A year ago the library board and I discussed the possibility of updating the libraries lights. Dan Baker came to our library and reviewed our options and gave us an estimate of what we could expect for costs. Later, when asked by an anonymous donor if we had any ideas for how the library could benefit from a donation, we had an answer! We are so incredibly grateful for this donation and for River Valley Services for making this project a reality.
Here is a picture of what we had before:

River Valley Services finished installing the new light fixtures in the older section of the library yesterday and today was a perfect rainy, gloomy day to come to work and see them!
Here is the new:

They are super simple and super bright. They are LED, use less energy and should not need to be replaced for a long time. And maybe my favorite part is that they are all working…they are all on! I am pretty sure I have never been in this library with all the lights working. I love them and hope you do too!
Stop by and check the lights out…and a book or DVD too! It is a perfect day for a good book or movie.