Senior Hour!
Hello there, Seniors! We’ve set aside 10-11am just for you at the Library. Hopefully, easier browsing and closer parking! 🙂
Serving Schuyler Nebraska and the surrounding Colfax County area.
Hello there, Seniors! We’ve set aside 10-11am just for you at the Library. Hopefully, easier browsing and closer parking! 🙂
We have Summer Reading Program bags, pencils, etc., for any SRP participant who would like them. E-mail Mr. Mike at, or call him at 402-352-2221. Activity sheets are also available!
There is a 10 person limit in the Library. Please browse with intent. We have to share the building with everyone.
So far, our Summer Reading Program participants have read 90 books and 255 minutes. Way to go…this is fantastic!
We will have sanitizer and liquid soap for folks to clean their hands when they come to the library. 20 seconds=kill the germs!
We are planning on reopening on MONDAY, JUNE 22nd at 10:00am! We have some super strict new rules and limited hours and services. Top of the list: you must wear a mask. We can’t wait to see you!
We will be reopening soon, but we will have some strict new rules we need to follow. We will all have to wear masks and wash our hands A LOT.
We can’t wait to see you again!
ScienceTellers video party is starting at 1:30! Dragons!
This month’s Library Board meeting is rescheduled for THURSDAY, June 11th at 5:25pm. It is a Zoom meeting; please contact the Library for the log-in information.
Join us TUESDAY, JUNE 9th at 1:30pm!
Join us for “Dragons: Return of the Ice Sorceress!” A long time ago, in a faraway land, two brave villagers go on a daring journey to release the dragons and save the kingdom from an evil Ice Sorceress. When things don’t go as planned, however, the kids might need to look to themselves — and to science! — for the answer.
ScienceTellers will entertain us with science magic! This is an online event.
Zoom meeting link: Password: science
Everyone is invited!