The North Bend Library is located in North Bend, Nebraska. The town was founded in 1893 and the library has been enjoying a new building since May 2012. We were previously housed in a historical Carnegie Library that was built in 1913. North Bend is a town on the Platte River in East Central Nebraska with a population of 1,250. We have 3 part-time library staff and 3 library substitutes. Thanks for visiting and feel free to contact us.
Library Mission Statement
The North Bend Public Library provides opportunities to explore, learn, create and connect.
Library Hours:
Monday – Thursday, 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Friday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Library Phone and Fax Number
Email address
Who We Are
Amy Reznicek
Amy has been with the library since the Fall of 2010 and the Director since 2013. She lives in the North Bend area with her husband Tim. They have two children.
Faith Renard
Mary Meyer
Katy Jenner
Jade Barnes
Jan Vopalensky
Library Board and Foundation
The Library Board of Trustees is a group of citizens responsible for the governing the library. These members are appointed by the Mayor, approved by the City Council and are a vital link between the library and the community.
Chris Gross-Rhode, President
Bob Hines, Secretary
Julie Kelberlau, Treasurer
Cheyenne Chromy
Jim Dodge
The North Bend Library Foundation is a nonprofit community Foundation founded in 1984. It’s purpose is to promote, facilitate, and implement collaboration between public and private funding sources in support of ensuring outstanding public library services in North Bend for today and in the future.
Foundation Members:
Melissa Cody, Chairman
Jennifer Karnantz, Vice-chairman/Treasurer
Cheryl Kavan, Secretary
Bob Hines
Julie Kelberlau
Chris Gross-Rhode
Jim Dodge
Cheyenne Chromy
Friends of the Library
How Can I start the Friends group at the library?
Contact the Library. At this time the library does not have an organized Friends Group. Anyone wanting information on how to start it back up or start the group fresh please contact the library director.
Who are the Friends?
The Friends are a group of individuals who believe the library offers a great wealth of information and activities. They may be the book lover, avid reader, researcher, learner advocate or activities supporter.
What is their purpose?
Their purpose is to promote and support all aspects of the library and to provide financial support where needed.
Who determines what the Friends do?
The group meets now and then to talk about special projects or interests and then makes a plan for success.
What type of projects do the Friends support?
Host an annual Christmas Tree Display
Host fund raisers
Provided financial support in the construction costs of the existing library.