Genealogical Research

Discover family connections and the stories of South Sioux City’s people, places, and events using the resources in our Sides Genealogical Room.

 Ancestry® Library Edition, distributed exclusively by ProQuest and powered by, delivers billions of records in census data, vital records, directories, photos, and more from countries all over the world

One of the largest, internationally diverse genealogy databases of its kind. It includes historical documents from over 48 countries, historical photos, and other resources that span the past five centuries. 

The South Sioux City Public Library staff offers to help you search for local family history that was recorded in our local newspapers. You may call or email the library with your request, or fill out the form below. For genealogical research requests, we ask that you provide the first and last name of the individual and the date of information you are looking for (such as birth, death, marriage).

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