Summer Reading Winners
Libraries Transform

Help us Celebrate National Library Week! We’re offering the following: April 11th: Facebook 101. Need help with Facebook? Join one of our free training sessions. Morning session is 10 AM-Noon. Afternoon session is 1-3PM. Class size is limited. Call the library to register. April 12th: Lego Club for Everybody: APS’s Kin-8th…
Genealogical Research Tools
The digitized archives of the Arapahoe Mirror along with various editions of newspapers from Holbrook and Edison are once again available to researchers for their personal use anywhere they have internet access. The years from 1879 through the year 2000 may be accessed at Patrons may visit the library…
New to Overdrive?
Does your child need to read a book and take an AR test? Are you traveling somewhere and want to listen to a new audio book? Or maybe you just want to try something different that we don’t carry on our shelves? Try Overdrive! If you have an electronic device…
Grandparent and Special Friends’ Day
Super Hero Training Has Begun!

Keeping their hidden identities secret, our summer reading participants avoided the lasers, went through the minefield, crawled through the bat cave, were found worthy enough to wield Thor’s hammer and rescued the teddy bear from the hot lava! And we read a book! On Monday, we’ll meet again to meet…