One Book, One Nebraska

By Diana Johnson

“You would hear the train whistle from off in the distance . . . and it would send a tingle down your spine.” This quote from the One Book One Nebraska selection for 2014, Once Upon a Town by Bob Greene, describes the passion felt by the residents in and around North Platte for all the World War II servicemen during the war.

Author and journalist Greene wrote the nonfiction book after searching for what he described as the best America there ever was and he found it in North Platte, Nebraska. The book’s subtitle, The Miracle of the North Platte Canteen, emphasizes the author’s admiration for the community’s sacrifices.        During the war American soldiers from every city passed through the small railroad depot on troop trains en route to Europe and the Pacific. Every day of the year for the war’s duration local volunteers staffed and funded the canteen from 5 a.m. until after midnight when the last troop train pulled away. No matter the length of the stop, welcome, food, and friendship were shown to the servicemen.

To acquaint and celebrate this One Book One Nebraska program Stromsburg Public Library invites the community to read this book and join in the discussion February 18, at 7 p.m. at the library. Extra copies of the book of less than 300 pages are available for checkout, easily accessible on the central display area attractively arranged by Assistant Librarian Monica Tidyman.

Owners of Nook ereaders may bring them in Tuesday, February 11, to learn more about its features. Staff can also assist with setting up the necessary accounts to check out digital audiobooks and ebooks from the statewide Overdrive library. A password or pin is now required to access Overdrive. Simply come in or call the library at 402-764-7681 to get the password.

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