A new story time format

One of our most missed activities during this pandemic has been Story Hour. We sorely miss the kiddos that visited us every week, and we have heard the kids miss us too!

Right now, we are playing around with two different formats for story times that are “social distancing friendly.”

Zoom Story Time

One option is to have a live story time via Zoom. We have our dates listed for September, and parents can sign up here. You will be sent an invitation link via email after you sign up. The available dates and times can be viewed on the form.

If a live story time isn’t an option, we are also experimenting with…

Virtual Story Time

This is a prerecorded story time that can be enjoyed at any time. One or two stories are recorded per video to keep the files small and manageable. Miss Megan recorded one last week.

What do you think? Would you prefer we hold story times via Zoom or do your children like to listen to the prerecorded ones? Let us know!

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