnas County, not just the city of Arapahoe.
  3. Library Cards are renewed each year at no cost to the patron. Staff will confirm the patron’s contact information at the time of renewal.
  4. Under the category of Arapahoe Student, patrons are not allowed to check out DVDs. This student card can only be used when the Arapahoe Public School is visiting the library during the school year or for a project or assignment for the school. These patron cards are assigned once a student enters the Fourth Grade. Upon turning 18, students can pay $1 to have their category changed to Resident. There is no charge for this Student card. Student cards do not accrue overdue fines, but will be assessed replacement fees once an item is Lost or if it is damaged.
  5. Patrons living at Prairie Pines will be assigned to the Nursing Home category. These patrons are not charged a late fee, but will be assessed replacement fees once an item is Lost or if it is damaged. These patrons can check out any item at the library, but when checking out DVDs, staff at the respective residences will be notified.
  6. The Staff Category is assigned to all staff members and allows for extra checkout time. Overdue fees aren’t assessed, but will be assessed replacement fees once on item is placed on lost.
  7. APL Blocked will be assigned to patrons who have a poor checkout history which includes but is not limited to losing items, not paying fees or fines promptly, claiming they returned items that can’t be found. The Library Director will assign this category. These patrons can not check out DVDs. They may only check out 3 items at a time. The Director has the right to remove them from Overdrive. Patrons may be removed from Blocked status after one year of good checkout history as determined by the Director.

Computer and Internet Use

The Library provides free computer access including access to the internet, Microsoft Office products, the Library catalog, electronic databases, selected other software applications, and educational games.  The Library also provides wireless access to the Internet (Wi-Fi) for patrons who have their own computers and equipment outfitted for wireless connectivity.

Computer Use

  1. Equipment may be used on a first-come, first served basis.
  2. Time is allotted for one-half hour blocks. Patrons may be allowed more time at the discretion of the librarian on duty but not to exceed more than two hours per day, per person.
  3. In case of damage to the equipment, patrons will pay the cost to repair or replace the equipment or software.
  4. There is no fee to use the computers. Patrons will pay $.15 per black and white copy and $.50 per each color copy, including mistakes on their part.
  5. If a patron’s behavior is disruptive or destructive, the librarian has the right to ask the patron to leave the premises, and computer privileges may be suspended.
  6. Only librarians will turn the equipment on and off, or restart a computer.
  7. Patrons are responsible for reporting any difficulty with equipment.
  8. The library will put forth its best effort to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities.
  9. Library staff cannot be responsible for in-depth training on the Internet and other computer programs but will make their best effort to answer simple questions. Patrons may request one-on-one with staff for more instruction at a designated time if applicable.

Internet Policy

The Arapahoe Public Library offers free wireless internet access that is available for public use. The Library provides access to the internet to connect the public to the world of ideas and information, and to provide equal access to that information for all individuals in the community. This policy applies to all use of Arapahoe Public Library’s wired or wireless internet service, whether privately-owned or Library-provided devices are operated.

Library staff members may request that individuals cease to view or listen to works that threaten the safe and comfortable environment of the library or interfere with the conduct of library business, in accordance with Arapahoe Public Library’s Behavior Policy.

Use of the library’s computers is also governed by the library’s Patron Behavior policy, which prohibits:

Loud conversation,

Playing audio equipment loud enough to disturb other patrons,

Abusive language or behavior, and

Engaging in disruptive conduct which interferes with other patrons using the Library.

The Library reserves the right to end an internet session at any time if it is violating any of the above rules or if the patron is violating any terms of the Patron Behavior Policy.

Patron Responsibilities

As with other library materials, individuals must accept responsibility for evaluating the content of resources they view, read, or listen to.

Patrons handling financial transactions or other activities that require confidentiality do so at their own risk. The Internet is not a private environment and security of electronic communication cannot be guaranteed

Patrons are urged to respect the sensibilities of others when accessing images that may

reasonably be offensive to someone else. Privacy while using the Internet in the library cannot be guaranteed. There exists a possibility of inadvertent viewing by others.

Each user is responsible for complying with copyright law and adhering to software licensing agreements, as well as all local, state, and federal laws including, but not limited to, those concerning fraud, privacy, or obscenity.

Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials without the explicit permission of the copyright holder, except as permitted by the principles of fair use.  Responsibility for any consequences of copyright infringement lies with the users.  The library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.

Use of the Library’s Internet connection in an illegal, disruptive, or destructive manner may result in the loss of Internet or Library privileges.

Security for personal wireless devices rests solely with the owner. Library staff members may provide guidance for accessing library materials and services with privately-owned devices, but they do not provide technical support for the device itself.

Children’s Use of the Internet/Computers

Internet/Computer Access by Minors (children under 18)

The library participates in the federal E-rate funding program and complies with the requirements set forth by the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), opens a new window.

Parents and guardians are responsible for monitoring their child’s Internet sessions. Filtering software may not be able to filter all information that parents and guardians may deem harmful to minors.

The Library has neither the right nor the responsibility to act in place of a parent, guardian, or caregiver, and assumes no responsibility for the use of the internet by minors.

III. Safety and Patron Behavior Policy

No person shall engage in inappropriate conduct on the premises of the Public Library or when participating in Public library programs.

Inappropriate conduct shall include any individual or group activity which is disruptive to other people lawfully using Library premises or otherwise inconsistent with activities such as reading, studying, proper use of library materials, computers and other similar conduct normally associated with a public library.

The Library Director and other staff members to whom the Director delegates the authority (and whom are on duty at the time) shall have the responsibility for enforcing the Behavior Policy and determining when behavior in the library is inappropriate.

  1. Support of Staff Members Actions

Library staff members who have acted on their best judgment in confronting a person will be supported by the Library Director and the Library Board as long as they have followed written policy.  Any staff member who observes or receives complaints of inappropriate behavior may:

  • Handle the problem directly with the patron. Staff should use their judgment as to whether the situation requires assistance from another staff member.
  • Immediately telephone 911 if the situation is of a severe / violent or emergency medical situation.
  • Contact the Library Director if the situation is of a nature that staff member chooses not to confront patron.

In all cases the Library Director should be notified as soon as possible when the staff member confronts a library user who violates the Library Rules.

  1. Incident Reports

A written incident report must be filed in all cases when it was necessary to call for outside help and in other situations in which the administration and staff should be informed because of possible repercussions.  Copies of all reports will be kept on file.  In addition to written reports, staff members are encouraged to talk through upsetting incidents, and to share their knowledge of possible problems with the Library Director as soon as possible. The Library Director will report all incidents to the City Office.

  1. Inappropriate Conduct

The following types of disruptive behavior will not be tolerated in the library:

  1. Any behavior that endangers the safety or health of others.
  2. Violation of any local, state, or federal law.
  3. Vandalism or deliberate destruction of library materials.
  4. Theft of library materials or the personal property of other patrons and staff.
  5. Taking library materials into the lobby or restrooms if the materials have not been checked out.
  6. Use of abusive or intimidating language or gestures to patrons or staff members.
  7. Behavior that is willfully annoying, harassing, or threatening to another person.

(Harassment is defined as any action taken or situation created intentionally to produce psychological or physical discomfort, embarrassment, or ridicule.  Harassment is characterized by requests for sexual contact, unwelcome physical advances, or conduct (verbal or physical) of a nature that is intimidating, demeaning, hostile, offensive, or potentially dangerous to self or others.)

  1. Soliciting  of any kind and/or asking for signatures on petitions
  2. Monopolizing library resources or staff time.
  3. Use of the library telephone for personal business, unless in an emergency or a request for transportation
  4. Loud talking, laughing, or using audio equipment or cell phones that disturbs or could disturb other patrons.
  5. Use of skateboards, roller blades, skate shoes, or scooters inside the library or on library property.
  6. Inappropriate dress, such bathing suits and wet clothing or not wearing a shirt or shoes in the library.
  7. Use of alcohol, cigarettes, or illegal substances in the library or on the property.
  8. Eating or drinking beverages in the main library.
  9. Poor hygiene that constitutes a nuisance.
  10. Invasion of personal space.


The library staff reserves the right to ask a patron to leave the library for any of the reasons listed above. The library staff reserves the right to ask a patron to leave the library for any behavior deemed inappropriate in the opinion of the staff scheduled that shift. The Library Director should be notified immediately and an incident report must be filed.


After staff consultation regarding repeat, and/or major behavioral problems, and it is determined that the person should be banned:

*Director will make a recommendation to the Library Board detailing the reasons for the proposed banning.

*Director will provide a written notice to the patron being banned.  This notice will include; the period during which the patron shall be banned from the library; the reasons for the determination; term of the ban which will be set at a regular library board meeting, depending on the nature and the seriousness of the offense which required removal, the extent of damage or disruption caused, and history of prior infractions of library policies.

*The staff will be notified in writing of the reasons for and length of the banning.

*The Director and the library board may review or reconsider the decision upon written request of the patron within 30 days, and may shorten or terminate the banning period if information submitted by the patron warrants such modification.

In cases where a policy violation occurs involving a child under the age of 17, the staff will give the child two warnings.  If the behavior continues, the library director will call and inform the parents that their child may not return to the library for a stated period of suspension and explain the circumstances.  Parents of minor children may be held responsible for any damages caused to library materials or computers by their child.

If the child continues to cause disruptive behavior in the library, the child and parents or guardian must meet with the director to review policy rules before the child can return to use the library.


Any person who enters or remains on library premises after having been notified by an authorized individual not to do so, and any person who enters or remains on the library premises during the period in which he or she has been banned from the library, will be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing.

All staff members have the right to contact the Furnas County Sheriff’s Department to ask for assistance, report the behavior, or to call 911 in an emergency situation.

F. Unattended Children Policy

For a variety of health and safety reasons, young children cannot use the Library without a caregiver’s supervision. In an effort to protect children and to provide all customers with a facility that is safe, pleasant, and conducive to Library use, the following guidelines must be observed:

If a child is attending a Library sponsored event, they must adhere to the rules and parameters established by the library staff. If these aren’t followed, library staff will contact a parent/guardian.

It is not the responsibility of the library staff to provide parental care. No child should be left unattended by their caregiver unless they’re an attendee of a library program and that particular program has advertised that parental care is not necessary during that time period.

The caregiver is responsible for the behavior and supervision of children in their care while at the Library.

The Library reserves the right to contact parents, guardians, or proper authorities if minors are left unattended, require supervision, or are unable to adhere to the Patron Behavior Policy.

Staff will make a written report regarding any incident involving children.

Caregivers should be aware of Library opening and closing times and make suitable arrangements to meet and transport children. In the event that a minor aged 16 or younger is left after the Library has closed, and no one can be contacted to provide transportation, the staff will call the Furnas County Sheriff’s Department for assistance. Library staff will not transport children home or to any other destination under any circumstances


Patrons whose bodily hygiene is so offensive as to constitute a nuisance to other persons shall be required to leave the building.  When the problem is corrected, patrons may re-enter the library.


The police will be called when a patron attempts to steal or maliciously destroy library and/or personal property (belonging to staff and/or patrons.)  The library will prosecute anyone who steals or maliciously destroys library property. When other illegal activities (e.g., Indecent exposure) are committed by a patron, the library will prosecute.


An emergency situation can be defined as any situation in which a person’s actions present an imminent danger to the life or safety of him-herself, others or to library property.  Such incidents may include assault and other crimes of violence, or the threat or attempt to commit such crimes.  Call the police immediately if such behavior should occur.


If the person is conscious, offer help and try to get identification.  Remain calm, supportive, sympathetic, and see that the person is comfortable.  Keep other people away.  Call 911 and meet rescue squad to direct them to the accident.  A person who wishes to leave the library, obviously not well, cannot be stopped by a staff member.


In case of inclement weather, such as tornadoes, staff will alert the patrons and direct them to the storage room area.  The circulation desk will close.  In case of unattended children, staff assumes “Loco Parentis,” and directs them to shelter. Staff are not responsible for the decisions made by a patron in these circumstances.


Staff will call 911 and evacuate building.   In case of false alarm, staff members will call 911 and report such activity.

Staff Procedures for Patron Behavioral Violations :

 Enforcement of these regulations may take the form of any of the following, depending on the severity of the misconduct, which will be determined by the staff on duty at the time.  These disciplinary procedures are guidelines.  The library may implement any procedure listed, including an immediate ban from the library premises at any time.

Minor Disruption:  In the case of a minor disruption, the library patron will receive two warnings.  If the behavior continues, the patron may be asked to leave the library for a stated period of suspension. Staff needs to document the disruptions with an incident report.

Extreme Misconduct:  In the case of any misconduct that, in the judgment of a staff member, is extreme, the offender may be given only one warning, may be ordered to leave the library immediately for a stated period of suspension, or the police may be called.

Guidelines for Dealing with difficult patrons:

  1. Remain friendly and calm in addressing the patron situation.  Identify yourself as a library employee.
  2. Do not touch the patron.
  3. Discuss the issue with the patron away from other patrons in the library if possible.
  4. The staff member can give a copy of the library’s written policy to the patronif needed.
  5. If the patron refuses to leave the library after being asked to do so, or becomes abusive or aggressive, the staff member may call the local law enforcement and ask that law enforcement escort the offending patron from the library premises.
  6. Any incident of policy violation must be documented by the director or staff with the date in which the incident occurred and a brief description of the incident.


  1. Collection and Procurement
  2. The library director shall be responsible for the selection and purchase from the mass of available materials, those books and materials which best meet the needs of the community.
  3. Each acquisition shall be coded to identify purchase and original ownership by the Arapahoe Public Library.
  4. Services of the Public Library
  5. The library will provide guidance and assistance for people to obtain the information they seek.
  6. The library will initiate programs to stimulate the use of library materials for the enlightenment and enjoyment of people of all ages.
  7. The library will co-operate with civic and community agencies and organizations to help them with program materials.
  8. The library will supplement, but cannot perform the functions of the school and other institutional libraries, which are designed to meet curriculum needs.

Customer Service Policy

Customer service is a top priority of the library. All library customers will be treated promptly and respectfully without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, disability, language proficiency, social or economic status.

  1. Staff members are responsible for providing the best customer service possible and are empowered to make decisions that will ensure the best experience for each customer while balancing the needs of the individual with the overall needs of library customers.
  2. When answering the phone, a library employee will identify themselves and the name of the Library.

3.Staff will assist customers on a first come, first served basis to the extent possible without infringing on the service needs of other customers.

4. Staff members will enable successful library use by assisting customers with the library’s resources and equipment.

5. In cases where the library’s resources are not sufficient to meet customer demand, staff will offer interlibrary loan service or refer customers to other libraries with more appropriate collections.

6. A customer with complaints about the service received or about library policy shall be referred to the senior staff on duty at the time or to the library director.

Interlibrary Loan

  1. The library board recognizes that no single library can meet all demands in its community. Because of this, advantage shall be taken of inter-library loan services. This service allows patrons to borrow materials that are not available on the library’s shelves. This Includes: Books, Audio Books DVDs.
  2. The cost is $2 per item. Students and teachers of the Arapahoe Public School will pay the full cost of shipping the items back to the lending library.
  3. Borrowers are responsible for any overdue charges, damages to items, or lost items. Charges for lost or damaged items are determined by the loaning library.
  4. ILL users must have their account in good standing with a good check-out history of six months, and may only have 5 ILLs in progress at any one time unless given approval by the Library Director.
  5. The Arapahoe Public Library has no control over the length of time it takes for ILL items to arrive. Many variables are involved, such as: availability, lending policies of the loaning libraries and number of libraries that own the item.
  6. The due date and opportunity for renewal is determined by the loaning library. If a renewal is needed, the request must be made 1 week before the item’s due date. An item may be renewed only once.

Digitized Microfilm Collection and Maintenance

The Advantage Company of Cedar Rapids, Iowa digitized the microfilm collection of the Arapahoe Public Library in 2015. The Advantage Company agreed to adhere to the guidelines of the NE Library Commission for digitization. The Library obtained copyright permission from the Arapahoe Public Mirror to digitize this collection and make it available to the public. (See NLC Guidelines IN APPENDIX).

  1. Patrons may access every year of the microfilm collection while on the premises of the Library. Patrons may only make copies or reproduce this information for their own personal use.
  2. For personal use only, patrons may also access the years 1879-2000 from their homes or anywhere an internet connection is available via http://arapahoene.advantage-preservation.com/
  3. The Arapahoe Public Library Board sees the importance of maintaining this collection and makes it a goal of the Library to carry out the preservation of Arapahoe’s history.
  4. The microfilm reels will be donated to the NE State Historical Society for preservation.

PERSONNEL: All employees of the Arapahoe Public Library are city employees and follow the Policies of the city of Arapahoe.

  1. Employment
  2. Selection of staff members is based solely upon merit, with due consideration of personal, educational, and physical qualifications of training and aptitudes for the position, regardless of race, color, creed or sex.
  3. Job applications shall be filled out and submitted to the Librarian. The Board will review all applications and hire employees as needed.
  4. The Library Director shall have the sole charge of administration of the Library under the direction and review of the Board. The Director shall be held responsible for the care of the building and equipment, for the employment and direction of the staff, for the efficiency of the Library’s services to the public and for the operations of the Library under the financial conditions set forth in the annual budget.  The Library Director shall attend all Board Meetings.
  5. All employees will be directly responsible to the Library Director for their work requirements and conduct while on duty for the library.


  1. All salaries paid to employees of the library shall be set by the Arapahoe Library Board and approved by the Arapahoe City Council.
  2. All personnel will be paid bi-weekly with deductions made according to the city payroll policy.
  3. Salary increments are at no time automatic. The Arapahoe Public Library Board will discuss staff salary each year in June at their regularly scheduled board meeting.
  4. Refer to City of Arapahoe Personnel Policy for additional information.


  1. The Library Director has the right and authority to recommend to the Board, dismissal from the staff any employee whose attitude, professional ethics and conduct of performance of duties warrant such action. In each case the employee shall have the right to present his/her case both to the Library Director and to the Board.
  2. All employees may be dismissed for the following reasons but dismissal may not be limited to these specific reasons: inefficiency, incompetence, fraud, negligence, failure to work harmoniously with the public or other employees, conviction of a felony or misdemeanor, repeated tardiness or absence without leave.
  3. After recommendation and hearing, the final decision regarding termination shall be made by the Board of Trustees.


  1. The Library Board requires a written resignation at least 14 days prior to the effective resignation date. Any other manner of resignation will not be regarded as a “resignation in good standing.”

Staff Benefits

  1. While performing duties for the Library, all employees are covered by the Workman’s Compensation Policy of the City of Arapahoe.
  2. Job descriptions and requirements may be reviewed and changed by a majority vote of the Board at any regularly scheduled meeting of the Library Board of Trustees.
  3. Detailed descriptions for each position are listed in the Job Description for Librarians.


  1. Conventions, Meetings, Continuing Education and Travel:
  2. The Library encourages the attendance of Director, staff members and trustees at professional meetings, conventions, conferences, and continuing education classes. When possible time will be allowed, with pay, for Director and staff members to attend.
  3. Library funds will pay mileage for one car, registration fees and expenses for Director, staff members and trustees to attend state and system library meetings.
  4. The current rate/mile set by the City of Arapahoe will be paid for mileage.
  5. Attendance at any of the above mentioned meetings must be approved by the Board.
  6. With pre-approval from the Director, staff are encouraged to engage in online classes, attend webinars and practice their skills during their shifts.


  1. The library may pay state and national association dues for the Library staff. Dues may be paid for members of the board to the State Library Association with approval from the Library Board.



  1. All publicity concerning the Library shall be under the direction of the Library Director, who shall inform the public of the services that the library performs and its activities. The Library Director shall serve as a public relations agent between the library and the community.

Public Relations

  1. The Board recognizes that public relations involve every person who has any connection with the library. The board urges its own members and every staff member to realize that he or she represents the library in every public contact.  Good service supports good public relations.

Exhibits, displays, bulletin boards

 Bulletin Board

  1. A community bulletin board is available to non-profit, advocacy, and/or civic organizations sponsoring charitable, cultural, educational, and/or recreational events and to profit-making groups sponsoring these types of events in the public interest.
  2. Prior to posting, all notices must be brought to the attention of the Library Director.
  3. Each notice must include the name, address, and telephone number of a contact person.
  4. The Library does not accept notices that are judged to be illegal or inappropriate for public viewing in a place that is free and open to people of all ages.
  5. A decision not to accept a notice may be appealed to the Arapahoe Public Library Board. The Boards’ decision is final.
  6. Notices may remain posted for as long as information is current.
  7. Notices posted become Library property and will be discarded when information is no longer current or at the discretion of the Library Staff.
  8. Items to be posted must be neat and clearly readable and must not exceed 11”x17”.
  9. Arrangement of the board(s) is the responsibility of Library Staff.
  10. Notices posted in violation of this Policy will be removed and discarded.

Public Displays and Exhibits
The Library functions as an intellectual and cultural resource for the community.  Exhibits and displays are a means through which the public can share experiences, appreciate special interests and exchange information.

  1. Exhibits are accepted at the discretion of the Library Director.  The Library has the right to review the materials before the exhibit is installed.
  2. The fact that an organization or person is permitted the use of a Library Display space does not in any way constitute an endorsement of their policy or beliefs. In general, the Library does not accept exhibits of a purely commercial nature, unless they have a special education, informational or cultural value to the community.
  3. The Library does not accept any material being offered for sale to the public unless the proceeds directly benefit the Library and has been approved by the library board.
  4. The Library does not accept displays that are judged to be illegal or inappropriate for public viewing in a place that is free and open to people of all ages.
  5. A decision not to accept materials for an exhibit may be appealed to the Arapahoe Public Library Board of Trustees.  Their decision is final.
  6. All exhibits and displays must adhere to the following guidelines:
  7. Exhibit space must be reserved in advance.
  8. Displays are generally placed for a period of up to four weeks. Display space may be requested for up to four weeks in any twelve-month period to be approved by the Director.
  9. Every effort is made to assure the safety of displayed materials, but the Library will assume no responsibility for the security of items on display.
  10. Exhibit materials may be discarded, if not claimed within 30 days.
  11. A notice, stating the following, is to be posted with each exhibit: The material within this exhibit is the presentation of [the individual or organization responsible for the exhibit].  The Library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoint of any exhibit or exhibitor.



  1. The Library Board of the Arapahoe Public Library recognizes its circulation records and other records identifying the names of library users with specific material to be confidential in nature. Library staff has been trained and are instructed to follow the guidelines as stated in the Patriot Act.
  2. All librarians and library employees are advised that such records shall not be made available to any agency of state, federal, or local government except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local laws relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative power.
  3. The Board shall resist the issuance or enforcement of any such process, order or subpoena until such time as properly showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction.
  4. (Point of above paragraph means that upon receipt of such process, order, or subpoena the Library Board will consult with their legal counsel or the city attorney to determine if such process, order, or subpoena is in proper form, and if there is a showing of good cause for its issuance. If the process order or subpoena is not in proper form or if good cause has not been shown they will insist that such defects be cured.)
  5. For full intent of policy refer to Nebraska State Statute 84-712.5 (records withheld).

Collection Development Policy: Labeling, Weeding, Maintenance

Purpose: The purpose of the Arapahoe Public Library Collection Development Policy is to guide the library director and to inform the public about the principles upon which selections are made.

A policy cannot replace the judgement of the library director, but stating the intended policies will assist the staff at the Arapahoe Public Library in choosing from a vast array of available materials.

The Library sets as its major goals in materials selection: The advancement of knowledge, the education and enlightenment of the people of the community, and the provision of recreational reading.  Basic to the policy is the Library Bill of Rights as adopted by the American Library Association, and states among other things:

As responsibility of library service, books and other reading matter selected should be chosen for values of interest, information and enlightenment of all the people in the community.  In no case should any book be excluded because of the race or nationality or the political or religious views of the writer.   There should be the fullest practicable provision of material presenting all points of view concerning the problems and issues of our times—international, national and local; and books or other reading matter of sound factual authority should not be posted or removed from the library shelves because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

Responsibility of Material Selection

  1. The responsibility for book and material selection rests with the Library Director. Ultimate responsibility rests with the Board of Trustees which they delegate to the Library Director.
  2. Objectives of a Materials Selection Policy
  3. The primary objectives of materials selection shall be to collect materials of contemporary significance and of permanent value. The Library will always be guided by a sense of responsibility to both present and future in adding materials, which will enrich the collections and maintain an overall balance.  The Library also recognizes an immediate duty to make available materials for enlightenment and recreations, even though such materials may not have enduring interest or value.  The Library will attempt to provide a representative sampling of all areas of interest and will not attempt to acquire all books and other material on any one subject.
  4. The Library recognizes that many items are controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selection will not be made on the basis of any anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely on the merits of the work in relation to building a well-rounded collection and to serving the interest of the reader.

Guidelines for Selection

  • To build a collection of merit and significance, material must be measured by objective guidelines. All acquisitions, whether purchased or donated, are considered in terms of the following standards. Clearly, however, an item need not meet all of the criteria in order to be accepted.
  • When judging the quality of materials, several standards and combinations of standards may be used, as some materials may be judged primarily on artistic merit, while others are considered because of scholarship, value as human documents, or ability to satisfy the recreational and entertainment needs of the community.General criteria to be considered.

General criteria to consider:

  • Suitability of physical form for library use.
  • Insight into human and social conditions.
  • Suitability of subject and style for intended audience.
  • Present and potential relevance to community needs.
  • Appropriateness and effectiveness of medium to content.
  • Importance as a document of the times.
  • Relation to existing collection and other material on subject.
  • Reputation and/or significance of author.
  • Attention of critics, reviewers, and public.

Specific criteria for the Evaluation of works of information and opinion:

  1. Comprehensiveness and depth of treatment.
  2. Clarity, accuracy, and logic or presentation.
  3. Statement of challenging or original point of view.

Specific criteria for the evaluation of works of imagination:

  1. Representation of important movement (literary or social), genre, trend, or national culture.
  2. Vitality and originality.
  3. Artistic presentation and experimentation.
  4. Sustained interest.
  5. Effective characterization.
  6. Authenticity of historical, regional, or social setting.

General Demand as a Criterion:

  1. Items having widespread demand may or may not meet the general and specific criteria contained in this policy. However, demand is a vital factor in selection, and it shall be considered an important factor in cases as books on best seller lists for which there is persistent local demand.
  2. The collection must contain the various positions expressed on important, complicated, or controversial questions, including unpopular or unorthodox positions. The Library does not promote particular beliefs or views.  It provides a resource where the individual can examine issues freely and make his own decisions.

Gifts, Bequeaths and Memorials

  1. The Library may accept unrestricted gifts of books, pamphlets, periodicals, films, records, and the like with the understanding that they will be added to the library collection only if and when needed. The same principles of selection, which are applied to purchases, are applied to gifts.  The Library Director does have the right to refuse any items.  Some gifts we may not be able to use to full advantage because:  (a)  Book may be a duplicate of an item of which the library already has a sufficient number, in which case we will sell the book for a small fee or give the book away.  (b)  Book may be interesting, but not of sufficient present reference or circulation value to the library which must scrutinize every book with shelf space in mind.  (c)  Book may be in poor physical condition—would not justify expense of processing, cataloging, and preparing it for circulation.
  2. All memorial and gift books added to the collection will include, upon request, an appropriate book plate identifying donor and purpose of donation.
  3. The Library Board will gratefully accept unrestricted gifts of money, lands, or property. Gifts or bequests with specific restrictions attached will be reviewed by the Board before acceptance, and be held by the Arapahoe Public Library Foundation. Change last sentence to: These types of gifts will be donated to the Arapahoe Public Library Foundation as stewards of library donations and bequests.
  4. The Library Director shall notify the Board each month of any gifts received and all gifts shall be acknowledged.


  1. Materials which are no longer useful in the light of stated objectives of the library will be systematically weeded from the collection according to accepted professional practices using the CREW Method: Continuous Review, Evaluation, and Weeding as a guideline.
  2. Weeding will be done on a continuous basis and under the guidance of the Library Director who will use their professional judgement throughout the process.
  3. Materials no longer useful may be sold for a small fee, taken to a used book warehouse, given away or destroyed.

Maintenance of Collection

  1. Duplication- The library will avoid, for the most part, duplication of titles. If demand is heavy, a duplicate copy can be purchased if necessary. The extent of duplications will be determined by need, budget, and proximity of other collections. In the case where multiple copies of a title are needed, the request will be sent through the inter-loan system if applicable.
  2. Replacement- The library will not automatically replace all books withdrawn because of loss, damage, or wear. The need for replacement will depend upon demand for a specific title and the extent of adequate coverage in the particular subject area.
  3. The Director will give a priority to replacing the “classics” and items of special interest to our library patrons, if these items are still available in print.

User Needs

  1. The Library acknowledges that each person has information needs that are important to that individual. It also recognizes that it has limited financial resources to respond to these needs.  The Library has a responsibility to use public funds in ways that are advantageous to the largest number of its constituents.  While the library’s materials collection will not deny any need consistent with its objectives, the Library will nevertheless develop its collections with the recognition that it has the ability to meet certain needs more effectively and efficiently than other needs.  It is aware of the availability of information-giving institutions in the region and will use these resources when possible.
  2. The Library recognizes three general categories of user needs. These categories are designated as “Higher Priority, “Mid-Priority” and “Lower Priority”.  The Library will develop its collections to meet all the needs in all three categories, but it will place relatively greater emphasis upon meeting the needs in the higher priority category.

Higher Priority

  1. Adult leisure time
  2. Students enrolled in elementary/secondary programs
  3. Pre-school leisure time


  1. Persons seeking do-it-yourself information
  2. Persons who want to confirm information received from another source
  3. Persons pursuing self-realization (spiritual, moral, ethical, emotional and psychological concerns)
  4. Youth Leisure time
  5. Young adult leisure time

Lower Priority

  1. Students enrolled in college/university programs
  2. Persons seeking career information
  3. Persons seeking understanding of interpersonal relationships
  4. Student enrolled in adult basic education programs


  1. The Arapahoe Public Library uses spine labels and genre stickers to assist patrons and staff in the process of finding items on the shelf, and shelving items upon their return.
  2. Rating systems are not used with the exception of ratings found on DVD case artwork of which was assigned by the Classification and Rating Administration (CARA) of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA).
  3. While books in the Juvenile and Young Adult sections of the library are labeled with the Accelerated Reading points system, they are not organized nor classified via these labels.


Objection and Directives

  1. Any objection about material within the collection must be addressed to the Library Director using the form “Request For Reconsideration of Materials” which will be provided for the complainant (See Appendix). The Library Director and the Library Board will then review the complaint and the material.  A meeting will then be held with the complainant.
  2. Responsibility for the material selected by children rests with their parents/legal guardians. While the librarians can provide suggestions, they do not restrict selection of materials, by children, from the adult collection.  There is a great possibility that children may obtain materials their parents consider inappropriate.
  3. Library materials are not marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents, and no book or other material is sequestered, except for the purpose of protecting it from injury or theft.


The primary use of the Arapahoe Public Library’s facilities and grounds is that of a public library. When designated areas are not in use for library functions these areas may be used by groups and persons, regardless of their beliefs or affiliation with the following provisos: *See Appendix for Community Room Agreement Form

  1. The Library retains the right to cancel any meeting reservation granted to an outside organization for operational reasons. The Library will give as much notice of a cancelled reservation as is feasible. A reasonable attempt will be made to provide an alternative time or space. As practice, priority will be given as follows:
  2. First priority will be given to Library-sponsored events. In prioritized order.
  3. The fact that a group is permitted to meet in the public library does not constitute an endorsement by the library of the group’s beliefs, policies, or programs.
  4. The Library assumes no responsibility for personal belongings or organizational equipment in connection with the use of interior or exterior space.
  5. The Arapahoe Public Library may not be used as the address or headquarters for any group.
  6. The Library reserves the right to deny or terminate the use of its facilities if the user’s activities are disruptive to library customers or staff, result in disorderly conduct, or constitute a violation of the Patron Behavior Policy.
  7. Staff are given permission to use the community room four times a year with no fee if there are no other conflicting events.

XII. Tobacco Free Policy

Patrons are prohibited from using any tobacco products in the Library or within 25 feet of the entry to the Library, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, electronic cigarettes, vapor products, oral tobacco, and nasal tobacco.  It also includes any product intended to imitate tobacco products or deliver nicotine.  Tobacco does not include any device or substance approved for cessation of tobacco use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Patrons using tobacco products on the Library’s property will be given a warning. Repeated offense of this policy could lead to loss of library privileges.

XIII. Social Media Policy

The Arapahoe Public Library will make use of social networking sites such as Facebook and the website of the Arapahoe Public Library in order to keep the patrons of the Library and the community of Arapahoe, NE updated on current programs and offerings. Other material that may have significance to the library community may also be posted at the discretion of the library director.

  1. Due to the concern for potential problems, the use of social media sites by the Arapahoe Public Library will be closely monitored by the library director.
  2. Updates will be posted by the Director or by someone appointed by the Director.
  3. Updates to social media sites will occur in a timely manner and accounts will be checked and updated on a regular basis.
  4. Arapahoe Public Library will advertise its use of social media sites to make the public aware of this avenue and to allow patrons to receive information about the library and library services.


The Arapahoe Public Library Board of Trustees was established in March of 1921.


  1.  The management and control of the Arapahoe Public Library shall be vested in the Arapahoe Public Library Board, which is the policy forming body of the institution.
  2. The Board of Trustees is made up of five members each serving four year terms. Names are suggested to the Arapahoe City Council, by the Board of Trustees, who confirm or deny the Trustees.
  3. A President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at the first meeting in January.
  4. Duties of the President are to preside at meetings, appoint committees, call special meetings, perform all duties of a presiding officer, and be the legal representative of the Board. The President may vote on all issues.
  5. Duties of the Secretary are to keep minutes of all meetings, send thank you notes (unless this duty is appointed to another member), and handle any other correspondence, which may be necessary.
  6. Duties of the Treasurer are to meet with the City’s Finance Committee during budget meetings, assist the Library Director with financial questions, and be familiar with the monthly financial reports. All board members accept the responsibility of fully understanding the library’s budget and it’s financial matters.
  7. The Historian will be appointed by the President. Duties are to keep pictures, articles and other items of historical interest compiled in scrapbooks. A board member doesn’t have to take this specific role, a recommendation can be made for an individual outside of the library board members.
  8. A Liaison to the Friends Group will be appointed. This member will attend both the meetings of the Arapahoe Public Library Board and the Arapahoe Friends of the Library. They along with the Director will relay the needs of the library to the Friends group and report the business of the Friends Group back to the Board.
  9. A Liaison to the Arapahoe Public Library Foundation will be appointed. This member will attend both the meetings of the Arapahoe Public Library Board and the Arapahoe Public Library Foundation. They along with the Director will relay the current business of the library to the foundation and report the business of the foundation back to the Board.


Regular meetings will be held on the second Monday of each month. Special meetings may be called as needed.  Three members constitute a quorum.

Order of Business

  1. Call the Meeting to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Time for Public Comment (10 minutes total)
  4. Reading of minutes
  5. Correspondence and communication
  6. Report of Treasurer
  7. Report of Librarian
  8. Old business
  9. New business
  10. Announcements
  11. Adjournment


The purpose of this policy is to determine the Library Board’s role in advocacy for the Arapahoe Public Library. In accordance with Nebraska State Statutes 51-205 through 51-216, the Arapahoe Public Library is under the management and control of its Board. Policies set the framework for the governance and operation of the library and provide direction to board and staff. The policies are the tools for achieving the library’s purpose and advancing the mission.

Responsibility for Implementation:

The Arapahoe Public Library Board members and staff are responsible for knowing, understanding and complying with the policies of the library. The Arapahoe Public Library is a public library, therefore, all board members and staff shall keep in mind the best interest of the community it serves.


As described, Advocacy is a planned, deliberate and sustained effort in support of an idea, cause and an effort to raise awareness of the library and its causes.

Board Advocacy:

The board shall seek to ensure that:

  1. The community is aware of the importance of the library.
  2. The city officials respond to the needs of the public library.
  3. The budget will reflect the use of advocacy tools.

Advocacy targets:

  1. Community:
  2. The board shall work collaboratively with staff to build and maintain good relationships with individuals and community organizations to ensure continued support for the library
  3. State and Federal Levels of Government
  4. The board shall work collaboratively with staff and other board members to bring issues forward relating to public libraries at the state and federal levels of governments and ensure support of the library.
  5. City Council or local government
  6. The board shall work collaboratively with the City Council on a continuous and consistent basis to ensure the support of the library.

Hiring of Employees

  1. The Library Director is appointed by the Board of Trustees, employed by the City of Arapahoe, and under the supervision of the Board of Trustees.
  2. The Library Director shall hire other employees as necessary with referral from the Board of Trustees.

Protection and Insurance

  1. The City of Arapahoe will provide legal assistance in defending any action of the Arapahoe Public Library Board, administration or staff, provided that action was undertaken in the best interest of the library and in the belief it was proper and legal


PURPOSE:  The Library Board establishes this financial policy to ensure fiscal accountability, appropriate use of funds in support of the Library’s mission and goals, and compliance with appropriate laws and ordinances and City of Arapahoe policies.


    1. The Library Board shall establish an annual budget according to City guidelines and submit it to the City Clerk for inclusion in the City’s budget.
    2. On an annual basis, all Library funds, expenditures and revenues will be audited as part of the City’s audit.  Any notes or communications from the City’s auditor regarding the Library shall be communicated with the Board.


  1.   The Library Director will present a monthly financial report showing the status of all accounts and funds.  The City Clerk provides the monthly financial reports to the Director and the Treasurer of the Library Board for the Library Board’s review and approval. These reports include: monthly payroll, monthly transaction listings, monthly balance of the Super Now account and the income statement showing expenditures from each budgeted line item.  The Director will present a list of all expenditures for review and approval by the Board Members at each regular monthly meeting.


  1. Monies received as revenue by the Library from overdue fines, copies, inter-library loan, book sales, book reimbursement, memorials and other shall be considered petty cash.
  2. Library staff will implement petty cash for use when immediate payment or reimbursement for a purchase or service is required. Petty cash funds will also be used for postage, programs, and other miscellaneous items.
  3. A monthly report of petty cash revenue and expenses shall be given to the Library Board by the Director.

Disposal of property

  1.   Withdrawn library materials, materials donated but not added to the collection, and small items of library equipment may be sold annually to the general public.  Monies from the sale of items mentioned will go directly to the petty cash fund.  Materials deemed by staff to be unfit for sale may be discarded.
  1. Accounts : Super Now


Friends of the Library Policy 

For the purposes of this policy, the Friends of the Library may be referred to as the Friends and the Arapahoe Public Library Board may be referred to as the Board.

General Principles

1.1. The Friends of the Library of the Arapahoe Public Library is non-profit organization of volunteers who aim to:

  1. Assist and support the goals of the Library, including advocacy for the public library system
    b. Establish closer ties between the Library and its community
    c. Promote knowledge of, and interest in the functions and resources of the Library and;
    d. Assist in raising funds for special projects beyond the scope of the Library budget.

1.2. The Board acknowledges the importance of the volunteer service provided by such organizations as the Friends of the Library group.

1.3. The Board does not supervise the activities of The Friends, however the goals and objectives of the Friends organization shall not conflict with those of the Arapahoe Public Library Board.

1.4. The Friends of the Library group will abide by all Board policies.

1.5. The Friends of the Library group will recognize the Board’s right to govern and the management’s responsibility to deliver library service.

1.6. In order to maintain open communication between the Library Board and the Friends group, a liaison elected by the Arapahoe Public Library Board and/or the Library Director will attend both Library Board and Friends of the Library meetings.

1.7. The Arapahoe Public Library Board acknowledges that The Friends is distinct and separate from the Library, and neither the Friends as an organization nor any member or participant thereof may assume any liability or take or authorize any act on behalf of the Arapahoe Public Library.

1.8. Complete advance information regarding all Friends of the Library projects shall be provided to the Library Director and/or the Board appointed Liaison and the Arapahoe Public Library Board.

1.9. The Board reserves the right not to participate in any Friends projects.


2.1 Operating expenses of the Arapahoe Public Library are provided through allocation of tax monies set by the City of Arapahoe. Friends’ funds and Library funds shall not be commingled or integrated, except gifts from Friends may be accepted by the Library. Such gifts shall become solely the funds of The Library but shall be expended for the specific purpose for which the gift or donation has been made by The Friends.

2.2. Friends of the Library fundraising projects shall not be taken on without the prior knowledge of the Library Director and The Board. Prior to planning an event, the Friends will meet with the Director of the Library and the Liaison to discuss current needs not met by The Library’s current budget and how to collaborate their efforts to meet those needs.

2.4. All funds raised by the Friends of the Library, and all items purchased with these funds, are the property of the Arapahoe Public Library. Funds may be used to enhance the services at the Library or to purchase items for the Library.

2.5. All money from fundraising efforts, such as bake sales and other fundraising events will be handled by Friends of the Library Volunteers. Staff cannot collect or keep money on behalf of the volunteers, except when designated to do so under the direction of the Library Director and the executive of The Friends.

2.6. In the event the Arapahoe Public Library becomes the custodian of any Friends funds, those funds shall be kept as separate “funds” for audit and bookkeeping purposes.

2.7. The Friends shall not give any money raised to any other individual, group or initiative outside of the Arapahoe Public Library. Approval of such a gift must be given by the Arapahoe Public Library Board.

Ongoing Responsibilities

3.1. Friends of the Library groups are required to meet at least once a year.

3.2. An annual report shall be forwarded to the Arapahoe Public Library Board. It shall include a list of the executive members of the Friends of the Library as well as a financial statement. This report should be submitted shortly after each year end.

3.3. The executive of each Friends of the Library will ensure that all necessary reports and statements are prepared and filed in a timely fashion.

3.4. Friends my set their own terms of reference, goals and objectives so long as they do not conflict with those of the Arapahoe Public Library Board.

3.5. Friends must have a minimum of four active members within their group. This includes a Chair and a Treasurer that is not a library staff member.

Library Responsibilities

4.1. Meeting space for Friends’ meetings and special events will be provided subject to space availability.

4.2. Because the Friends is an organization comprised solely of volunteers distinct and separate from Library personnel, staff time and administrative support will be provided as deemed appropriate by the Library Director or delegated staff member during activities held at the Library.


5.1. If a Friends Group cannot fulfill the policy requirements and/or the decision to disband is reached by the group, then the group may disband.

5.2. In order to disband, groups need to send a Letter of Intent to the Library Director, submit financial documents for the previous year and transfer assets to the Arapahoe Public Library.

5.3. The group must show proof to the Library that the Friends’ account is no longer active.

5.4. The Arapahoe Public Library Board has the right to require a Friends group to disband at any time should they be found in contravention of the policies and procedures of the Arapahoe Public Library.

Resignation of Membership

6.1. To be considered an active member of The Friends, members are asked to attend meetings on a regular basis and/or to actively communicate with the Executive of the group, and to participate in Friends’ activities on a regular basis. The Executive of The Friends will be responsible for discernment of who is or is not being an “active” member. If an individual isn’t considered active, they may be given the option to resign. This matter will be handled by the Executive of The Friends.

6.2. If any individual of The Friends has a personal agenda that is in conflict with the policy of the Arapahoe Public Library Board, as determined by the Board, that member can be asked to resign.

6.3. If an Executive of The Friends is found to have a personal agenda that is in conflict with The Board or is found to be irresponsible with the handling of funds, this individual will be asked to report to the Board. If the issues cannot be resolved, the Executive will be asked to resign and will no longer have permission to handle any funds on behalf of The Friends. The Director of the Library and the Board Liaison will work with the remaining members of The Friends to appoint a new Executive.


Mission & Priorities of the ALA:


The ALA Constitution  states the purpose of ALA as, “The object of the American Library Association shall be to promote library service and librarianship.” The stated mission is, “To provide leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.”


The best reading, for the largest number, at the least cost.

(Adopted 1892; reinstated by the ALA Council, 1988)


In 1998 the ALA Council voted commitment to five Key Action Areas as guiding principles for directing the Association’s energies and resources: Diversity, Equity of Access, Education and Continuous Learning, Intellectual Freedom, and 21st Century Literacy. With the development of a series of strategic plans, beginning with ALA Goal 2000ALAction 2005ALA Ahead to 2010, these principles have expanded to eight Key Action Areas, which are supplemented by ALA Ahead to 2015, the Association’s current strategic plan.

Library Bill of Rights

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.

  1. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
  2. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not e proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

III. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.

  1. Libraries should  cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
  2. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
  3. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs of affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

Adopted June 19, 1939.

Amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948; February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; and January 23,1980; inclusion of “age’ reaffirmed January 23, 1996, by the ALA Council.

ALA’s The Freedom to Read Statement:


Guidelines for Nebraska Libraries Considering Newspaper Digitization Projects

Considerations before Starting a Project
· Has it already been digitized? : Check the Nebraska Newspapers: Digitizing Nebraska’s History
website http://nebnewspapers.unl.edu/
· Copyright: If the newspaper is still protected by copyright (published in 1923 and later),
permission in writing is required from the legal owner. Permission may depend on how the
library plans to make the images accessible (i.e. limited access via a library computer or public
access via the web).
Digitization Process
It is strongly recommended that the library outsource the project to a vendor instead of doing it with
library equipment, staff or volunteers. The best practice is to digitize from silver halide microfilm.
· If you want your newspaper to be added to the Nebraska Newspapers: Digitizing Nebraska’s
History website view participation criteria http://nebnewspapers.unl.edu/info/about/adding
· If the needed issues have been microfilmed, contact Mary Woltemath (402)-471-4776
mary.woltemath@nebraska.gov at the Nebraska State Historical Society about the process for
working with a vendor to borrow silver halide reels from the Society.
· If the needed issues (usually recent years) are not available on microfilm, the project budget
should include having the vendor produce microfilm before digitizing.
If possible contact several vendors for quotes and references. It is recommended that vendors provide a
written quote indicating that the work will be done according to the following:
· Scanning at 300-400 dpi resolution in 8-bit grayscale
· Production of uncompressed TIFF images and JPEG 2000 derivative images
· De-skewing of pages that are off by more than 3%
· A separate image file for each page (if microfilm has two pages as one image)
· Creation of a logical naming convention for image files so that consecutive pages can be
easily retrieved
· OCR (Optical Character Recognition) files and indexing for the images to make them
keyword searchable. Ask the vendor what the accuracy percentage will be.
· Back-up services: who is responsible once the images have been delivered if the hard-drive
crashes or files become corrupted? If the vendor does not keep a copy for future access, the
library should have back-up plan.
It is recommended that libraries require vendors to provide the following products:
· A searchable database of the OCRd images on a hard drive accessible on a library

Uncompressed TIFF images and JPEG2000 images that the library can use in the future.
· Copies of any microfilm produced by the vendor for the project.

Nebraska Library Commission, 02/06/19/2014

(Copied from the NLC website on 1/04/23).


Please describe the material in question:Title:____________________________  Book: ­­­­_____  DVD: ______ or  Audio: _____

Author: ___________________________Publisher and Date:­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________________________

Complainant’s information
Patron’s Name: __________________________________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________

Email address: ­_______________________________________Represents: ____Self ___Organization

If complainant represents an organization:
Name of Organization: ________________________________

Address of Organization: _______________________________

Name of officer/person in charge: _____________________________________

Please complete the following questions. Feel free to use additional paper if more
space is required.

  1. How did you learn of this item?
  2. What are your objections to this item?
  3. What harm do you feel might be the result of reading, viewing, or hearing this item?
  4. Did you read, view, or hear this entire item? ____Yes ____No
    If not, what parts did you read, view, or hear?
  5. Is there something worthwhile in this item?
  6. Have you read any professional reviews of this item? ____Yes ____No

If so, please list the names of critics and sources of reviews.

  1. What do you believe are the main ideas of this item?
  2. What do you think was the author’s purpose in writing this item?
  3. In view of the author’s purpose, would you say the author succeeded or failed?
  4. What item with a similar purpose would you suggest in place of this item?



Additional Comments:

Patron Signature: ____________________________________

Printed Name: ______________________     Date: _______________

Received by (staff member): ______________________________

Library Meeting Room Agreement

Library Meeting Room

Print Your Name: ________________________________

Date of Rental: __________________________________

Check in time: ____________

Check out time: ____________

Contact phone number: __________________________

Rental fee is payable by cash or check.

Please write two checks or pay in cash. If paying by card, the renter will need to pay at the City Office. Staff need to alert the city office of this situation prior to sending a renter to their office.

  1. $50 to the City of Arapahoe for using the room.
  2. $50 to the Arapahoe Public Library for the refundable deposit. This check/cash will be returned to the key holder, or check shredded within 30 days of the event, if the facilities pass inspection.
  3. If keys are lost or not returned, deposits are kept.

By signing below, you agree to the terms of rental as posted on the following page/s:


Signature of renter

  ____________________________________ Date: ___________________


Rental fees will be collected in advance. Reservations are not firm until rental fees are collected. There will be no refunds.

Verification of identity and address will be required of all persons requesting facility rental. A valid driver’s license will normally suffice for this purpose. If such identification is unavailable, other suitable means will be required at the discretion of the Arapahoe Library staff.

Basic cleaning will be the responsibility of the renter following use of the meeting room. Including taking out trash, sweeping, spot mopping. Wipe down tables, chairs and counters using soap and water only.

Do NOT affix decorations to the ceiling, walls, TV etc.


Keys must be picked up at the Arapahoe Public Library during regular business hours. No City or Library staff will be available, beyond regular open hours, to issue keys which a renter may have neglected to pick up.

Keys may be returned to either the Arapahoe Public Library (during regular business hours), or to the Book Drop located on the East side of the building accessed through the drive-up lane.

Rules for meeting room usage:

No alcoholic beverages of any kind will be allowed on the premises. Smoking is prohibited at all times. No grilling on the premises.

Renters will be responsible for returning the meeting room to the condition in which it was found. Chairs and tables should be wiped down with soap and water, garbage picked up, etc. The floor should be free of debris after use.

Only service animals are permitted. In case of severe weather, seek shelter in the bathrooms.

The Library assumes no responsibility for articles or equipment belonging to renters or participants that are lost, stolen, or damaged during the rental period. No storage space will be provided.

The renter accepts financial responsibility for any and all damage caused to the building or equipment beyond normal wear. The renter will be responsible for any charges incurred by the group.

Minors can’t be left unsupervised for any reason.

Failure to adhere to any of the above policies is sufficient grounds for refusing further rental to any person or group.

The Arapahoe Public Library Board and the Director of the Arapahoe Public Library reserves the right to deny rental of any library facility or part thereof to any individual and/or group.

I understand that security cameras monitor the premises.

A copy of these instructions are posted on the refrigerator.

The Policy of the Arapahoe Public Library has been reviewed and approved by the Arapahoe Public Library Board on February 13th, 2023.

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