Sargent Newspapers are back online!

Great news! The Sargent newspapers are now back online and searchable!

This archive contains all of the newspapers up through the year 2004. Advantage Archives are currently working on digitizing the newspapers up through 2011. With an additional $570 in donations, we will be able to update our archive to the year 2019. If you would like to donate, you can do so online, or mail to:

Friends of the Sargent Township Library
P. O. Box 476
Sargent, NE 68874

Get the Sargent Newspaper Archive Updated and Back Online

The Sargent Library is asking for your help to get the Sargent Newspaper archives back online and accessible to everyone.  After looking at different options, we have decided that the best solution is to have our newspapers hosted by Advantage Archives.

Currently, 25 other Nebraska libraries or communities have their newspaper archives on this website. The result is nice looking and professional. Here is an example from the Nebraska City Newspaper Archive. Advantage Archives

Once the archives are online again, people will be able to search the Sargent Newspapers from the years 1892 – 2004.

The cost to put the archive online is a one-time fee of $1000. In addition, it would be nice to update our archive to have the Sargent Leader digitized for the years 2005 – 2019. The cost to add these 15 years will be $1572.00.

Therefore, our goal is to raise $2572.00. (However, we will be able to put the newspapers online again as soon as we reach $1000.00.)

People can donate online by credit card by going to

If you prefer to mail in your donation, make your check out to “Friends of the Sargent Township Library” and mail to P. O. Box 476, Sargent, NE 68874

Donations to the Friends of the Sargent Township Library are tax deductible.

September 14, 1933

The library is open with restrictions

  • No more than 4 patrons are allowed into the library at one time (because this is a small building.)
  • Masks are encouraged but not required. Everyone must use hand sanitizer when entering.
  • No children under the age of 14 may come into the library unless accompanied by an adult.
  • Patrons may stay no longer than 30 minutes.
  • Computers are to be used for research purposes only – no games.
  • Please do not enter if you or anybody in your household has been sick or running a temperature within the last week.  Please wait 10 days from symptom onset, plus 72 hours symptom free before visiting the library. 
  • Patrons can still call 308-527-4241 or email to reserve books and have them placed on the front step for pick up.

Our open hours are:

Monday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Wednesday 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Saturday – 9 a.m. to Noon

The Sargent Township Library reserves the right to modify (stricter or loosen) these restrictions based on Health Care Directives from the Loup Basin Public Health Department. You are using the Sargent Township Library at your own risk. The Sargent Township Library is not responsible if you contract any infectious disease, including coronavirus. We are taking these precautions to protect our librarian and our patrons.

Library to check out books this Wednesday 4/1/20

Are you getting tired of only reading digital books? On Wednesday, April 1st, I will be at the library from 2:00 till 5:00 pm to check out books. No one will be allowed in the library, but I will take orders via email or over the phone 308-527-4241 (leave a message if I’m not there). I will then place your books on the front step in a bag with your name on it.  You can send requests for specific books, or you can just give me a general request like “six picture books about animals” or “two Nora Roberts books”. All books should be returned to the drop box.  For your safety, all returned books will be quarantined for three days before they are placed back into circulation. Our book collection is now online and fully searchable. Sargent Township Library Catalog

Sargent Township Library card catalog

The Spanish Flu 1918

Here’s an interesting newspaper article from the Sargent Leader dated October 24, 1918. Notice how the article recommends people to “build up their powers of resistance” by taking Tanlac tonic. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1916, Tanlac is described as the “sky-rocket in the pyrotechnics of fakery”.

Free ebooks and audio books for all ages

Tumblebooks is offering free access for public libraries to several of its online book collections through Aug 31 due to the COVID-19 crisis. These collections include 1000s of popular books, and you don’t need a library card or authentication to access them. You can access all of the books immediately with no check outs or holds. Click a link below and start exploring.

K-6 children’s ebook database

K-6 math ebook database

7-12 ebook database

All ages audio book database

A huge collection of steamy Romance novels for the older crowd!

This is only a sample of the many books available.

Sargent Library To temporarily close

In light of the COVD-19, to ensure the safety of our citizens, the Sargent Township Library will be closed until further notice. Patrons can still check out eBooks and audio books online through OverDrive
Our library does have Wi-Fi, so you may access the service 24/7 from the curb or outside bench using your laptop.
Everyone take care and stay healthy, We will get through this.

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