Jeff Barnes, Humanities Nebraska Speaker, presented “The ‘Mad’ Queen of the Prairie” at the Atkinson Public Library to a wonderful crowd of seventy-seven children and adults. Barnes, who has spoken at the library many times, has published multiple books on the history of Nebraska, which are all available for checkout at the library.
The library hosted a Fall Scavenger Hunt from October 9 through the 14th. There were 130 participants that hunted to find the sixteen items hidden all over the library!
The Atkinson Public Library held Easter Crafts for Kids at the library. Throughout the week there were 129 crafters coloring wood Easter egg cutouts, and coloring and putting together paper Easter baskets, which were then filled with “grass” and candy-filled eggs!
The Atkinson Public Library’s K-8th Grade Art Show, featuring art from West Holt and St. Joseph Schools, is on display now through March 14. There are 289 wonderful and colorful projects on display – stop by the library to take a look at this huge display of local talent!
Last week so many children stopped in to search high and low all over the library for the sixteen items on the Valentine Scavenger Hunt – in all, 112 hunts were completed and turned in for prizes!
Atkinson Public Library’s Valentine Crafts for Kids found children cutting, and gluing, and spreading the love! Cute “stained glass” hearts and LOVE hangings were assembled by 134 children throughout the week.