2020 Summer Reading Program
Covid-19 is not going to stop our Summer Reading Program! Please watch our Facebook page for details about how to sign-up for activities to-go, storybook walks and scavenger hunts around town. We will use our on-line program Read Squared to log reading minutes. We have a surprise for our kiddos…
Browse our shelves from home!
Did you know you can see what the library physically has on the shelf without even walking in the door? Yes you can! Visit our website here: https://arapahoe.pioneer.kohalibrary.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl You can browse from home, then call us to pull the items from the shelves for you! We can arrange a time…
Holiday Bake Sale a Success
Thanks to the Friends of the Library we had a successful bake sale! Lots of goodies and treats were graciously donated for the cause, and they disappeared just as quickly! Thanks to the Lee family for bringing a roaster full of chicken soup that was sold out in 30 minutes!…
Holiday Bake Sale
Save the Date!
On March 28, 2020, the 2nd Annual Arapahoe Gala will be held at the Ella Missing Community Center with the proceeds going to the Arapahoe Public Library Foundation. Would you like to reserve your table for the 2020 gala? Folks are already asking to reserve their spots, and we would…
Cardboard Boat Races!

Have you registered your two-person team for the annual Cardboard Boat Races? Who will be the Chuck Norris Champion? And who will sink like the Titanic? The library loves sponsoring these races along with treats from DeVries Furniture and Floor Covering. Be sure to pick up your registration form at…
Thank you to our Community
If you google the definition of community, it will highlight a special area in Furnas County Nebraska. The First Annual Arapahoe Gala was held on April 6th and on behalf of the Arapahoe Public Library Foundation and the Arapahoe Public Library Board-we thank you! The generosity and goodwill displayed in…
Safety and Security
Safety and Security. Two words people might not consider when they think about a public library, unless you work at a public library! In the larger metropolis of Grand Island there is a sign posted in the bathrooms prohibiting bathing and doing laundry. Violators of this policy may lose their…
CCCFF Grant Awarded
Example of children and adults sharing space The Arapahoe Public Library along with the City of Arapahoe was awarded a matching grant from the Civic and Community Center Financing Fund in April of this year. The (CCCFF) grants are awarded to municipalities and administered by the Nebraska Department of Economic…