

The mission of the Franklin Public Library is to provide free access to books, audiovisual materials, programs, technology and other resources to serve the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of all residents of the community.

The following policies were prepared by the Board of Trustees of the Franklin Public Library.  The purpose of the policies is to ensure that fundamental organizational processes are performed in a consistent way that meets the library’s needs and to establish the procedures necessary to fulfill the policies.

Library Use and Borrowing Policy

Customer Service Policy

Circulation Policy

Public Internet Access, Computer Use, and Safety Policy

Confidentiality of Patron Records Policy

Public Behavior, Safety, and Emergency Policy

Collection Development Policy

Gifts-Memorials Policy

Finance Policy

Public Records Policy

Public Relations Policy

Registration For A Library Card

Makerspace Policy

Unattended Children Policy

Suggestion for Purchase

Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials