Mark Your Calendars for April 16

Tuesday, April 16, come out and join the fun at the Stromsburg Public Library! Taxes are done, Spring is here (maybe?) it’s time to get out and enjoy the days to come!

We will be holding our monthly lapsit at 11:00 am for 1-4 year olds and their parents. Lapsits are held the third Tuesday of each month. They are a fun time of reading, rhyming, and singing for parents and children. This month our stories are oldies but goodies with selections from Aesop’s Fables, Mother Goose, and popular fairy tales.

Tuesday night at 7:00, Colleen Pallas will be with us to talk about creating your own herb garden. Information will be given on caring for the herbs, use of the herbs and how to freeze and dry your herbs.


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